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Episode 1 Monday Night Nitro

Jerry "The King" Lawyler- Welcome to WCW Monday Night Nitro at the Astrodome.

JR- Today we are suppose to see The New President of WCW Terry Taylor.

[You hear enter Sandman playing and out comes Tommy Taylor]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler- He is already coming out

Terry Taylor- Hello fans I am Terry Taylor the New President… I want to thank you fans for coming to the first ever WCW Monday Nitro…We are going to have a great show for you. Some of you might know what the matches are but for the people that don’t we are going to have the WCW United States Championship belt on the line and the WCW Heavyweight Championship belt on the line (Crowd Cheers)…so relax in your seats and enjoy what we have planned for you all.

Rockin Roz vs. Robert O'Reilly

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 308 pounds… Robert O'Reilly!!! (crowd boos **)

[Robert O'Reilly Doesn’t come to the ring.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler –where is he…Wait we got news that there was an attack while Terry Taylor was making his speech…Lets go.

[Robert O’Reilly and Rockin Roz are talking about something the camera can’t make it out…Out of no where Two People attack Rockin Roz and Robert O’Reilly…the Men left the area with Rockin Roz and O’Reilly motionless on the ground]

LA Resistance vs. Johnny Biggs and Luther Hanson

Jerry “The King” Lawyler - This match is a tag team match. On they’re way to the ring at this time, with a combined weight of 485 pounds, LA Resistance.!!!

[Sylvan Grenier and Rene Dupree.]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler - and their opponents, the team of Luther Hanson and Johnny Biggs

[Luther Hanson and Johnny Biggs walk out of the ring]

[Bob Smythe is the referee for this match. Rene Dupree stomps on the Johnny Biggs as soon as he slides into the ring. Rene Dupree executes a pumphandle suplex on Johnny Biggs. Johnny Biggs drops Rene Dupree with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (The bell rings) Rene Dupree puts Johnny Biggs in the Achilles tendon hold. Rene Dupree brings in Sylvan Grenier for LA Resistance. Sylvan Grenier sets Johnny Biggs up DDTs him into the mat. Rene Dupree slingshot elbow drops The Johnny Biggs. Sylvan Grenier piledrives Johnny Biggs.]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler - Thanks for having me JR.

[Johnny Biggs clotheslines Sylvan Grenier. The Johnny Biggs makes the tag to Luther Hanson. Luther Hanson stands up. Luther Hanson executes a huge gutbuster on Sylvan Grenier. Sylvan Grenier moves back to his feet. Sylvan Grenier brings in Rene Dupree for LA Resistance. Rene Dupree executes a huge gutbuster on Luther Hanson. Sylvan Grenier tagged in by Rene Dupree. Sylvan Grenier hits Luther Hanson with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

JR - Anytime.

[Now Sylvan Grenier standing. Sylvan Grenier tags in Rene Dupree. Rene Dupree grabs Luther Hanson's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Rene Dupree has the advantage, and he grabs Luther Hanson with an arm wrench.]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler - What a night we have had so far huh?

[Luther Hanson's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Rene Dupree. Luther Hanson delivers a low blow to Rene Dupree. Rene Dupree is up again. Rene Dupree does a cartwheel and kicks Luther Hanson in the face.]

JR - And what a night we will have next week as well.

[The Johnny Biggs tagged in by Luther Hanson. Luther Hanson uses a lariat on Rene Dupree.]

JR - I have to ask you something.

[Luther Hanson hits Rene Dupree with a single arm DDT. Luther Hanson chants start. Luther Hanson is back on his feet. The Johnny Biggs tags Luther Hanson. Johnny Biggs slingshot elbow drops Rene Dupree.]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler - What?

[Rene Dupree punches The Johnny Biggs repeatedly. Johnny Biggs hits Rene Dupree with the back of his elbow. The Johnny Biggs tries for a gutbuster but is unable to lift Rene Dupree. Luther Hanson brings in Johnny Biggs for Luther Hanson and Johnny Biggs! Luther Hanson hits him with a back fist. Luther Hanson with a Russian legsweep on Rene Dupree. The Johnny Biggs executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Rene Dupree's head onto the mat.]

[Rene Dupree hits a spinning leg lariat on Johnny Biggs sending him to the mat. Johnny Biggs tags in Luther Hanson. Luther Hanson chops Rene Dupree. The Johnny Biggs sets Rene Dupree up DDTs him into the mat. Luther Hanson powerbombs Rene Dupree.]

[Rene Dupree mule kicks Luther Hanson. Luther Hanson gets hit with the shooting star press from Rene Dupree. Scott Herbert counts the pin. ...1 Luther Hanson kicks out.]

[Now Luther Hanson standing. Rene Dupree rakes the face of Luther Hanson in attempt to make a come back.]

[Luther Hanson brings in Johnny Biggs. Johnny Biggs slaps Rene Dupree. Rene Dupree makes the tag to Sylvan Grenier. Johnny Biggs grabs Sylvan Grenier by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Johnny Biggs chops Sylvan Grenier. Johnny Biggs superkicks Sylvan Grenier. Sylvan Grenier tags Rene Dupree. Rene Dupree double underhook faceslams Johnny Biggs hard to the mat. Johnny Biggs gets back to his feet. Rene Dupree hits him with a back fist.]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler – this is a great match.

[The Johnny Biggs tags Luther Hanson. Luther Hanson gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Rene Dupree. Sylvan Grenier tagged in by Rene Dupree. Luther Hanson piledrives Sylvan Grenier. Luther Hanson grabs Sylvan Grenier's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Ref is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Sylvan Grenier is fighting the hold. ... Luther Hanson breaks the hold. Sylvan Grenier brings in Rene Dupree for Sylvan Grenier and Rene Dupree. Rene Dupree chops Luther Hanson. Sylvan Grenier pokes Luther Hanson in the eye with his thumb. Sylvan Grenier bounces Luther Hanson off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop.]

JR – what a hold by Luther Hanson

[Luther Hanson slaps Sylvan Grenier in the face. Luther Hanson moves back to his feet. Rene Dupree tags in Sylvan Grenier. Rene Dupree executes an over the shoulder stomach breaker on Luther Hanson. Sylvan Grenier picks Luther Hanson up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler - No. The WCW isn’t going to be one of those feds that has 10 singles titles and an active roster of 12. If these guys want gold, they better be hungry when they step foot in the WCW.

[Sylvan Grenier chops Luther Hanson. Sylvan Grenier tackles and begins punching Luther Hanson. Luther Hanson climbs to his feet. Sylvan Grenier tackles Luther Hanson. The Johnny Biggs tagged in by Luther Hanson. They lockup. Luther Hanson sends Sylvan Grenier to the corner of the ring.]

JR - That makes sense. But how about making a Hardcore title?

[Sylvan Grenier kicks Luther Hanson on the mat. Sylvan Grenier hits Luther Hanson with an elbowdrop. Sylvan Grenier is up again. Sylvan Grenier kicks Luther Hanson on the mat. Luther Hanson moves back to his feet. Sylvan Grenier tries for an atomic drop but Luther Hanson avoids it. Luther Hanson gets sent into the turnbuckle while Sylvan Grenier hits him with a splash.]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler - That’s not going to happen either. Hardcore titles are for slackers. They remind me of posers. Wanna be wrestlers who aren’t that good enough to beat someone with out weapons.

[Sylvan Grenier and Luther Hanson go to the floor.]

JR – But what about the other hardcore wrestlers.

[Out comes Robert O’Reilly]

[The Ref starts the count (.1) Sylvan Grenier swings a Steel chair and hits Luther Hanson. Luther Hanson is bleeding as a result. Sylvan Grenier lifts Luther Hanson up and drops him on the floor. (..2) Sylvan Grenier tries for a choke but Luther Hanson avoids it. (...3) Sylvan Grenier throws a chair at Luther Hanson. O’Reilly Spears Sylvan Grenier. (…4) Rene Dupree Frog Splashes Johnny Biggs. (…5) O’Reilly throws Sylvan back in the ring]

Jerry “The King” Lawyler –What is O’Reilly doing out here.

JR-Remember the attack in the beginning of the show…LA Resistance were the ones that did the attacking

[Sylvan Grenier hits Luther Hanson with an Stunner from the second turnbuckle. Luther Hanson and Johnny Biggs are motionless in the ring. Sylvan Grenier kicks O’Reilly in the stomach.]

[Now O’Reilly standing. Luther Hanson hits Sylvan Grenier with the back of his elbow. O’Reilly kicks Rene Dupree in the stomach. Rene Dupree is up again. O’Reilly gets elbowed to his midsection by Sylvan Grenier.]

[As La Resistance are about to give O’Reilly their Finisher. Rockin Roz comes out to the ring. Roz spears the whole group. Roz stomps Sylvan Grenier Repeatedly. O’Reilly whips Rene Dupree to the Corner he does a broncobuster to Dupree. Roz does a stunner to Grenier. Roz gets a table and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Roz puts Grenier on the table. O’Reilly puts Dupree on his shoulders. Roz goes on the top rope and does a Missile drop kick to Dupree. Dupree lands on Grenier. LA Resistance goes through the table.] [EMT's Come out to check on on the wrestler's] Roz-(to La Resistance) Me and O'reilly don't take stuff from other wrestlers so if you attack me or O'Reilly both of us will attack you.]

A-train vs. Jason Ritter vs. The Rock WCW Us Championship

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - This match is a Triple Threat Match for the WCW Us Championship title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 350 pounds, from Boston, A-train!!! (crowd boos ******)

[A-train comes to the ring.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - The second in this triple threat match, weighing in at 260 pounds, Jason Ritter!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Jason Ritter walks to the ring.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - And third, weighing in at 260 pounds, from Miami, Florida, The Rock!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[The Rock walks to the ring. Bob Smyth is the referee for this contest. Jason Ritter gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from A-train. Jason Ritter walks around the ring. The Rock drops A-train with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.

(ring, ring, ring) Jason Ritter throws A-train off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Jason Ritter applies an arm wrench to A-train. Jason Ritter grabs A-train and applies an arm wrench.]

JR - Jason Ritter executes an arm wrench.

[A-train gets back to his feet. A-train nails the bridging back suplex on Jason Ritter. A-train stands up. A-train sends Jason Ritter to ringside. Bob Smyth starts the count (.1) (..2) A-train measures Jason Ritter up and drops a closed fist. A-train moves back to his feet. Jason Ritter stands up. (...3) Jason Ritter bounces A-train off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor. Jason Ritter gets up. A-train moves back to his feet. (....4) A-train short lariats Jason Ritter. Jason Ritter gets back to his feet. The Rock tries for a head and arm suplex but is not strong enough to lift A-train. They fight into the aisle. (.....5) The Rock cuts A-train with a blade. A-train is bleeding as a result. Jason Ritter pump handle slams The Rock to the floor. (......6) A-train executes a neck-breaker on Jason Ritter.]

JR - That spinning neck-breaker was very good.

[(.......7) A-train and Jason Ritter move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. A-train runs in and leg drops Jason Ritter. A-train sends Jason Ritter to ringside. ]

JR - A-train can't get a pin at ringside.

[Bob Smyth starts the count (.1) A-train cuts Jason Ritter with a blade. Jason Ritter is bleeding as a result. The Rock moves back to his feet. The Rock slingshot elbow drops Jason Ritter. The Rock piledrives Jason Ritter into the floor. As The Rock Turns around A-train executes the trainwreck…A-train goes for the pin…Bob Smyth counts 1…2…3

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - The winner and new WCW US Champion, A-train!!!

[As "Change the World" by Cold starts to play out comes Sean Ayatolla rushing to the ring with a steel chair]

JR- what is he going to do with that chair?

Jerry “The King” Lawyler- We will find out

[Sean smacks A-train with the chair to the head…Sean starts to kick him in the mid section…He executes the L.A. Horizon…Sean leaves A-train for the medics]

Shawn Michaels vs. Alex Ritter vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam WCW Heavyweight Championship

Jerry- look who is sitting behind us…Goldberg

JR- Nice to see you Goldberg…he bought a ticket

Jerry now lets get to the match

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - This match is a 4-way Elimination Match in a steel cage for the WCW Heavyweight Championship title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds, from San Antonio, Texas, Shawn Michaels!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Shawn Michaels comes to the ring.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - The second in this four way elimination match, weighing in at 235 pounds, Alex Ritter!!! (crowd boos **)

[Alex Ritter walks to the ring.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler – introducing third, weighing in at 231 pounds, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Chris Jericho!!! (crowd boos ******)

[RVD walks to the ring.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - And finally, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Battle Creek, Michigan, Rob Van Dam!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Rob Van Dam walks to the ring. Bob Smyth is the referee for this contest. Shawn Michaels tests out the ropes. Alex Ritter executes a pumphandle suplex on Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho executes a pumphandle suplex on Rob Van Dam. Chris Jericho gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Rob Van Dam. (ring, ring, ring) Chris Jericho executes the guillotine choke on Shawn Michaels. Chris Jericho gets back to his feet. Shawn Michaels takes Chris Jericho down with a knee. RVD knifehand chops Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels hits a kneeling headbutt to Chris Jericho groin. RVD gets back to his feet. RVD delivers a spinning backbreaker to Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels moves back to his feet. Shawn Michaels gives RVD the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. Shawn Michaels gets up. Shawn Michaels locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Bob Smyth is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Chris Jericho tries to escape. ...Chris Jericho escapes. Shawn Michaels execute the sweet chin music. Shawn Michaels tosses Chris Jericho over the top rope and to the floor outside the ring. The ref signals he is out of the match.]

Jerry-there goes one… three left

[Shawn Michaels turns and Rvd drop kicks him he goes over the top rope but never touches the floor. The ref signals he is still in. Alex puts Rvd in an arm grapevine submission. Shawn Michaels hits Alex with an elbowdrop. Alex stands up. HBK DDT’s Alex. Rvd is on the top rope and executes the five star frog splash. HBK tosses Alex out of the ring. The ref signals he is out of the match.]

Jerry- there goes two…two left

RVD executes the sleeperhold on Shawn Michaels. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Shawn Michaels tries to escape. ... (AHHHH!) RVD breaks the hold. RVD tries a leg drop but Shawn Michaels moves out of the way. RVD stands up. RVD gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Shawn Michaels comes over and smashes RVD's head into it.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - Shawn Michaels with a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[Shawn Michaels knifehand chops RVD. RVD legsweeps Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels is up again. Shawn Michaels hits RVD with a baba chop. RVD leg lariats Shawn Michaels, sending him to the mat. RVD sucks chants start in the crowd.]

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - I wish every match could be like this!

[RVD fist drops Shawn Michaels on the mat. RVD is back on his feet. Shawn Michaels gets hit with the Five Star Frog Splash from RVD. RVD tosses Shawn Michaels out of the ring but he holds on the rope…RVD runs to the rope and does a drop kick through the rope and RVD holds on to the rope as Shawn Michaels hits the floor. The ref signals that he is out of the match]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jerry "The King" Lawyler - The winner of this match, and new WCW Heavyweight Championship champion, Rob Van Dam!!!

[You hear Goldberg’s music start and RVD turns to see what is going on and his pyro goes off but no one comes out …Goldberg climbs into the ring from the back. As RVD turns around Goldberg Spears him. Goldberg takes the belt and lays it across his chest]

Goldberg-YOUR NEXT

[As the show comes to an end you see Goldberg Standing over RVD in the ring]