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Name Notable Achievements Record
Underground Wrestling Association
Southern Conference Champion (1) 2-0-0

The Mainstreamer met Wafer shortly before the UWA opened.  The federation did not last very long, although The Mainstreamer did become the first and only Southern Conference Champion.  After the federation flopped quickly due to political skirmishes, The Mainstreamer joined The United States Marine Corps along with Wafer.

Underground Professional Wrestling Tag Team Champion (w/ Miracle) (1)
UPW Hardcore Champion

When Wafer and Mainstreamer ended their 4 year contract with the Marine Corps, Wafer opened a new federation called Underground Professional Wrestling.  Although it was another federation ruined by politics, The Mainstreamer did manage to be the federation's first co holder of the tag team titles, and was awarded the Hardcore Title in a match in which his opponent no-showed.  The Mainstreamer never got a chance to defend either title.  It was quite sometime before the Mainstreamer wrestled again.

Netlink Wrestling Organization Television Champion (1)
Tag Team Champion (w/ Sweet Cheapshots) (1)
Tag Team Champion (w/ Wafer) (1)
Netlink Wrestling Organization Champion (2)
2003 Run of the Mill winner
Wrestler of the Week (1)
Most Defenses by an Netlink Wrestling Organization Champion
Participated in the Wafermania Main Event

Netlink was the federation in which The Mainstreamer finally broke out.  With two bad experiences in federations behind him, his attitude had turned bitter.  He was no longer the easy going all American Wrestler he used to be.  He came out as one of the meanest men ever seen, and quickly became noticed.  He found himself first pitted against three other new comers.  The Mainstreamer managed to win his debut, a four way elimination match, after a lengthy ending in which he faced off against Narcissus.  The Mainstreamer went on the next week to win the Television Title against Christian Wright.  The Mainstreamer had quickly sparked an interest in everyone in Netlink, most notably, the Netlink Champion, Sweet Cheapshots.  The two men formed a Tag Team that would later foreshadow one of the biggest Main Events in Netlink history.  The two men joined up to enter the tournament for the Tag Team Titles.  They quickly dismantled The Mexican Jackhammers, and found themselves going for the titles against one of the most prolific Tag Teams in WOW/Netlink history, The Nasty Dick Experience.  In preparation, The Mainstreamer ended up ignored.  Dick Gazinya was solely focused on Sweet Cheapshots and Nester DeFranco was obsessed with Brian Graves.  The Mainstreamer had spent his entire career in someone's shadow and during that week, he climbed out.  The Mainstreamer demolished Brian Graves house via explosives to get the attention of Nester DeFranco.  It worked perfectly, and the Television Champion was successful in winning the Tag Team titles along side the Netlink Champion.  Unfortunately, The Seattle police caught up to The Mainstreamer and arrested him.  The Mainstreamer was forced to vacate both titles, and it seemed that The Mainstreamer was going to be left with another bad experience. 

King Karnage, 2003.  The Mainstreamer had served his time, and was ready to get back into action.  After a hellacious Main Event, The Mainstreamer flew in, via helicopter, and pushed the newly crowned Netlink Champion, Brian Graves from the top of the King Karnage cage.  The Mainstreamer was ready to take Netlink by storm.  The Mainstreamer then embarked in a series of events that proved to change his career forever.

While he was in prison, Ichabod, the Netlink President had hired a Vice President.  The VP was The Mainstreamer's long time mentor, Wafer.  The Mainstreamer feel right into his shadow and was infuriated, and attacked the vice president, finally faced off against his mentor in a Hell in the Cell "I Quit" match.  The Mainstreamer emerged with a tainted victory, but had finally crawled out of his mentor's shadow.  Crawling out of the shadows led him to the turning point of his career.  He was to enter the 2003 Run of the Mill for a shot at the Netlink Championship.  The Mainstreamer instantly say the biggest challenge, the Netlink President, Ichabod.  The Mainstreamer decided to attack Ichabod in the one area no one had ever been successful before, mind games.  The Mainstreamer tried my literally murdering some of the lower level members on the Netlink Roster, including the Jobber Division legend, Mexican Jackhammer Grangeir.  Ichabod took no notice, and The Mainstreamer realized how hard it was to truly get into the head of Ichabod.  In response, the day before the mill, The Mainstreamer walked right into the Netlink Headquarters and shot his former mentor, Ichabod's best friend, and the company VP right between the eye.  He killed Wafer.

Ichabod entered the mill hell bent on vengeance for Wafer.  With the other four entries eliminated, Ichabod and The Mainstreamer found themselves face to face.  Beaten to hell, Mainstreamer's ear half blown off from a bum living in the mill, Ichabod surprised The Mainstreamer with a gun of his own as he attempted to gain equal vengeance for Wafer.  The gun misfired, and Ichabod became enraged.  The Mainstreamer quickly capitalized finishing the already beaten Ichabod off with the Streamliner.  The Mainstreamer laid bleeding, beaten, and torn apart.  But he was now out of any shadow and the Netlink Champion.  The Mainstreamer had to quickly resign the title shortly thereafter to recover from his injuries. 

The Mainstreamer returned as a different man.  No longer under anyone's shadow, The Mainstreamer's constant anger seemed to have subsided.  While he was away, Netlink had been over run by several men in masks, dressed in tuxedos.  The men had kidnapped Ichabod, and forced him to run Netlink through his kidnapped state.  The members constantly attack the members of Netlink, and even forced Ichabod to sign the smallest Mystery member up for a Netlink Title Shot.  The Man faced off with Quake and Weltmiester and came up victorious.  The man unmasked, turning out to be The Mainstreamer himself!  His accomplices?  Ichabod, Ender, and the thought to be deceased Wafer!  The four men formed the Clique and The Mainstreamer started the longest Netlink Championship Title run in the history of Netlink, facing off in great feuds with PKA, Quake, Vyle, and Triple X. 


Wafer had taken control of Netlink after Ichabod was forced to depart.  Wafer played out his lifelong dream, holding the Pay Per View he had always dreamed of holding.  The Mainstreamer was slated to face his former partner Sweet Cheapshots in the Main Event.

The Mainstreamer saw Sweet Cheapshots as the only man that could even begin to approach him in comparison as Netlink's greatest all-time wrestler.  Wafermania came and the Main Event was quite possibly the best match in Netlink history with the exception of The Run of the Mill.  The Mainstreamer seemed to have Cheapshots beat, but Cheapshots was able to counter the Streamliner into his patented submission Mali Kabré, making The Mainstreamer pass out.  The Mainstreamer was dethroned.

The Mainstreamer's next stop was a quick run through the 2004 King Karnage Tournament.  The Mainstreamer's run at the King Karnage crown and a third reign as Netlink Champion was stopped short by a man named Shady and his pendulums.  The Mainstreamer began to think he had lost it, and thought he was done with Professional Wrestling forever.

Headstrong Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion (1) (Current) 8-5-2
HSW Summary soon...