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undefined Enigma
"The Worst Nightmare of REALITY."

Name: Enigma

Height: 5'9

Weight: 135lbs

Hometown: Rahway, New Jersey

Faction: New Reality

Fan Status: Face

Theme Song: Disturbed- Meaning OF Life

Trademark Move: Bringing Out the Dead (Fisherman BomB)Purgatory(Dreamer Driver)Coma White (Amittyville horror)Ladder in crotch with chair shot, vertabreaker, headbutt, top rope elbow drop, gut wrech suplex, butterfly suplex, northern light suplex, fisherman suplex, t-bone suplex, piledriver, torture rack/neckbreaker, headbutt to crotch, short powerbomb, dvd/stunner, dragon suplex, pumphandle/bluethunder driver, top rope frog splash, side slam, blockbuster, tornado ddt.

Double Team Moves: Death By Chair, Reality Check, The Thrill Seeker

Finishing Move: Unfolding The Mystery(Impaler) Last Breath (DvD)

Title History: Ladder Match Champion(x3), Current Tag Team Champion w/TeK(x2)

History: Enigma is the first Ladder match champion. He is quite pissed off and he keeps his head on wrestling people. He puts his body on the line to make a pop. He likes to be called the Hardcore Icon because he truely sleeps,breaths,and eats Pain. Him and Oz were the first ever tag team champs. They got them taken by NbW because of a no show. Currently right now Enigma holds the Ladder match championship for the 2nd time he is not taking any prisoners!

"I put my body on the line for the fans."