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The wCw show begins on Thursday night. The fans are cheering as the wCw is heating up each week. The wCw theme hit?s the arena and Eric Bischoff comes out onto the ramp with a microphone and he stands on top of the ramp.

Eric Bischoff: Tonight I am going to do something. Right now I am going to fire all the announcers and referees and I would like to introduce you to the new announcers and referees. Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Earl Hebner, and Lillian Garcia. Now also, I want everyone to know that I will not make the same mistake that I did last time and I want to guys to have a terrific time tonight.

The wCw theme hits again and Eric Bischoff heads into the back and the new staff comes out and takes there places. Then the show begins.

Lillian Garcia: Coming to the ring first, the challenger Trish Stratus.

Trish?s theme hit?s the arena and the fans go wild as Trish Stratus comes down to the ring and gets in she swings her hat around in the ring and then tosses it into the crowd.

Lillian Garcia: Coming to the ring next, the partner, Stephanie McMahon.

The Game by Motor head hit?s the arena and Stephanie McMahon comes down to the ring. The crowd begins to give her a mixed reaction as she climbs in and waits.

Lillian Garcia: And there opponents, Lita and Stacy Kiebler.

Legs by Kid Rock hit?s the arena and Lita and Stacy come out onto the ramp and the fans begin to cheer as the two divas make there way down to the ring and climb in. Then the bell rings.




The bell rings and Lita and Trish start up. Trish goes for a close line but Lita ducks and comes back with a spear into the turnbuckle. Lita spears Trish three times and Earl Hebner breaks it up. Then Lita runs against the ropes and slides under Trish and goes for a dropkick but Trish moves out of the way. Trish then begins to take lead in the match and begins to kick Lita. Then Trish picks up Lita by the hair and slams her on the ground and goes to takes of Lita shirt but Stacy Kiebler comes in and knocks Trish away and the referee holds Stacy back as Stephanie comes in and bitch slaps Lita and Lita goes down. Stephanie climbs back into her corner. Then Trish goes for a bull dog but Lita reverse it and kicks Trish in the jaw and runs to tag Stacy. Stacy Kiebler gets in the ring and this Trish down and the runs to knock Stephanie down.

Jerry ?The King? Lawler: Damn it Ross, I want to get to some action. All this is fighting. I want some damn puppies. You got that.

Then Stacy turns around and Trish kicks her in the stomach and tosses Stacy against the ropes and does a dropkick and Stacy goes down. Stephanie gets back up and Trish tags her in and Stephanie begins by kicking Stacy in the back. Stephanie picks up Stacy and swings her into the turnbuckle and begins to slap her in the chest as the fans say oh. Stephanie continues until the referee tells her to stop. Then she backs off and Stacy kicks her. Stephanie then runs at Stacy and Stacy kicks Stephanie again. Then Stacy runs at Stephanie and spears her down to the ground. Stacy begins to punch Stephanie around and then picks her up and drags Stephanie to her corner and tags Lita back in. Lita begins to kick Stephanie and then DDT?s Stephanie in the mat. Lita goes up on the top ropes and cheers and goes for the moonsault but Stephanie moves out of the way. They are both laying on the ground and Trish and Stacy are calling for the tag. Stephanie begins to crawl to tag Trish and Lita tags Stacy. Stacy climbs in and Trish runs and close lines her. Stacy gets up and Trish close lines her again. Then Trish close line Lita outside.

Jim Ross: Trish is heating everything up here tonight and I think that she has a good chance of winning here with Stephanie on Smackdown. Whoops, I mean Thunder. Well, I need to stop talking now.

Stacy crawls to the ropes to help her get up and Trish comes and knees Stacy in the back. Earl Hebner calls Trish off while Stephanie hits Stacy Kiebler in the head with her elbow. Stacy Kiebler is now on the ground and Trish runs to take off something and gets Stacy?s shirt and goes for the skirt but Lita gets in and hits Trish off. Then Stephanie climbs in and comes over and hits Lita down. All four women are in the ring and they all begin to whoop each others ass. Finally Lita grabs hold of Stephanie?s pants and rips it off and tosses it into the crowd. Stephanie then pushed Lita backwards and grabs Lita's shirt and rips it off. Lita flys out of the ring and Stephanie begins to double team Stacy with Trish. Then they pick Stacy Kiebler up and toss her againist the ropes and Stacy comes back and close lines both of them and takes Trish's shirt and rips it off. Then she goes to rip Trish's pants of and Stephanie grabs Stacy skirt and rips it off and the bell rings.

Your winners:


The wCw goes into a commercial break.

Slam of the week: Stone Cold winning the Title

wCw Divas Undressed

Motor Oil

Comes back from a commercial break.

Hulk Hogan?s theme hit?s the arena and the fans go wild as Hulkamania comes out onto the ramp. He begins to play the fake guitar and he walks down to the ring. He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone. He stands in the middle of the ring and begins to talk.

Hulk Hogan: On Monday Nitro I didn?t make a big impact and that?s ok. Tonight I don?t have a match but that?s ok. I am Hulk Hogan and the fans still love me. Maybe I will have a match at the PPV and maybe I wont but I am going to get a match sooner or later and when I do I promise you that I am going to kick some ass and I am going to rock the wCw.

The lights black out in the arena while the fans are cheering and then the lights turn back on and Hulk Hogan is on the ground. Christian is standing above him with a chair as the fans begins to cheer. Christian begins to kick him and then Rob Zombie plays over the arena and Edge runs down to the ring and Christian runs out of the ring. Edge helps Hulk Hogan up while Christian begins to talk.

Christian: Hulk Hogan, I know you may hate me and you think the Anti-Americans are not good but at the PPV I will be seeing you in the ring. How about it, me and you in a cage match. Now it is not up to you, its up to one certain man.

The screen on the Titintron turns on and Eric Bischoff is in his locker room. He looks up and smiles.

Eric Bischoff: Christian, I think your idea is good. Hulk Hogan, your first match will be at New Blood Rising the Wednesday against Christian in a cage match. I hope you enjoy it until then because this is going to be a big match. Now I gotta run so catch you all later.

Christian: So I will see you in the ring this Wednesday Hulk Hogan.

The wCw goes into a commercial break.

Slam of the week: Stone Cold winning the Title

wCw Divas Undressed

Motor Oil

Comes back from a commercial break.

The show comes back on and Hulk Hogan has left the ring. Edge and Christian are about to fight.


The bell rings and Christian runs at Edge but Edge jumps over Christian. Then Christian goes to hit Edge and Edge reverses it and hits Christian don. Christian gets back up and goes to kick Edge but Edge gets him and swings him around and then close lines Christian down. Christian begins to pout like a baby and then Edge begins to laugh. Christian gets up and kicks Edge in the face and Edge goes down. Christian begins to kick Edge hard and then begins to laugh at him. Then he picks up Edge and tosses him to the ropes and goes for a dropkick but Edge holds on to the ropes. Christian goes down and Edge goes and knees Christian. Then he picks Christian up and does a suplex. The fans begin to cheer for Edge.

Michael Cole: Well King, it has it here that Edge is taking over and the fans are liking it. I hope Edge wins. I am getting sick of this Anti-Americans bullshit. They have not right to do this shit to us.

Christian helps himself up in the corner and Edge goes to spear Christian but Christian moves and Edge goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Then Christian picks Edge up and begins to elbow Edges shoulder. Edge screams in pain. Then Christian takes Edge into the middle of the ring and power bombs Edge. Christian pins and Earl Hebner counts. 1..2.. Edge breaks out in the nick of time. Christian gets mad and picks up Edge and goes for a DDT but Edge hits Christian in the side and begins to punch Christian in the chest. Edge then hit?s the belly to belly suplex on Christian and the fans erupt in cheers. Edge picks up Christian and tosses him to the turnbuckle and climbs onto him. Edge begins to hit Christian. Edge gets down and begins to slap Christian in the chest and then picks him up and power slams Christian. Edge goes on the top rope and does a elbow drop and pins. 1..2 and Christian breaks up the pin.

Jerry ?The King? Lawler: Christian kicks out. Christian is unstoppable JR. Edge can not defeat his younger brother and I don?t think he ever will. Now, let see what Christian does next.

Edge argues with the referee and begins to say it was a three count and Christian comes up from behind and rolls Edge up in a pin. 1..2 and Edge breaks out. Edge begins to keep on hitting Christian and then goes for the Edgeucation but Christian pushed Edge into the referee knock Earl Hebner out. Then Christian goes out and grabs a chair and comes in and hits Edge over the head with it. He picks up Edge and hit?s The Unprettier on Edge. Christian pins but the referee is knocked out. Then the fans begin to cheer as Hulk Hogan runs down to the ring and Christian gets up and turns around. Hulk Hogan then big boots Christian in the face and goes off the ropes and hit?s the leg drop on Christian. The fans are cheering all over. Hulk Hogan taunts and then climbs out of the ring and Chris Jericho comes out with an upside-down American flag and Hulk Hogan and Chris Jericho battle it out in the back.

Jim Ross: King, Hulk Hogan just came down to the ring and helped Edge out. Now both superstars are knocked out. What will happen next. What will happen between Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan. We will see soon.

The referee makes his way up and begins to count. 1..2..3..4..5..6 and Edge gets up and picks up Christian. The fans begins to go wild as Edge kicks Christian in the mid-section and then hit?s the Edgeucation on Christian. They are both knocked out on the floor. Then Edge begins to crawl toward Christian and pins. 1..2 and Christian breaks out. The fans begin to boo. Then Edge picks up Christian and tosses him into the ropes and goes for a spear but Edge runs into Christians boot. Christian picks Edge up and htis The Unprettier on Edge. The fans begin to boo again and Christian pins. 1..2..3 and Christian gets up and begins to celebrate and the remembers to go over to Edges corner and takes the American flag and burns it. Then Christian walks over to Edge and picks him up and stare into heach others eyes. Then they hug each other and they walk backstage.

Your Winner:

Jerry ?The King? Lawler: Ross, E & C are back together. But are they Anti-Americans. That was one hell of a match JR. I said Christian will not lose to Edge and Christian won. Now lets move on.

The wCw goes into a commercial break.

Talk of the week: Triple H taking Brock out of the Rumble.

wCw Divas Undressed

Motor Oil

Comes back from a commercial break.

R.V.D is walking in the back and he looks down and sees Chris Jericho knocked out with the broken upside-down American flag. R.V.D smiles and walks over Chris Jericho and begins to walk down the hall. He turns the corner and Kane attacks R.V.D. Kane begins to hook R.V.D and then Choke slams him into a table. The security comes and separates them.

Kane: Tonight will be a living hell to you. That?s if your ass can make it since you just went to a table. You see, I am going to win this damn match tonight and that?s final.

Kane then walks away from the crowd and heads back down the hall. Jim Ross: Now onto our main event The Rock versus Scott Steiner, I expect this one to be a real slobber knocker King. The winner goes on to face Stone Cold Steve Austin at New Blood Rising for the World Heaveyweight Title. Speaking of the Stone Cold here he comes now....hes the guest referee for this match.

King: Who in the hell made Stone Cold the ref in the first place? He's not exactly the smartest or fairest ref I have ever seen. Look at him JR it looks like he's already been drinking tonight.

Lillian Garcia: Now entering the ring, a member of the nWo Wolfpac. Scot Steiner.

Steiner comes out wearing his usualy Wolfpac Red and Black as the crowd goes wild. He gets into the middle of the ring and flexes his biceps and poses for the thousands of cameras flashing in the crowd.


Lillian Garcia: And his opponent coming in .The Rock.

The Rock comes out onto the ramp and looks around as the crowd jumps off their feet, he smiles at the ovation and then looks at Scott Steiner in the ring and raises his eyebrow. Suddenly The Rock starts running towards the ring and Steiner ducks under the ropes as they meet right outside the ring and start exchaning blows.

King: Woah...these two aren't even waiting for the bell to ring! They're really want a shot at the Title at New Blood Rising**Ring Ring Ring** Well now we finally have the match officially started but these two have been exhanging rights outside the ring for a minute now.

Jim Ross: This isn't a falls count anywhere match either, Stone Cold should be counting both these guys out right now but he looks amused they're beating up on each other on the outside.

Steiner and the Rock wrap up and Steiner wins the battle and throws the Rock into the steel ring post on the outside as the Rock falls to the mat. Steiner lets out a lout AAAHHHHWWWWWOOOOOOOO and the crowd responds. Steiner grabs the Rock and is going to send him into the far ring post but Rock reverses and sends Steiner flying on the outside into the post. The Rock hops into the ring as he and Stone Cold glare at each other for a second and then Steiner hops into the ring and him and Rock lock up.

Jim Ross: There's a lot of tension in the arena tonight. There's no telling what could happen and these fans are on the edge of their seats.

Steiner wins the grapple again and puts the Rock in an arm bar. The Rock is grimacing in pain but reverses the hold and now has Steiner in an arm lock. Steiner throws a blind elbow to the Rocks head but doesn't budge on his hold. Then Steiner throws two more elbows and the Rock releases the hold and stumbles back a bit. Steiner takes advantage and runs at him and nails him with a killer clothesline that has Rock almost do a flip in the air.

King: Wow....I'm glad I'm not in the ring with him tonight. The average person would be out cold from a clothesline by Steiner. This guys arms are bigger than most peoples thighs.

Steiner gets on top of the Rock and starts punching away at his face. He then gets up as the Rock still lays on the mat barely moving. Steiner turns around and Stone Cold is standing right there and doesn't move. Steiner smacks Stone Cold right in the face and sends him stumbling into the ropes.

Jim Ross: Did you see that?! What is Steiner thinking? I know these two hate each other but Stone Cold could have just DQed Steiner for that but Stone Cold just looks at Steiner with a smirk on his face.

The Rock takes advantage of Steiner having his eyes locked on Stone Cold and does a football dive from the mat right into Steiners left leg. The Rock takes Steiner and whips him into the ropes, Steiner comes flying off the ropes and the Rock nails him with a knee to the gut.

King: The tables seemed to have turned after Steiner payed too much attention to Stone Cold. That could cost him the match.

The Rock gets Steiner off the ground and locks up with him, The Rock is now sets up for the Irishwip but Steiner reverses and sends the Rock into the ropes...Steiner runs right at the Rock in the corner but the Rock gets his boot up and catches Steiner right in the mouth sending him flying to the ground. The Rock sensing Steiner is injured goes right on the attack. He picks up Steiner and nails him with a devastating DDT leaving Steiner laying in the middle of the ring with his arms layed out.

Jim Ross: Here comes the most electrifying move in sports entertainment. The Rock stands above Steiner and throws his elbow pad into the crowd.

The Rock bounces off the ropes when all of the sudden Steiner jumps right up off the mat. The Rock doesn't realize Steiner jumped up and Scott is standing waiting for the Rock when he turns his head and runs right into the Steiner Recliner!!

King: Thats amazing....I dont know if he was playing dead or what but Steiner jumped right off the mat shocking the Rock and has the Steiner Recliner locked on tight.

The Rock is trying to fight his way out but Steiners big arms are not letting go. Now the Rock is yelling for the bell but Stone Cold is standing right there and is not signaling for it. Steiner tightens the hold and looks at Stone Cold as the Rock is in a lot of pain screaming for the match to stop. Finally Stone Cold goes over and calls the bell.

Jim Ross: Well that was one of the most intense matches I have seen here in the WCW so far. Your winner going to New Blood Rissing is Scott Steiner!!

Your Winner

Steiner is celebrating in the ring posing for the crowd but he doesn't know Stone Cold never left the ring and is right behind him. Steiner turns around and gets nailed with the Stunner laying Steiner out on the mat. The Rock is slowly getting up and Stone Cold goes over and helps the Rock up. Stone Cold holds out his hand and he wants to shake the Rocks hand. The Rock looks around at the crowd and the crowd wants him to shake Stone Colds hand, just then Austin nails the Rock with a stunner leaving him lying right next to Steiner.

Jim Ross: The Rattlesnake has struck again! The Rattlesnake has struck again. Thats two straight times he's given Steiner the Stunner and then for no reason he nails Rock with the Stunner!! Tune in Next Wednesday Night New Blood Rising for the First ever WCW Pay Per View!!

Stone Cold goes to the ring announcer and yells for some beer. He gets tossed a couple cans and drinks them over Steiner and The Rock and then throws the cans at them as the screen fades out.