Everyone once in awhile a Diva comes along that makes everyone take notice. That diva is me, Trish Stratus. The dominant female of UWA the next Womans Champion! I am here to give 100% Stratusfaction
°º¤º°END FORWARD°º¤º°
º¤º°Scene-Can I borrow your shower?°º¤º°
With the start of a show for UWA the fans take their seats as the music starts. The fans are drawn to the titan tron where Randy Orton is seen sitting on his couch. There is a knock at the door as he looks pretty annoyed.
The Legend Killer Randy Orton: Yeah what do you want.
Trish walks in and Randy drops his magazine and takes a big gulp.
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Oh hey Randy listen I didnt know if anyone would be in here or not but I was wondering could I just use your shower real quick because our shower is broken and there is no hot water.
The Legend Killer Randy Orton: Uhh, Umm yeah uhh sure its right in there.
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Thanks randy your a doll.
Trish drops her bag and heads for the shower. Randy just stares at her walking away and then realises that Trish is in his room so he cleans up his room and sits back down. Randy begins to once again read his magazine when he hears Trish yell out from the other room.
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° RANDY!! I left my bag in the other room, could you bring it to me??
The Legend Killer Randy Orton: Uhh yeah, here it is....
He walks into the room and finds Trish in just a towel....he drops her bag as his mouth falls open.
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Wow thanks so much Randy. I cant believe I left it out there....umm Randy are you ok?
The Legend Killer Randy Orton: Oh god I am so sorry I came in like that...umm there is your breast....I mean BAG! Bag! Umm Im gonna be in the other room.....sorry!
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Randy its ok, I asked you to bring me my bag you didnt barg in. Plus dont feel weird im sure Dawn shows you so much more..
The Legend Killer Randy Orton: DAWN! Yes yes she does. Dawn is my ummm ahem yeah, im gonna go out there and ummm, uhhh read.
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Ok well thanks again Randy.
Randy closes the door as Trish laughs about the breast comment and continues with her shower.
Trish finishes up and gets dressed and walks out of the room and sees Dawn standing by the couch with a very mad look on her face.
~Dawn Marie~ Ahem. What in the hell are you doing in here? This is me and my BOYFRIEND Randys locker room!
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Dawn listen our shower was broken so I was just asking your boyfriend over there if I could use the shower and he said sure. So I didnt see the problem in it I mean it just a shower.
~Dawn Marie~ You dont see the problem with it? WEll there is a problem! This is my locker room and I dont want you here so get OUT!!!
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Hey No problem....Bye Randy thanks again for the shower doll.
The Legend Killer Randy Orton: Hey no problem anytime!
Dawn gives randy an evil look as Trish leaves the room.
º¤º°End Scene°º¤º°
º¤º°Scene-Well what do we have here?°º¤º°
Trish is sitting in the back thinking about her upcoming match when she hears Victoria and her nutty side kick Richards laughing as they come up to Trish.
*^*Victoria*^* Well well what do we have here if it isnt little Trish Stratus everyones favorite diva!!
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Gee if it isnt Victoria everyones favorite pyscho.....can I help you with something?
*^*Victoria*^* Can you help me with something?!?! YES!! I am not pyscho. Look at her Steven she is passing judgement....Barbies shouldnt pass judgement...do you know what I do with BARBIES?? I BURN THEM!!!!
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Whoa Easy Victoria you look like you could stroke out...and Barbie come on you can do better then that. But hey I really hate to break up this little fest we have going because I can feel the love but I have a few things to say in the ring so I will see you later.
Trish walks away as the camera zooms in on Victoria who is now shaking like a psycho.
º¤º°End Scene°º¤º°
The UWA returns from a commercial and the cameras hit the arena when a laugh hits the sound and the lights go out and start to flash Pink and Purple. Trish hits teh stage as teh fans go nuts. She is wearing her jacket and matching hat as she stops and poses for the crowd. She struts to the ring and gets in and runs to the ropes and throws her hand in the air for the fans.
The fans go nuts as she takes off her hat and coat and grabs a mic and begins to speak.
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Thank you! You know being here in UWA is really great I am already making so many friends. I mean Randy let me use his shower, and earlier today me and Lita had lunch but make no doubt about it I am here for one reason and that is to give 100% stratusfaction and to get what I deserve...the Womans TITLE! It starts with Molly and Victoria and ends when I am the champion. But speaking of my old friends lets just say that all though I am now once again caught up with Victoria I havent yet had the chance to talk to Molly one on one, but it will be the same thing. Molly you can come out here and say what you want that i parade around for men, I am trashy, whatever you want but it all comes down to the fact that I will prove that I belong in this ring as much as anyone and I belong at the top as the womans champ!
º¤º°Trish°º¤º° Molly you have always been jealous of me because I am better than you. This has nothing to do with the fact that I have blonde hair oh no, it means that in this ring I am the top, and with a partner like Lita there is no question that we will win and come out on top!!!
Trish drops the mic and poses for fans and then heads towards the back as UWA goes to a commerical
°º¤º°People Used ~ Mentioned°º¤º°
°º¤º°ROLEPLAY NUMBER°º¤º°: 001
°º¤º°Next Match°º¤º°