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WrestleMania X8

News and Rumors
Fan Axxess
The Trip and Being There Live
Video Game
Forum/Message Board
Drowning Pool - Tear Away
Saliva - Superstar

Countdown to WrestleMania X8: days

More than 67,000 fans from 10 Canadian provinces, 15 countries and all fifty states will be at WrestleMania X8

There are moments that captivate our hearts
and rejuvenate our souls
a night that fuels our imagination
and takes us back to the enchanting days of our youth
an event that makes us believe in magic and miracles
and reminds us never to relinquish our dreams
this is Wrestlemania
a place of wonder
where moments echo through the ages
and memories are indelibly etched in the annals of time
this is Wrestlemania
a testament to excellence
where men defy limitations to forge an enduring legacy
this is Wrestlemania
the showcase of the immortals
a celebration of life

"The grand daddy of them all"

"The showcase of the immortals"

"The greatest sports entertainment spectacle of all time"

"The super bowl of wrestling"

"The show in the world of sports entertainment"

"The biggest Pay-Per-View of the year"

"Where men become legends and legends become gods"

"The one and only"

I will be going to WrestleMania X8 myself, and that is why I made this site. I hope to see you there and hope you enjoy the website. I would enjoy any feedback. My email address is at the bottom of the page.

Don't forget to visit for the most accurate information on WrestleMania X8.

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