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[ Content ] Rules

---------------Must be defended once every month. Usually at every ppv....if defended during the month, then probably not. Seldomly defended on Nitro.

------------Required to be defended twice each month. At most ppvs and any televised show.

--------Defended twice during month, and at PPV if the division is hot.

--------Defended whenever we feel it needs to be defended. Defended almost every PPV. Note: To challeng for the Cruiserweight Championship, you must be BELOW 240 pounds.

--------Defended whenever we feel it needs to be defended. Defended almost every PPV.


1. We only allow 2 wrestlers per person. Be sure you can handle one, before wasting our time with a second.

2. We try to post the show results on time, but this isn't always possible. Be patient.

3. Everyone will not always have a match. So if you don't have a match. Chill, because you might have one on the next card.

4. There will be a pay per view each month. Most will have a match on the PPV if they have made an effort to roleplay and exhibit any talent.

5. No racial slurs, or anything of this type. Accept that people are all different. We're all familiar with the bad guy Russian or the white supremist from South Africa. These are classic heel types. The racial card is one that should be monitored. If someone comes on OOC and is offended, the matter will be scrutinized.

6. Swearing is allowed, but for quality purposes. Don't over do it. How will we know what your character is like if all we hear is swear words?

7. You may use created, or real wrestlers.

8. Your allowed to use pictures as a base for your character, to give an impression of what he looks like. If someone else already has the picture base you want, then ask them if you can use it. If they say NO, then look elsewhere. It's usually first come first rights.

9. If you have a match idea, angle, attack segment, please run it by staff so we can review it. We may not put it into the show, realize that.

10. The main idea here is to have fun. Do not take an insult towards your character as a personal insult towards you. If someone does insult you personally, it will be dealt with.

1. Try to make your roleplays as entertaining as possible. We judge on several points.

2. If you lose a match, don't quit. Everything we do is part of an angle or a storyline we have going and you probably deserved to lose anyway.

3. You are not allowed to seriously injure other members of the federation in your roleplays. You may attack them, but nothing to the extent of what may happen on a show. Please do not take advantage of this rule. We're allowing you to attack for realism, but we will revoke this privilage if we see fit to.

4. Remember that roleplays are supposed to be real so don't make fun of someone's spelling or say RP or e-fed in your roleplay.

5. If you have any questions about anything, dont be afraid to ask. Everyone helps everyone.

6. See RP Deadlines. If you need more time for a certain reason, please contact staff ASAP explaining your situation, or post it as an extra OOC in an r/p, or on the OOC board.

7. PLEASE use the OOC Board for out of character comments. I cannot stress this enough. The OOC Board is not there just for decoration. The roleplay board is for In Character, not for posting a thread entiled "OOC: I lost my dog". Just put it on the OOC Board please.