((The scene opens in a outdoor chateau somewhere in California,where Harmony and Dave Williams are enjoying a Valentine's Day dinner. They are wearing dressy but casual clothes, and enjoying some kind of house mix of vodka.))
Harmony:Wow, this is great.
'Xtreme' Dave Williams:Yeah. Its kinda strange though, I feel like I forget something.
Hamony:Oh? What kind of something?
'Xtreme' Dave Williams: I dunno. Thats the problem....Nawh...Maybe its just than Nathan Stone..he cut a promo earlier. Can you believe him?He called us a wannabe rip off of NWO and oWo What a loser, huh?He probably is just jealous that he ruined his chances of ever joining us, the group that will soon have complete dominance over VWF.He seems like he is from a troubled background, but I don't know.Mybe wresltng is how he channels hs anger.
((Just then, a waiter comes over to there table with two trays.))
Waiter:Ha, here you go. Pamesan and salad for the lady, and The seafood special for the man.Enjoy.
Williams & Harmony:Thanks.
'Xtreme' Dave Williams: Ahh, good food. It better be for the three paychecks I spent on this place.
Harmony:Great food, we should come here more often.
"Xtreme" Dave Williams:Fine, as long as you pay. I'm not made of money, hunny. Definatley not with slim as my boss. That guys a scrooge when it comes to handing out paychecks.
"Xtreme" Dave Williams:Okay..but I still can't remember what it is that I forgot. I mean, I payed the bills last yesterday. I'm not in any legal debt or trouble unless Shocks and friction turned me in for.....
((Dave trails off, and stares into space.))
Harmony:What?Dave?Whats uhhh..OHHH HEll!
((Just then, a huge skid mark and engine is heard, and Harm and DR. Xtreme know that that could only mean Friction and Dave Storm.))
"Xtreme' Dave Williams I knew IT! I knew I forgot something!We were s'posed to pick up Fric!
(( Shocker turns up 'Do you call my Name" by Ra on his boom-box as he walks in and follows his stablemate towards the other members of The XWO.Storm turns down the volume of the boom box.))
Friction:Forgetting somethin?Sorry to butt it, but I wouldn't be Butting in if you remembered your pomise.
Dave Williams:Sorry, man.I was so caught in time, getting her some last minute V-day shit, and then theres that NAthan Stone bastard I have to worry about.
Friction:Ah, its okay. We got Mikey D's on the way.
"Shocker' Dave Storm:At my expense, mind you.
'Xtreme' Dave Williams:Thanks a lot guys...but couldn't you have waited til later?
Friction & Shocker:Nope.
'Xtreme' Dave Williams:Well, sinc your her- and I'm done, lets cut a promo.
'Shocker' Dave Storm:Good idea Sherlock.I'll start. Kid Kaos. I haven't heard from you, but your snobby ass wannabe tag partner who was Harmony's other choice decided that he wanted t reform an old team, as a challenge to the XwO. But even if they tried, XwO is to good for you two. So suck my pimp juice if you think that by trying to accuirqe his service, you can get back at Harmony for choosing a better future.Isn't that Diane C, you your probably paying to date good enough foryou?You know, Da Kid, if you win that cruiserweight title, I'd glady steal it from you, incase this Kid Kao bastard agress to be your partner. You will NEEEEVERRRRRRR EVVVVVVEEERRR match the strengths of Team Xtreme, home of VWF's best. Da Kid, you tryin to stat a kliq to compete with us will not happen. But I'll tell you what.If Kid Kaos survives his injuries, at the next card, how about KK, you and Diane C Vs. Harmony and X.S. What do you say,huh?After all, tht per Kid Kaos will probably enjoy feelin you girl and X's girl, unless he is faithful to his child's he is also having affiars with.
'Xtreme' Dave Williams:Now, on to ths Nathan Stone guy. So, he had the audacity to verbally attack all of XwO, saying it was a rip off of NWO and the failed OwO. Now, I think to even put us in the catageroy of those groups is degrating to us, but to say we are worse?You know what I think?I think that he is just jealous that he can NEVER EVVVVVVER be as great as the Xtreme World Order. Not even in my wildest...well, maybe in my wildest bu NEVER in my normal dreams do I see myslef woking alongside tat bastard, who is also tryng to put moves on my girlfriend!Can you believe that?Huh? Haven't you ever heard the saying 'Messing with my girl is bad for your health?'Well, you may not have unless you listn to Nivea and Jagged Edge, but that is nowhere near the point. The point is I am going to get my revenge on Stone whether he likes it or not, and I am going to become hs worst nightmare.Beware of XWO!Lets go guys!
((Dave picks up the tab as the oursome leaves the restruant.))
This rp is copyright to Dave, owner of Everything Dave, Inc. 'Xtreme' Dave Williams, 'Shocker' Dave Storm, and Xtreme Shockers copyright to Dave.Friction and Harmony are coyright to there handlers, and Xwo and Xtreme World Order are copyright to the VWF.