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.::Unhallowed Desires::.

October 26, 2008
Madison Square Garden
New York City, New York

Live from the Big Apple Unhallowed Desires begins with Trevor Derickson and Chris Macavedi coming out at the top of the ramp and are greeted by booing fans. Trevor tells the fans bad things have happened at Unhallowed Desires in the past and tonight will be no different. C-Mac says Liana’s blood will be spilled tonight and this will be her last wrestling match. Trevor says not even her daddy can save her career tonight

The first match of the night is the noose match between Nathan Holmes and Metalgod who brings out a handcuffed Hannah Holmes in his corner. The match becomes a war between these two superstars. Nathan is busted open with a sledge hammer but as Metalgod tries to hang him he nails the god of extreme with a kick to his groin. After several chair shots to Metalgod’s skull Nathan hangs his opponent in the middle of the ring. Nathan and Hannah are finally reunited as paramedics rush to ringside

A video package for the next pay per view Staying Alive on November 30, 2008. Don’t miss all the top SIW superstars live from the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington

The next match is the highly anticipated double title 4 way diva match involving SIW Women’s champion Tara Michaels, Michelle, Queen Bailey Brown & SIW Lightweight champion Vixen Foxx. First decision is for the women’s champion and the second decision is for the lightweight championship. First fall happens as Queen Bailey whips Michelle out of the ring and drops Tara Michaels with a hurricanranna but out of nowhere Vixen levels her with a spear and pins her to win the women’s championship. Michelle takes control of the match as she drop kicks the new women’s champion out of the ring and knocks out Bailey with a DDT. Michelle and Tara battle back and forth exchanging vicious lefts and rights and Michelle goes for the Playboy Effect only to get it countered into the Kiss Goodnight and gets pinned. Tara Michaels is declared the new lightweight champion but out of nowhere the new women’s champion Vixen knocks her out with the title. Michelle tackles Vixen to the canvas and security is called out to break up the chaos between the divas

Jack Kent surprises everyone as he interviews former EBW leader Grunge who is backstage with old friends to watch the show. Grunge reminds us that the match between himself and Matt Uzi is still on for Road To Glory unless he chickens out

SIW Champion Terror Soule arrives at the arena and says that beating Maurice Bad tonight is not an option, its something he has to do to solidify his legacy as SIW Champion. Maurice Bad appears and gets into a stare down telling Soule that he is not like all the past opponents he has beaten while champion. Maurice tells him he is the “Baddest Man on the Planet” and he’s the next SIW Champion

Mahon Brothers had one last chance at the world tag team championship as they take on Dark Tiger and Asmodeus Macabre. Aidan’s DDT is countered by Tiger into a keylock suplex. Scott gets a near fall as he avoids a corner clothesline by kicking Asmodeus in his face. Dark Tiger breaks the count and Aidan drop kicks his knee. The Mahon Brothers take advantage of Tiger’s weak knee until he can tag in Asmodeus who cleans house. As the champions gain momentum Tiger hits Scott with the Etched in Stone and pins him to retain the championship. After the match, SIW Tag Team champions Jace Parker Davidson & Zach Blain attack the winners of the match and take them out with folded steel chairs. Jace tells the booing fans they are looking at the real tag team champions of the SIW

On January 7, 2009 the SIW will present Wednesday War live on CBS Sports. The classic event will feature members from both brands Brawl and Carnage

SIW the Music Vol 6. Coming January 27, 2008. Experience the SIW’s hottest and newest entrance themes including Jace Parker Davidson, JD Xtreme, Tara Michaels, Marquis Laveaux and many others

The next match is the buried alive match between the derange Mysery and the prince of darkness Marquis Laveaux. Mysery slams Laveaux’s head into the Unhallowed Desires sign and then suplexes him on the entrance ramp. Marquis drags him towards the grave hole but Mysery grabs his head and punches him in his mouth. Marquis is bleeding and things get worse as Mysery strikes him with a shovel. Mysery goes under the ring and pulls out a spiked ball and chain and swings at Marquis but he moves and Mysery strikes the grounds. Marquis clotheslines Mysery and then takes the spiked ball and hits Mysery in the face making him bleed everywhere. Marquis body slams a bloody Mysery into the grave hole and fills it with dirt to win the match

Jessica White interviews Monday Night Brawl General Manager Titan who announces that he has been promoted to vice president of production. However he won’t start his new job till January and till then he has full control of Monday Night Brawl and plans to keep it as the flagship of the SIW. Concerning the next match, Titan pulls out a bucket of pop corn and says he hopes C-Mac beat the living hell out of Liana

Blaire Tiens and his client ”The Wrestling God” Adrian Quake tell the fans that if Quake doesn’t beat Jace Parker Davidson tonight then he will quit the SIW. The fans start a “you suck” chant which makes him even more upset. A staff member tells Quake to “calm down” and Quake nails him with a hard right and whips him into the wall. Quake tells the fans what they just saw was nothing compared to what he is going to do to Jace in the ring. Titan tells Quake he likes what he hears and makes the match a no DQ, no count out

Greg Banks is the referee for the next match between “The Sensational” Chris Macavedi with Trevor Derickson in his corner and Liana Lewis accompanied by her father Tyson Lewis. Liana attacks C-Mac before the bell rings and blinds him with an eye gouge. Liana delivers a t-bone suplex and covers but C-Mac kicks out before three. Trevor gets upset and gets in the apron but out of nowhere Liana hits him with a drop kick and he crashes into the security wall. From behind C-Mac drops her with the Italian leg sweep and covers but Liana kicks out at two. The exciting match continues back and forth until Banks gets crushes in the corner and Trevor slides in a chair in the ring. Tyson grabs him from behind and puts Trevor in a headlock. Trevor pushes Tyson head first into the ring post and then trips Liana coming of the ropes. Liana and Trevor argue and out of nowhere C-Mac swings the chair but Liana moves and Trevor gets it in his face. Liana climbs to the top rope and C-Mac follows. They exchange punches and Liana superplexes C-Mac off the top rope and thru the Spanish table. Both competitors are lay motionless and are counted out. Paramedics are called to ringside and both competitors are taken out on a stretcher

Jack Kent has the honor of interviewing the Heavyweight champion The Living Dead and the #1 contender JD Xtreme before their big match. It’s safe to say this will be the final chapter in their everlasting feud and tonight’s match will determine who is hungrier for the Heavyweight championship

SIW North American champion Jace Parker Davidson attacks Adrian Quake as he enters the ring and the match starts immediately. After several kicks in the corner Jace whips Quake to the other turnbuckle and delivers a corner splash. Jace covers but only gets a one count. Quake avoids a clothesline and launches the champion out of the ring with a back body drop. They continue the match on the outside where Quake whips Jace into the steel steps and pulls a table from under the ring. Quake sets up the table and then gets hit with several knife edge chops. Jace clotheslines Quake on the table and then leaps off the top rope with a swanton bomb and the crowd starts a “holy shit” chant. Jace covers but Quake manages to kick out. Quake grabs a camera and aims at Jace head but he misses and hits the post instead. Quake slams Jace’s head on the ring post and slides him back in the ring. Quake climbs to the top rope for the 360 Quakenator but as he comes down Jace moves and then delivers a piledriver in the middle of the ring. Jace delivers the twisted reality and pins his opponent to retain. After the match, Quake is motionless and paramedics can’t seem to bring him back to conscience

The elimination chamber match for the SIW European championship is next. SIW Tg Team champion Zach Blain starts the match against Bozzman who drops him with the Bozz Bomb and then makes him tap out to the half bozzton crab. Kirby is the next to be released from his chamber and whips Bozzman face first into the plexiglass and then rubs his face against the cage. The Renegade is the next to be released but he is pinned by Kirby moments later as he runs into a Thug Bug. The match continues back and forth between Kirby and Bozzman until Ragin’ Craig is released and slams both their heads together. Craig jumps off one of the chambers but lands right into the Thug Bug. Bozzman spears Kirby into the cage and Raven “Prophet” Frost is released and steals the cover to eliminate Craig. As Kirby stays in control, Craig drops him with the Rage Factor before the officials force him out of the cage. Prophet delivers the broken’s wings to the champion and covers but Bozzman applies the Bozzinator from behind and Prophet taps out. The match continues between Bozzman and Kirby and they knock each other down with a double clothesline. Kirby’s leg lands on Bozzman and he barely picks up the win the retain the championship. Bozzman gets back to his feet as the fans start a “Bozzman” chant. As Bozzman leaves the ring, Craig directs none other than NuTz to the ring as he does a number on the SIW European champion. NuTz breaks Kirby’s nose as he slams it into the plexiglass. Craig sets up a table and NuTz delivers a choke slam as Kirby crashes thru the wood. Craig hands over NuTz a check and we find out he is responsible for the “hit contract”

Mike “The Mic” informs us that Adrian Quake has suffered a sever spine injury after getting dropped on his head with a piledriver from Jace. Things don’t look good and he might never walk again

The fans are divided as challenger Maurice Bad takes on SIW Champion Terror Soule. Bad delivers a triple german suplex and launches Soule across the ring upon release. Bad charges Soule but the champion brings him down with a drop toe hold and then applies a crippler cross face. Bad reaches the ropes and the referee orders Soule to break the hold. The match continues back and forth and Soule surpises Bad with a DDT. Soule climbs to the top turnbuckle and executes a flying head butt but Bad moves out of the way. Bad counters an irish whip and sends Soule into the turnbuckles. Bad delivers a corner elbow and then drops Soule with a dragon suplex. Bad applies the bad lock in the middle of the ring and the fans are on their feet as Terror screams in pain. All of a sudden Ashton Daniels appears from the crowd and strikes Bad with a steel chair shot to his skull and the match ends in disqualification. Daniels is booed as he gives Bad the middle finger as he walks backstage

The next match if for the Heavyweight championship between JD Xtreme and The Living Dead. JD hits the champion with everything early in the match and gets a near fall after delivering a moonsault off the top rope. JD leaps off the top rope once again but stick up his foot and JD gets winded. TLD levels him with a clothesline from hell and then calls for his finisher the DeathDT but JD manages to slip out and slides out of the ring. TLD follows him on the outside and whips him into the security wall. Back in the ring TLD delivers a spine buster and covers the challenger but only gets a two count. TLD charges JD in the corner but the lightning quick superstar jumps up and delivers a bulldog off the top rope. The fans are on their feet as JD picks up momentum and knocks down the champion with an enziguri. JD climbs to the top rope for the Adrenalin Rush but TLD launches him back in the ring and applies a sharpshooter. JD struggles but can’t seem to reach the ropes. TLD continues to apply pressure but JD continues to fight his way to the ropes and manages to break the hold. TLD continues to keep the JD grounded but JD avoids a flying elbow drop and rolls up TLD with an inside cradle and gets the huge win to become the new Heavyweight champion. After the match, TLD doesn’t accept the loss and drops the new champion with the DeathDT. All of a sudden the lights go out and then come back on with a unknown figure wearing an executioner mask stands behind TLD. He gets knocked out with a drop knee to the face, and then JD gets up. JD looks at the figure who slowly removes his coat. He then removes the mask and to the roar of the fans, they see former Heavyweight champion RC Aries. The R.C. and JD share a hug as Revolution seems to be reunited!

Nathan Holmes defeated Metalgod in a noose match 13:44
Vixen Foxx won the SIW Women’s Championship 13:55
Tara Michaels won the SIW Lightweight Championship 12:22
Dark Tiger & Asmodeus Macabre defeated Mahon Brothers to retain the world tag team championship 14:21
Marquis Laveaux defeated Mysery in a buried alive match 14:43
Liana Lewis fought Chris Macavedi to a double count out 14:11
Jace Parker Davidson pinned Adrian Quake to retain the SIW North American championship 16:44
Glenn Kirby won the elimination chamber to retain the SIW European championship 24:32
Maurice Bad defeated Terror Soule via DQ – SIW championship 18:43
JD Xtreme pinned The Living Dead to win the Heavyweight Championship 18:34

Announcing Team: Jimmy Hayden, Mike “The Mic” & Marc Dustin
Officials: Sam Carter, Chris Robertson, Manny Kramer & Bobby Glass
Writers: Kevin “Titan” McColl, Trevor Derickson

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