WCCW champions and contenders
Proof of Carter's short RWF run
Singles champions and contenders
WCCW staff page.
list from legends of wrestling 2 game
WCCW show archives
WCCW Wrestlers Pictures
WCCWEFED Application
THE HALL OF SHAME (where all pussys land when they backstep from us)
Central Ontario Pro
Ultimate Wrestling Promotions
updated 1-24-06
Champions and contenders listings have been updated...
Interview with one of the WCCW Owners- Dennis Carter is POTED NOW! On new Owners interviews page.
Will the RWF and WWICW take the challenge thrown out today by one of the Owners? Check out the message board and find out.
1-21-06 SHOW IS POSTED...NOW! leave it to us to do what most feds can't do, post shows consistently on time.
by the way...RWF, WWICW? you still suck and we won the war, so hope you feel good that you're not the LOSER feds and we've gotten so much stronger and well known because you guys turned out to be such...PUSSYS!
added a new page of talent coming to WCCW, plenty have applied and you'll be surprised who is indeed coming thanks to us putting RWF in their place where they belong.
NEW SHOW 12-17-05 featuring the debut of DAFFNEY FROM RWF IS POSTED NOW!!!
last week's show has been moved to the archives page. more names will be added to the Hall of Shame later today, more have earned their place there thanks to the IWA managers being the netpussys they are. IWA has so many netpussys there now, someof us are glad we left.
An application to join page has been set up, and more pics pages will be added today as well.
New show for this week might be up early as well.
RWF has flatly backed down after trying a grandstand concerning the now WORLD HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP! Jack Carter won it on RWF terms but when it comes to someone from RWF coming on our terms, everyone in RWF backdown. So that shows what kind of wimps RWF and WWICW have in their feds.
WCCW would like to welcome the Hardcore Institute,Partners in Crime, and Alexender Worthington III to the fed. We also added acouple more writers to the team that will ensure all shows will be posted on time late sunday nights. we will be adding an archive page where past shows after they've been posted, will be moved to when the new show goes up.
also added the page where the charactors to choose from on the legends of wrestling2 game (on gamecube)which does all the "simming" of the matches are listed.
added a roster page where the list of wrestlers in the edfed are posted. instead of Gary Hart as matchmaker, Tully Blanchard will be the promoter/matchmaker.
title pages have been added as well as a message board that will be used for all roleplaying and trash talk. All the matches will be "simmed" on the Legends of Wrestling2 game. So you can pick a guy from there or if you have the game, send me your CAW(Create a wrestler) charactor to be added. will be adding a "staff" page and tag titles page as wellIf not done already). I will have a listing of all the wrestlers that are on the Legends of Wrestling2 game so that way people can chose who they want, once a guy is chosen..I'll let it be known that the charactor was "taken".
Shows will be posted every weekend once we get started and off the ground. either saturday or late sunday night every show will be posted.
If all goes as it has been the first show will be done the weekend of thanksgiving.
added a page where it shows the absolute proof that "Rebel Angel" Jack Carter had a short but very successful run in the RWF, winning the RWF Hardcore title..before leaving with the title as champion and now declaring it the world championship of hardcore wrestling. So basicly the "Rebel Angel" is now a world tag champ(still one half of the SCCW/now unified world tag team championship with Masa Onita) as well as a world's singles champ..at the same time. Nobody can deny it or dispute it and the RWF can't do anything about it, except accept it, they can't do shows right then maybe they shouldn't be running an efed. In all Carter comes out looking better than ever leaving yet another minor league piece of shit fed run by people who don't have what it takes to get the job done..and having his reputation come out even better than before.
Welcome to the World Class Championship Wrestling efed..this is an angle based efed where roleplaying your charactors is essential..All regular tv shows will be done from "The Junction" in San Antonio, Texas(former home of the REAL Southwest Championship Wrestling). PPV's will be done in other parts of Texas and other parts of the country.
WCCW will be based on old school southern territories, so if you only have a mindset for monday night stuff, and think "coming down the ramp" to do a promo and "throwing a mic down" happens here, no. there is no ramp..there is no pyro(except maybe for PPV's), it's where the wrestling does the talking and the angles tell the story. Wrestling the way it used to be.
All matches will be "simmed" on either the Legends of Wrestling2 on Gamecube. every and all matches will be done thru the game system and the actual results of the "sim" will be the actual result that's posted.
the world champion we will recognize will be the "Unified" World champion..who that is will be announced when we have the first show posted.
if you have any questions you can email me and I'll answer them as best I can.
This webpage is still in the contrustion stage..it will be up and running completely by the weekend at the latest. There will be pages for the tv show..PPV..title pages with top contenders listed, interviews and other features.
here's something one of them guys from RWF said on their messageboard.. too easy to put people in their place when they leave themselves so open to it, it's like they come to an armed battle and then they realized, they're totally unarmed.
Zortalk RWF Jobber
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The Reflection of Perfection(yeah right)
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« Reply #24 on Today at 10:11pm »
-- “Why Don't you do something then”?
I am, it’s obvious.
“We've put out the facts, your the only person who can't grasp reality”.
the reality is that you guys have loads of excuses but are too lazy to put any effort into actually doing something about it, always better to hide behind your excuses with more excuses, right? that makes just..so much sense.
“You make the new strats, but can't do it ethically”.
says you but you ASSume and come out looking like an ass.
“Be my guest, Do it, Fix our Problem”.
people like you would bitch on how it was fixed because it would be fixed for the better and guys like you couldn’t take credit for it.
“But keep this in mind, if you even win one match with the strats you made, you cheated”.
rrriigghhtt... hahahahahaha!! that sounds so funny, you don’t know me but you can make dumb assumptions about me, yep, love that limited mindset with your small brainpower you got there kid, now move along. you’ve been put in check.
some dipshits just never learn.