WCW Circa mid-1990s Yet more cartoon gimmicks. Seeing promos from this guy got everyone's hopes up. Even with the flashy graphics and all the catchy phrases, like "Blood runs cold", which was used every time, nothing could get this guy over.
To top it off, when he FINALLY did debut, he was just a Sub Zero rip-off from the Mortal Kombat series. If you don't know the video game, may you be cursed to watch HHH matches for all eternity. See the resemblance? Kinda not, I guess, but if your gimmick is based on you freezing shit, then its obviously a rip-off. Anyway, after a few months of a so-called "push", Glacier became a JTTS. On a final note, not only was The Glacier gimmick a bomb to the WCW, but his in-ring skills were less then fantastic and was just another one of the characters in the crop of the company's work force. Pretty soon, Glacier was gone from television, for whoever knows what reason. (Most likely copyright infringement)