<bgsound src="https://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/vwfonline/Mobius/Darkdside.mp3" loop=true>

((Everybody loves to hear dirt in this sport...if you wanna call it a sport...I call it a cut throat ass business, with an insatiable appetite for new stars. They want the biggest draw, the best ratings, the most revenues, and more than anything...the fans' MONEY. That's right, money. That's the driving force behind sports entertainment. Don't blame the guys upstairs with the money, they're good at what they do. They cancel out anyone who doesn't go with "the flow"..."tha CASH flow"...they want their money, just because they think they deserve it. The NLR is no different. They follow the bucks. If it makes you rich, it must be good. Forget about the wrestlers, it's just like the NFL...a big meat market. Anybody hear of Thomas Herrion? He's a 4th string Offensive Lineman (or was) for the 49ers, that is, until he died for the sport. Did the NFL bat an eyelash? NO....they didn't. The reason why they didn't, is because the money will keep on rolling in...period. Have I made my point, or shall "expound" even further? The NLR is a BUSINESS. In this business, you can either kiss the boss's ass, or get "cut" and "wished the best". They don't even tell you to your face, you hear about it from a friend who heard it on a website. You may be wondering what the point is, and here it goes...no matter what, when it comes to this business, I'm either staying, or leaving, ON MY TERMS....))

--The scene opens up in The Rampart District, Pico and Union, Los Angeles California. It is 3:30 am local time, and on hand we have an NLR crew, the light beaming on head interviewer Jason Collins. He looks nervous as hell. In the background, we hear gunfire. The crew hits the deck, and the camera catches Collins getting hit in the back on the head by the boom mike. They all stand up gradually, every shot shaking, and Collins' voice breaks as he speaks...--

JC: Uh...J-Jason Collins here for NLR Tv...I'm expecting an interview with Maxx Mobius any moment...uh...

--The Camera shoots to the side, and we see Maxx Mobius walk on the scene by himself. He walks up and stands next to Jason Collins--

Collins: Fans, I'm here with Maxx Mobius--

Moe: It's "Mobius", dickass.

Collins: Right...I'm here with Maxx Mobius in his hometown of Los Angeles, California...

Mobius: It's the Rampart District, crotch mopper.

Collins: Yeah...the rampart. Mobius, you have a huge match this Sunday at the NLR pay per view ONCE UPON A--OW!

--Mobius backhands the crap out of Collins, causing him to fall on the pavement, and drop the mike with a "FZZT" type-o-noise...--

Mobius: No promoting the show unless I say so, Jay. You got that?!

Collins (rubbing cheek in pain as he grabs the mike and stands...): Yeah, I got it. Mobius, your thoughts on Ragonus?!

--Mobius grabs Collins yet again, this time applying a dragon sleeper, right to the point of Collins passing out, and at the last minute letting go. Collins lays back first on the cement, and Moe slaps him repeatedly to wake him up. He props the journalist up, and forces the mike in his hand. Mobius belly laughs, then slaps Collins again to get him "fully awake"...---

Mobius: Just read the cue-cards, asshole.

Collins: Cue cards?

--From virtually nowhere, a massive figure nails Collins from behind with a giant piece of paper that says "Cue Cards?". The camera focuses in on just the sign, and then the camera pans back to see who is holding the sign, but can't quite see. The figure rips the paper sign, revealing that it was wrapped around a steal chair. The camera pans down, and we see Jason Collins in a pool of his own plasma. The camera pans back up, and we can hear Mobius laughing maniacally from outside the shot. The perpetraitor of the chair shot is 6-6, 287, shaved bald head, and a giant smirk on his face. He is massive. The camera moves over to Mobius, who is laughing hysterically. He manages to breathe after a while, and then comments...--

Mobius: This is a shout out to all the old VWF heads who watch this GARBAGE! If you wanted to see a SHOOT interview, you GOT IT! Allow me to introduce my one-time corrospondent...TYLER RAINE!

--Raine grabs the mike off the carcass of Collins, looks at his notebook, and then speaks...--

Raine: Great to see you again..."Mr. Mobius"...heheh...Umm...what do you think about your match up with Ragonus this--

Moe (interrupting) : That was your cue, dumbass! Read the next bit!

Raine: Right...you started off in the Missourri State Wrestling franchise from MWF...you took a massive paycut to come out of retirement...what do you think about the MSW and the opportunities it provided you?

Moe: What opportunities? The opportunities to f*cking lose left and right? The opportunity to put over young guys that I PERSONALLY WEENED in this business? Please. You think I went there for the fame? I went to MSW to start from the bottom up...I went there to get away from the blacklist that exists in this sport. Can I give a little history lesson, man?

Raine: Why yes, Mr. Mobius...you shall...

Mobius: "Should", dumbass.

Raine: Right...please, continue...

Mobius: Let's just make it crystal clear for all the MYOPIC NLR, WOC, WWW, WEW, World Wide Whatever, Missourri State Tax Write Off...who cares...type of folks. I always here Ed Johnson and them ripping on other feds in thier shows...especially the GWA...lemme tell you something, Raine, I was in the GWA in it's inception, and here's my first "real shoot"... Grinder and Al Cohol can keep all the ego ass kissing motha fuckers around them as much as they want, but they'll never amount to shit, and that's REAL. Thay may have Norwegian, Tadashii, the Grave Diggaz, and some bullshit following, but it's always been about the owners. The truth hurts, dudes. That's why you blacklisted me from your fed.The foundation of the GWA came from the house that Willie Hughes built, the V W F. Deal with it...how does it feel to be a successor?

Raine: Preach, brother.

Mobius: I will...I have some shit to say about the motha f*ckin NLR!

Raine: You hate it?!

Mobius: No, I LOVE this fed, it fuckin' rocks!

Raine: So why are you risking your career?!!

Mobius: SHUT UP! I said read from your notes...

Raine: What do you think about Scotty Heart?

Moe: I think the dude was in way over his head when I joined the MSW. He was a cowardly little sonava Bitchmop. Every time I tried to find him to discuss my matches, the little futt-bucker was hiding in a closet...if you know what cliche I'm peddling...He sucked.

Raine: You do have to admit, that Scotty Heart came up with the 4 ladder ring, and the NLR, to a degree...

Mobius: Yeah, and Ed Walker and Ed Johnson are two different people...sheesh...

Raine: Actually...they are different people, Moe...

Mobius: Sure they are. I'll get to "Mr. Ed" in a second. First I wanna do a name association...read your notes, Ty...

Raine: Kyle Bauer...

Mobius: Ask me later...

Raine: Viper J...

Mobius: Ask me later...

Raine: Leandro?

Mobius: DAMN! Me and Leandro had these bitchmops Viper J and Bauer beat~! FUCK THAT!

Raine: Jimmy Pez?

Mobius: A good motivator.

Raine: And what else?!

Mobius: A guy who recognizes talent,. and knows how to motivate it.

Raine: Kyle Bauer?

Mobius: That's right, I asked you to delay that question...I'll be honest since I'm SHOOTING. Kyle was my first real rival in the MSW, NLR, whatever...he's one of the sole reasons why I wanna win my match against Rags...I wanna make this shit OFFICIAL. I ain't overlooking Ragonus, and if I lose, I will retire, but if I win, and I get the Excess Title,. I'm gonna wanna match with Kyle. He and I aint finished. I know you're listening, "American Luchador". Hopefully I'll make it that far. I know who I have to face, I know the type of match. Read the notes, Raine...

Raine: Who do you favor in the Legacy Championship match this Sunday?

Mobius: Sentimental fave to me is Leandro, because I'm one of the chosen few not to get crushed by that bastard...ask a pertinent question, Raine.

Raine: Okay...the whole world wants to know...what happened between you and Ed Johnson?

--Mobius chuckles--

Mobius: Just like every other money hungry promoter, Johnson went with the "hottest star". He didn't like the fact that I have a mind of my own. He didn't like the fact that I made my own choices. He stabbed me in the back just like the rest of the promoters. He thought that he could offer me a spot as his "Corporate Enforcer". Who used who? I'm gonna be there, right in the heart of Mexico. Yo Hablo, PENDEJOS! Ed Johnson is a fucking two faced bastard. He's still letting me do my thing under his budget, whether he likes it or not. I've been following Ragonus, and he's a good wrestler, but he scrapes the bottom of the barrel when it comes to talent. Consider me the realest threat to the title. Quien es el CAMPION? PUTOS! Maxx Mobius aint a guppie, and he never will be...you may have thought you had me figured out, but you FAILED.

Raine: Okay...now to the meat of the matter...your thoughts on Ragonus...?

--Mobius smirks a bit, then focuses on the camera, very intently...--

Mobius: Didn't I just make that clear? F*CK the storyline. Rags has been in "character development mode" for a long time it would seem. Do it in the ring, man. I will spare no expense. I hope you like the way the roof of an ambulance looks. I don't wrestle for the NLR, hell, I don't wrestle for pride, I wrestle to WIN. If I win, I have new life,. and if I don't, at least I got to say what was on my mind. To paraphrase the whole promo...punks jump up to get beat down. It's over, Raine.

---We hear Raine chuckle, and the scene is over...for now...---