WWF Circa 1990 This was so God-awful, I don't know how to start this. Well, it started with an egg. No, this isn't the birds and the bees. This egg was displayed on WWF television for a few months in the fall of 1990, leading up to the Survivor Series. At the PPV the egg would hatch and reveal something. Everyone thought it was the Million Dollar Team's partner, but they were dead wrong. An actual BIRD came out of the egg, christened the Gobbledy Gooker. The fans began to get pissed when the Gooker started to... Dance. And Mean Gene was getting jiggy with it, while the crowd was booing so hard it made their throats sorer then a 10 dollar prostitute. And this didn't last 10 seconds, It lasted a good 6 or 7 minutes..of Okerlund dancing..with a FREAKING BIRD!! I'm not even gonna ask. Pretty soon, the gimmick was dropped, but for some unknown reason, he made a few appearances in promos with another Birdman. Of course, he made one last appearance, at Wrestlemania X-7 with the rest of the crap.