Smark Terms
Here are all the terms use by members of the internet wrestling community daily. I will add 4 new terms everyday! Here you go!
Smark Terms
- A-Show (a-show), n.-a show featuring superstars of a wrestling organazation while at the same time, running a show with lesser stars in another town: The Rock and Kurt Angle were part of the A-Show in Florida.
- A-Team (a-team), n.-a group of wrestlers featured on the A-Show: The RAW brand had an A-Team show up first.
- A-bor-tion (a-bore-shin), n.-1. a failed angle or match.-The
- A-bor-ted (a-bore-ted), v.-an angle that is cancelled during the course of it: The InVasion angle was aborted 4 months before its blow off at Wrestlemania X8.
- An-gle (an-gul), n.-The storyline to a feud or apart of a feud: The Love Triangle between Triple H, Kurt Angle, and Stephanie McMahon, was the angle of the summer of 2000.
- Apter Mags (ab-ter mags),a.-a magazine in which Bill Apter is part of the staff. a magazine that follows the storylines.:PWI is a classic Apter Mag that has been around for 25 years.
- Arm Col-or (arm colur), n.-an arm that is bleeding:The indy wrestler suffered arm color after his match.
- A-round The Horn (a-round the horn),n.-the trip to the location of the destined event. The WWE made it around the horn to enter New Hampshire. (rarely used)
- B-Show (b-show),n.-a wrestling event headlined by mid to low carders and is usually in a differnet part of the country than the superstars on the A-Shows.:Mark Henry vs. Reverend D'Von was the main event of the B-Show.
- B-Team (b-team),n.-a group of wrestlers that appear on the b-show.:Hardcore Holly was in the B-Team.
- Baby-face (babe-y face), n.-the good guy.:Rob Van Damn is a popular babyface.
- Blade(blade),v.-when a wrestler cuts his forehead on purpose with a razor blade so that he could bleed.:Mick Foley, Abudullah The Butcher, and Terry Funk are experts at doing the blade.
- Blow-Off(blow-off),v.-the climax of a feud.:Vince McMahon vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin in a steel cage match at St. Valentines Massacare in February 1999, was the blow-off to their feud.
- Blow-Up(blow-up),v.-to be extremely exhausted during the middle of a match.:The Ultimate Warrior used to blow-up before his matches.
- Book(book),v.-to scheldue a wrestler for a show.:The management decided to book Chris Benoit for Tuesday.
- Boo-ker(boo-ker),n.-the person in the organzation that basically controls the wrestling aspect of it (i,e, signs wrestlers, books the finish of the matches, and books wrestlers).: Paul Heyman is a booker for the WWE.
- Boot-leg(boot-leg),n.-an item that is illegally traded or sold like t-shirts & tapes.:The scapers sold the bootleg tickets to the people.
- Bounce(bounce),v.-the move that usually leads to a pin (a.k.a. the finishing maneveaur) (rarely used).: Eddie Gurrero used his bounce then did the Frog Splash.
- The Boys(the boys),n.-the wrestlers in an organazation.: The Boys ate lunch at the arena.
- Bo-zark(bo-zark),n.-a female wrestler (rarely used term).: Lita is a bozark. (Note: I don't know how to use it in a sentence.)
- Brass(brass),n.-the management of an organazation.: The brass called Triple H to the office.
- Bull(bull),n.-a promoter. (a rarely used and old term).:The bull set up tonight's card.
- Bump(bump),v.-to take a drop to the floor or hit in a match.: Shawn Micheals was a bump machine.
- Bur-y(bur-ree),v.-to humilate and make a wrestler lose constanly as a punishment for something he or she did that upset management.:Ricky Steamboat was buried when he returned to the WWF.
- Broad-way (braw-way),v.-a draw.: The match was a broadway.
- Buisness(bizz-ness),n.-a term used by wrestlers and their promoters to describe professional wrestling.: This is a tough buisness.
- Call A Match(call a match), v.-To tell an opponent what to do next during a match.: Wrestler A call the match with wrestler b.
- Canned Heat(canned heat),n.-Fake cheers and boos created by a wrestling organazation to make a wrestler seem over to the T.V. watcher.: Mark Henry is given canned heat nowadays.
- Card(card),n.-The matches for the night's show.: Tonight's card will be jam packed with action!
- Car-ney(car-knee),n.-Short for
- Car-ry(car-ree),v.-When a talented wrestler calls a match with a horrible wrestler to make the match good and the horrible wrestler look good in the fans eyes.: Shawn Micheals could carry anyone to a good match.
- Cheap Heat(cheap heat),n.-When a wrestler insults a hometown just to get boos or says the name of the hometown to get cheers.: Mick Foley was great at cheap heat.
- Color(co-lour),n.-Another term for blood.: The color ozzed from his face.
- Come-back(come-bak),n.-When a babyface dominates a match after the heel abuses him.: Hulk Hogan made the comeback against the evil forgeiner.
- Cut A Promo(cut a pro-mo),v.-When a wrestler does an interview with skill.:The Rock cut a promo about his upcoming match.
- Dag-ger(dag-ger),n.-A razor blade that has the razor more exposed than it should.:The dagger could have killed wrestler A.
- Dark Match(dark match),n.-A wrestling match not broadcast on T.V. before a T.V. show airs.:Mike Modest wrestled in the dark match before SmackDown!
- Deal(deal),n.-Another term for title belt.:The deal was put up for grabs in the main event.
- Do Buisness(do bizz-ness),v.-To lose.: You had to do buisness tonight.
- Doing Buisness On The Way Out(doing bizz-ness on the way out),v.-When a wrestler goes on a losing streak before he or she leaves the promotion.: Chris Jericho was doing the buisness on the way out before he left WCW in 1999.
- Double Juiced(dou-bul juiced),v.-When two wrestlers blade during a match.: Bret Hart and Rowdy Roddy Piper double juiced during their match at Wrestlemania VIII.
- Draw(draw),n.-When a wrestling match ends with no winner.: The match ended in a draw.
- Dust-y Fin-ish(dus-ti finn-ish),v.-When a second referee counts the 3 count for a babyface win but the orginal referee comes in and reverses the decision. Created by Dusty Rhodes in the 1980's.: Hulk Hogan would have won the AWA title but the Dusty Finish prevented it.
- Face(face),n.-Short for babyface.: The face of the match was Ric Flair.
- False Come-back(false com-bak),v.-The point in a match, when the babyface starts dominating the heel but is stopped shortly by the heel.: John Cena made a false comeback in his match against Chris Jericho.
- Feed-ing(fee-ding),n.-The role the heel plays in the babyface comeback taking bumps to generate support. The face made do the same thing as the heel dominates.: Shawn Micheals did feeding for Disel during their match at WWF Wrestlemania XI.
- Feud(fuel),n.-A rivalry between two wrestlers that results in them battling each other until a blow-off is made.: Austin vs. McMahon was the greatest feud in the history of the WWF.
- Fi-nish(fin-ish),n.-The end of a match: The two wrestlers battle to the finish.
- Fin-ish-er(fin-is-her),n.-A move each wrestler has that he/she uses to end a match.: The Rock Bottom is The Rock's finisher.
- For-gein Ob-ject(for-in ob-jek),n.-A weapon that a wrestler uses illegally to win a match.: William Regal uses a forgein object in his matches the object being brass knuckles.
- Gar-bage Wrestlinggarbage wrestling.
- Gas(gas),n.-A slang term for steroids.:Many wrestlers took gas in the late 80's and early 90's.
- Gate(gate),n.-The amount of money a wrestling event makes for a show.:The WWF made a gate of millions of dollars for Wrestlemania X-Seven.
- Geek(ge-ek),v.-To cut yourself.:The wrestler geek doing the match.
- Gig Mark(gig mark),n.-Scars a wrestler has from blading.:Abdullah The Butcher has a bunch of gig mark on his forehead.
- Gim-mick(gim-mik),n.-The thing that makes a wrestler unique like a prop it only uses or a character it plays.: Doink The Clowns gimmick was a psychotic clown.
- Giz-mo(giz-mo),n.-An old term for gizmo.:Issac Yankem's gizmo was being a dentist.
- Glob(glob),v.-A term meaning to hit someone for real.:Some wrestlers glob their oppoents.
- Go Home(go home), v.-A term a wrestler tells another wrestler when it is time to end a match.:Chris Jericho told Kurt Angle to go home.
- Go O-ver(go o-ver),v.-When a veteran wrestler uses to a young wrestler in order to make the wrestler seem strong enough in the eyes of the fans.:Hulk Hogan had to go over Kurt Angle at their match at King Of The Ring.
- Go Through(go through),v.-A time limit draw.:Lex Luger and Tantanka had a go through at King Of The Ring 1993.
- Go-ing Bush(go-ing bush),v.-When an major wrestler signs on to the indys..:Lots of indy wrestlers were going bush from the WWE.
- Good Hand(good hand),n.-A wrestler lots of wrestlers like to work with because he/she is so good.:Chris Benoit is a good hand to many in the WWE.
- Green(green),n.-An inexperienced wrestler. 2.a rookie.:A lot of people are criticizing Brock Lesnar facing The Rock for the Undisputed Title at Summerslam because he is green.
- Gush-er(gush-er),n.-A very deep cut in which a severe amount of blood is lost. It may not be a result of blading.:Mick Foley had a gusher in his King Of The Death Match match.
- Han-dles(han-dols),n.-A name a wrestler likes to call him/herself.:The Rock handles himself as Dwayne.
- Hard-way(hard-way),n.-When a wrestler bleeds unintentionally and not as a result of blading.:Owen Hart bled hardway during his match with Dan
- Heat(heat),n.-The response the fans give to a wrestler. It determines the fate of the wrestler.: The Rock recieves tons of heat.
- Hea-vy(head-vi),n.-A wrestler that is hard to lift usually because the wrestler refuses to cooperate with his/her oppoent.: Some wrestlers are heavy.
- Heel(heel),n.-The bad guy. The guy the bookers push to get boos from the crowd.: Brock Lesnar is a heel.
- High-spot(high spot),n.-A move that is risky to do.: Cruiserweight matches are filled with highspot after highspot.
- Hold Up(hold up),v.-When a wrestler refuses to wrestle until he/she is paid more than what was originally asked.: Wrestlers that hold up are considered greedy.