Adrian Adonis

WWF Circa 1980s

And you thought Goldust was the first bizarre WWF Superstar to act, how do you say it, homosexual? Well, you are DEAD wrong. Back in 1985, Adrian Adonis was having a good, steady run as a former tag team champion (as a straight man) with Dick Murdoch just a year previous. But once they lost the titles to The US Express, things turned ugly...

AAAHHHH! I knew things were gonna get ugly, but I didn't expect THIS! Well, as if it wasn't bad enough that he acted like a woman, but he also dressed like a woman for gods sake! Dresses, Makeup, Knee Socks & Stocking, the works. And people wonder why it was more fun to watch Ric Flair kick ass for 50 minutes then watch a fruit dancing around the ring.

If you didn't get the gimmick yet, well they drove it home, as he would WRESTLE in the dress as well as wear at to the ring and crap. Now THAT is disturbing. (See: Pillman, Brian)

Adonis, although gaining a tremendous amount of weight....

Was STILL able to move around good for a man his size. Although he didn't use an extraordinary lengthy amount of wrestling maneuvers, he had a very devestating finishing move, the Sleeper Hold!

Or as he would refer to it, the "Goodnight Irene". Although his gimmick was fresh & original, the fans didn't catch on, so what else to do then to give him his own interview segment.

The Flower Shop!

Once Piper stopped doing the Piper's Pit segments (because in storylines Adonis sieged it and beat him to a pulp), The Flower Shop debuted, and lasted so much as a few weeks, until Piper destroyed it with a baseball bat.

Adonis finally felt the final straw was at Wrestlemania III, where he had his head shaved bald. Soon after, he left the WWF, and would die just the next year. Although his gimmick was garbage, he was still a decent wrestler, which is usually the case.

But the WWF should've learned when they hired Dustin Runnels, but that's another case.