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Name Height Weight Finisher Salary Status
The A-train 6'8" 350 pounds The Trainwreck; The Derailer $300 000 Mid-carder
Chris Jericho 6'0" 231 pounds The Lionsault;The Walls of Jericho $600 000 Main Eventer
Alex Ritter 6'2" 235 pounds Ritter Bomb $600 000 Main Eventer
Shawn Michaels 6'1" 225 pounds Sweet Chin Music;Top Rope Atomic Elbow Drop $600 000 Main Eventer
Rob Van Dam 6'0" 220 pounds Five Star Frog Splash $600 000 Main Eventer
Sylvan Grenier 6'0" 235 pounds Double Spinebuster (Tag Team) $300 000 Mid-Carder
Rene Dupree 6'3" 250 pounds Double Spinebuster (TagTeam) $300 000 Mid-Carder
Jason Ritter 6'3" 260 pounds Ritter Bomb;The Fear $600 000 Main Eventer
Rockin Roz 6'3" 250 pounds Death from Hell $300 000 Mid-Carder
Robert O'Rielly 6'7" 308 pounds Shot Gun $300 000 Mid-Carder
The Rock 6'5" 275 pounds The Rock Bottom/ The People's Elbow $600 000 Main Eventer
Sean Ayatolla 6'3" 275 pounds L.A. Horizon $300 000 Mid Carder
Bill Goldberg 6'4" 285 pounds The Jackhammer $600 000 Main Eventer
Docta Poppa 6'8" 326 pounds The Doctuh Drivuh $600 000 Main Eventer
Downcast 6'0" 250 pounds DownWard Spiral $300 000 Mid Carder
Heavy D 6'9" 245 pounds Sit Out Tiger Driver $300 000 Mid Carder
Brock Lesnar 6'4" 285 pounds F-5 $600 000 Main eventer
Tag Team
Tag Team Name wrestler's name combined weight
LA Resistance Renee Dupree & Sylvan Griener 485