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Welcome to one of the most important pages of this site:  The Weenie of the Week!!!  This is where we'll be awarding one lucky wiener this prestigious award for all to see.  It won't be quite as enormous as something like The King of the Ring Crowning, but as far as this site is concerned, if you're the Weenie, you're in the spotlight!

The WofW winners (I guess they've won something) will be announced on Sunday afternoon, nominees for each week will be announced Friday.

So okay, okay I realize that it's been like a decade since I last posted a WotW winner and I'm sorry.  I forgot that I actually had a section of the site that needed a new Weenie every week.  Maybe I should just give myself the award and dub it 'Weenie of the Decade.'  So over the past few weeks I've been searching for something or someone that would fit in as the Super Weenie to make up for my lack of postings in recent weeks.

So this week (and probably next week and the week after), the one(s) to carry the torch as the official Weenie(s) here on are noneother than Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez!  Why?  The choice is clear...

BEN AND JEN HAVE SPLIT?!  Who gives a wicked crusty dump?!!!

These two have been the darlings of the media brigade since they first started hanging out.  We were slammed almost weekly with updates of their whereabouts and doings.  I figured when their stupid-ass movie 'Gigli' tanked they would fade away for a while.

Boy was I wrong, wrong, wrong...

So now they've split and once again the media monkeys are having a heyday with this overblown situation.  So they broke up.  So what?  They're just people, people!!!

For some odd reason, we as human beings find it so important to know what the fuck is going on in other peoples' lives (especially if some kinda celebrity status is involved).  I just don't get it.  I try to put people over who have nothing to do but follow the media and believe the hype, but it gets to be more of a tedious undertaking, and not just friendly humoring.

So because I don't give a shit, but everyone and their grandmother seems to, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez can go cry their woes and sorrows behind another shot of Wild Turkey and if they're not drinking, pass it my way since it seems like insobriety coupled with a spliff is the only way to escape this looney reality.




All contents herein copyright and trademark their respective owners.  Any logos, trademarks or likenesses of WWE, Inc. are used with the sole intent of journalistic reporting and therefore will hyperlink directly to any corresponding merchandising or anything like that thereof that they can make money off of... blah, blah, blah...  So basically, we're not associated with the WWE organization, or any federation, alliance, stable clique (except for maybe WEE and WWWWE) and if we use anyone's graphics or pics, it's only cuz we're trying our damnest to push the hell out of it!!!  So quitcher bitchn', pidgeon!