Live from the Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio.
Your commentators are Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The "Pilgrom" Ventura.
Brutus starts out with Greg Valentine and they trade some roundhouse rights. Davis gets in and he puts the boots to Brutus. Beefcake reverses an Irish whip and locks on the Sleeper Hold to elimanate Danny Davis already 1:17 into the match. Hammer back in the match and he nails him with bionic elbows and a headbutt to the midsection. Hammer works on the leg trying to tear a muscle, when he goes for the figure four beefcake blocks it and unloads on him. Blue Blazer in with a double ax-handle and he scores a head scissors. Armbar and Brunzell tags in, working the armbar as well. Hammer nails him with a few forearms and catches him with a slam but misses the elbow, allowing Brunzell to cover for only 2. Irish Whip and Brunzell nails a dropkick. Bad News tags in unbeknownst to me and works over Jim. Headbutt by Brown annd a boot to the midsection. Scoop Slam by Brown and he drops a fist to the asophagus. Eye rake by Brunzell but Brown is relentless. Brunzell tries fighting back but Brown keeps stopping him with illegal tactics. Irish whip to the buckle and a gehtto blaster later puts Brunzell out at 5:12. Beefcake in with an armbar and Houston in with a axhandle to the shoulder. Irish whip to the buckle but Sam eats some boots and gets hammered with heavy right hands. Leg Drtop by Brown connects for only 2. Houston tries fighting back but a headbutt stops him. Stiff whip to the buckle and a clothesline by BNB. Hammer tags in again and he scores a thick clothesline and Brown tags in. Valentine accidentally misses Houston and nails Brown, and the heels aruge, which causes Brown to ditch his team taking the count out at 7:49 (aprox.). Houston rolls up Hammer from behind for 2. Sunset flip goes south and Hammer tags in Bass.. Slam by The Outlaw and an elbow drop for 2. Another slam is reversed with a roll up by Houston for 2 again. Bass with a boot to the kisser and a clothesline for 2. Houston back up and he gets his face slammed to the canvas but for only a 2 count. Crossbody by Houston for 2 and Bass with a clothesline and elbow drop for 2. Irish Whip and houston throws some punches but gets caught in a powerslam elimanatung him at 10:11. Warrior FINALLY enters and beats up everyone. Clothesline to Bas and a hangman choke to Honky followed by the shoulder tackle. Powerslam to Bass and Blazer with a top rope splash for just 2. Blazer with a crossbody on HTM for only 2, and a monkey flip follow3ed by a dropkick. Hammer in and he gets nailed in a monkey flip, and Blazer drops him with a slam and elbow for 2. Back Body drop by the Blazer and a power-body slam, but HTM throws him off the top rope. Hammer locks on the Figure Four (w. the Hart Breaker assistance) and Blazer is elimanated at 12:24 (aprox.). Beefcake gets hammered by Valentine and he plants some bionic elbows to the face. Bass back in and he drives a knee to the midsection and a headbutt the the shoulder for 2. Honky in and he puts a pounding to Beefcake and slams his face into the mat. Beefcake its a Bass boot and Hammer in. Triple Teaming occurs when Warrior enters the ring illegally. Shake Rattle N' Roll reversed with a backdrop and Bass back in. He drops Beefcake across the top rope for just 2. Honky gets caught with a fist to the midsection and Beefcake hammers him. Atomic Drop by Beefcake and a clothesline, and he locks the sleeperhold. Both men spill to the floor and guess what, they are counted out at 15:41. Bass & Hammer double team Warrior, scoring a double clothesline. Hammer with an elbow for only 1 and the heels plant boots to Warrior. Warrior gets hammered for a little while by both men nothing of note. Make a long story short Warrior pins Bass at 17:25. Hammer pounds on Warrior who no sells everything and gets caught with a double axhandle and pinned at 17:49. Warrior is the Sole Survivor. **1/2. Match wasn't that bad. .
DBS starts with Conquistador #1 and Davey with a scoop slam. Jacques in and he hammers on DBS but gets caught with a gorilla pres onto Ray. Nikolai in and Michaels. Shawn eats buckle and Zhukov in and he hammers him. Shawn with a hip toss and armbar and tag to Jannetty. Zhukov makes the tag to Ax and he pounds Marty to the mat. Marty eats a boot and Arn Anderson in and he gets nailed with a back drop and drop-kick. Tully Blanchard in and both men exchange blows. Atomic Drop by Mart and Tully gets hammered by most of the face team followed by a drop-kick. Jacques back in and they lock up. Cross Body misses and Marty covers for 2. Dynamite in and he scores a snap suplex for 2. Powers in with Ray and Dynamite back in. Lockup and dynamite with a shoulderblock. Jacques up with a knee to the midsection, but gets caught with a sunset flip for 2. Powers & Zhukov in. Drop-kick by Powers and he sends Boris to the buckle. Smash in now and he nails on Powers with a boot and Jacques in with a drop-kick for 2. Bret Hart in and Rogeau scores a diving elbow for 2. Ray in and he gets small packaged by Bret to eliminate the Rogeaus at 5:22. Bret with an armbar on Nikolai and Roma with an axhandle. Crossbody off the top rope for 2 and an armbar and Niedhart tags in with a drop-kick. Smash back in and he pounds on Niedhart but gets nailed with a knee lift and clothesline and Barbarian tags in. He hammers on Smash and they exchange blows. Smash with a knee lift and tag to a Conquistador and he hammers on Barbarian. Barbarian with a big boot and Warlord in, he plants some boots to the midsection and Bret in with some more rights. Smash in with Bret and he applies an armbar to Bret and tags Ax. The Demo's double smash Bret and Bret fights back on Ax, Irish Whip but Ax with a boot to the kisser. blanchard in and he drops a n axhandle on the Hitman. Bret whipped to the buckle and he comes back with a clothesline. Ax & Shawn in and the Demos pound Michaels. Smash in officially and he catches Shawn in midair and plants him in his corner where the Bolsheviks hammer him. Nikolai with a gorilla press into a back breaker for 2. Knee Lift by Nikolai and Blanchard in. He tags out to Arn who scores a picture perfect spine buster for 2. Michaels eats buckle and a Conquistador tags in, he scores s series of rights and a scoop slam for 2. Marty in and he hammers on him scoring a powerslam. The other Conquistador walks into a hip toss and gets caught with a slam off a reversal from a hip toss for 2. Volkoff in and he gets nailed with a drop-kick for 2. Roma in and he hammers Volkoff and tags in Davey who slams Volkoff for 2. Twisting boot to the midsection of DBS and Blanchard in with a back drop and a succession of elbow drops, a 4th misses and DBS scores a headbutt. Warlord & A conquistador in and warlord catches him with a gorilla press slam. Ax in now and they exchange rights. Ax takes control and Smash tags in hammering the big man. Boot is caught and Smash gets leg sweeped by Warlord and tags in Barbarian, who scores a running scissors kick to Smash and a series of chops. Smash tags to Blanchard and he drops an axhandle, but gets caught in a press slam and Niedhart tags in with a running powerslam for 2. Water, I need water. Dynamite in with a lariat to Blanchard, but he gets dumped over the top to the floor. Arn in and he scores a shoulder to the midsection and stomps on him. Conquistador whatever in and Boris tags in quickly, scoring a powerslam. Powers makes the tag in and scores a back drop on Zhukov, Running clothesline connects. Crossbody by Powers is reversed and Zhukov pins him at 15:20, eliminating the Young Stallions. Shawn in and he hammers Volkoff, scoop slam and 2nd rope fist drop for 2. Barbarian in again and he scores a diving shouldertackle and Tully tags in again who tags in Volkoff. Lockup and Barbarian Clocks Volkoff. He hammers Barbarian though and Ax in to pound the midsection of him, driving an elbow to the sternum and smashing him to the canvas. A Conquistador in and he hammers him then tags Volkoff. He hammers on Barbarian but gets booted to the face and Michaels in, as is Zhukov. Shawn catches him with a shot to the midsection and Marty sunset flips him for the pin at 18:09, eliminating the Bolsheviks. Smash hammers Marty as does a Conquistador who gets caught in a sunset flip for 2. The other Conq. in and he back drops Marty to the heavens. smash in and he pounds on Marty some more. Smash tags to Ax and he scores a slam and Arn gets in. He gets his face driven to the mat and DBS tags in and back drops a conquistador. Tully in again and he puts the boots to Davey, who soon gets thrown to the buckle with a flair flip kind of technique. Smash back in and he hammers DBS and scores a snapmare and rear chin lock to follow. Tag to a Conquistador and he hammers on DBS for a while, tagging in his partner who nails an axhandle, Irish whip but DBS gets the boot in and tags Niedhart who goes crazy on him. Demolition Decapitator by the Harts for 2. Shawn with a beautiful drop-kick on him and tag to Marty who scores a diving elbow and tags out to Dynamite. He nails a snap suplex and a 2nd rope knee drop for only 2. Side Backbreaker by Dynamite for 2 again. Barbarian in and he clotheslines the murdered Spaniard and scores a powerslam and elbow drop, then heheadbutts him into his corner, tagging in Tully. Tully cheap shots Barbarian and he and Ax double team him. Demolition are in with the double smasher. Smash with the snapmare and chinlock again on Barbarian. Barbarian pries his hands off and Smash smashes him. Arn in and he drives a knee to the midsection and tags in a Conquistador who chokes him, then tags the other in who drives in a few roundhouse rights and tags Ax. Ax with a snapmare and chinlock on Barbarian, and tags out to Tully Blanchard who stomps him and Tags Arn who does the same. Barbarian catches him with a boot and tags in Marty who plants a drop-kick and elbow. Niedhart in and he hammers Arn, but gets nailed with a forearm and Tully lands a crossbody for 2. Suplex goes nowhere and Niedhart with his own. Bret Hart in with a side backbreaker and stomp to the midsection, followed by an inverted atomic drop. He hammers Tully and catches him with a German Suplex, but ends up pinning himself at 27:03 eliminating the Hart Foundation. DBS in and he scores a tombstone piledriver for 2. sorry, it was Dynamite Kid. Both Bulldogs in with a double shoulderblock. Shawn in and he gets booted. Arn and Marty come in and a brawl erupts as neither referee can stop them, so they call for the bell at 27:59, Disqualifying the Rockers & Brain Busters. Smash in and he snapmares Dynamite and locks the chinlock while the rockers chase the busters back to the lockeroom. Smash hammers on him and Dynamite with an elbow for 2. A Conquistador in and he gets in a knee lift to Dynamite, and he tags in his partner who nails a forearm to the back and a slam, but a senton misses and Warlord tags in. Slam by the big man and Barbarian tags in. Big Boot to the face and DBS in with the either Conquistador. Stall Suplex connects for a 2 count. Ax back in and he works in the forearms but gets crucifixed for only 2. Ax hammers him and tags out to Smash. DBS eats buckle, but catches Smash with a hiptoss and armbar, followed by a headbutt. Dynamite in and he lands a few forearms and a jaw breaker. Ax in and he pounds Dynamite, who catches him with a suplex. Conquistador #? gets caught in a DBS gorilla slam and he nails his running powerslam finisher, but tags in Barbarian. He headbutts him into the corner and Ax tags in again. Lockup and Barbarian knocks him down, but Ax pounds him down some more and tags Smash who tosses him to the floor. a Conquistador in and drives a boot in, and the other plants several roundhouse rights as well followed by a drop-kick. Barbarian fights back and tags DBS, and they score a double elbow for 2. Dynamite in and scores a gutwrench suplex for only 2. Headbutt connects for 2 again. Warlord in and he hammers on him more and slams him, dropping a leg drop and tags in Dynamite who gets caught with a boot and Smash in again. He runs into a boot and scores a suplex. Dynamite to the top rope and he misses the headbutt, and Smash clotheslines him to the mat for the pin at 26:02 eliminating the British Bulldogs. Barbarian hammers Smash and a Conquistador enters to pound away. The other in and he does the same. Warlord back in and he buckles Conquistador, but misses a charge and posts himself. Ax in and gets a snapmare and hammers him down. Smash in and he does the same, scoring a snapmare and hammers the arm. Conquistadors tag in and out hammering the Warlord and Ax back in with an armbar, and Smash headbutts the shoulder. Snapmare & armbar by Ax and Smash tags in continuing to hammer him, scoring a snapmare and armbar, but refuses to let Fuji hammer him with his cane, which would cause a DQ. Warlord fights out and scores a clothesline but gets clotheslined himself. Smash off the ropes but Fuji pulls them down and Smash falls to the floor and Ax gets in Fuji's face after they are counted out at 39:34. Ax & Fuji argue and he begins hitting him (ax) with his can until Smash grabs him, throws him into Ax allowing him to slam him on the arena floor. Its obvious Demolition have turned on Fuji, but the match is down to Conquistadors & Powers of Pain. The POP now go to help Fuji back up and bring him to their corner, to a mixed reaction, cause no one knows what to make of it. A Conquistador hammers Barbarian and they double team him, making quick tags and using devastating blows. Barbarian fights back and Fuji trips up the Conquistador, so Barbarian drops the headbutt for the win at 42:13, to a pop. Demolition come back out to show that the POP are heels and Demolition are the faces. Overall, match was ***** without a doubt. (time aprox. cause I couldn't hear the bell clearly)
Hogan is the only person to get a separate entrance before the match, and the WWF Champion had the nerve to come out with jobbers. Jobber Totem Poll Says Towers/Dibiase/Powers are the remaining people near the end. Hogan has a fit when he enters for some reason. Koko looks like a friggin midget standing next to Randy Savage. Dibiase & Savage start, Lockup and Savage with a side headlock and shoulderblock, and Dibiase nails his own and a series of right hands. Dibiase misses a charge and Savage works in the jabs and a clothesline. Hercules in and Dibiase bails. Rooster gets the tag and puts the boots to Hercules and scores a jaw breaker. Sharpshooter is blocked and Hercules nails a clothesline tat hardly connected. Koko in with a headbutt but runs into a boot. Akeem in and he SMASHES Ware and tags in Haku who scores a knife edge and slam. Hercules back in and he hammer son Haku knocking him to the mat. Hogan tags in and unloads with a series of rights and a clothesline, followed by a succession of elbow drops and rakes the eyes with his boot. Hillbilly in and a double big boot to Haku for 2. Haku with a karate thrust and Akeem dances in and tags back in Rooster who cant slam him and instead gets slammed himself. Jim stomps the chest of Rooster and tags in Ware, who nails a powerslam for 2. Koko eats buckle and so does Rooster. Koko with a missile drop-kick to the Rooster for another 2 count. Hogan in and he Hulks Up without being hurt, boots Rooster, tags Savage, slams him and Savage drops the elbow for the pin at 6:11, and the faces celebrate already while the heels regroup. Savage in with Haku and Hogan tags in, cleaning Haku's clock, but Haku scores a drop-kick and stomps away on Hulk. Hogan with a clothesline in the corner and a big splash and Hercules tags in, dropping several elbows for 2. Side Headlock reversed with a back suplex and Akeem in. He drives an axhandle to Hercules and slams him, but misses an elbow and Hillbilly is in. He gets squashed in the corner and dropped with a clothesline. 747 splash later and Hillbilly hits the locker room at 9:55. Koko with a drop-kick to Akeem and he hammers him, then tags out to Hogan who sends Akeem to the buckle. Savage to the top rope with a double axhandle and running elbows. Hercules in and he pounds on Akeem with rights and lefts and still can't knock him down. Back elbow connects and Koko in and he works in some jabs. Drop-kick sends Akeem to the corner but he misses a charge and Bossman tags in, scoring a sidewalk slam for the pin at 11:46. Hogan in now and gets his eyes raked. He no sells and scores some heavy rights and clotheslines, an atomic drop connects and Savage gets in a cheap shot. Irish Whip and clothesline by Hogan followed by a big boot and a body slam. Bossman catches Hogan off the ropes with a spine buster laying him out. Akeem in and they score a double elbow. Haku in and he uses his karate moves on him for a 2 count. Bossman in again and he puts the boots to Hogan and nails the 2nd rope sit-down splash then chokes him with his boot. Dibiase in and he hammers on Hogan even more, nailing a clothesline and fist drop several times for only 2 and Hogan hulks up. 3 Rights and an atomic drop and Hercules tags in, and he hammers away on his ex-master and scores a back body drop. Running Knee lift and clothesline by Herc. Virgil distracts him while Dibiase nails a knee to the back and rolls him up for the pin at 16:36. Savage from behind rolls up Dibiase seconds later at 16:57 and its 3-on-2. Haku with a knee lift and those dumb forearms, a headbutt mises and Savage trips him up and tags Hogan who steps on his feet, but gets caught with a crescent kick. Bossman in and he pummels the back of Hogan. Bossman with a slam for only 2 and Akeem is back in, and he hammers Hogan some more. Haku in with a suplex for 2 and more chops to the neck and the nerve pinch of doom. Bossman in and he catches him with the sidewalk slam. He goes up top and misses the big splash and Hogan tags Savage. Savage hammers everyone in site but Slick trips him up. Bossman hammers Savage and locks a bearhug while Slick grabs Elizabeth, prompting Hogan to make the save, only to be ambushed by Akeem and Bossman who kick his ass and handcuff him to the ropes. Bossman is counted out at 23:17 in the meantime he hammers on Hogan with his nightstick, tearing him a new hole. Inside Haku & Savage fight. Savage hammers Akeem but Bossman uses the nightstick on Savage now causing Akeem to be disqualified, at 25:07, then drops a 747 splash on Savage. Haku continues working over Savage while Slick taunts Hogan with the keys to the handcuffs. In a twist of events, Haku accidentally kicks Slick off the apron, which leads to Elizabeth picking his pocket to retrieve the key, and freeing Hogan. Hogan back in his corner while Haku finishes off Savage in the ring. Big Splash connects for only 2. Crescent Kick to Savage and he falls into Hogan's hands. Hogan with 3 rights, the big boot, he scoops him up and slams him and drops the big leg drop for the win at 29:10, making him & Savage the Sole Survivors. **1/4. Hogan hugs Liz and Savage gives a disdainful look to Hogan, but it's all good and they celebrate until the show comes to a finish. Hogan goes through his posing by the way.
Reccomendation to Rent, even for only the 20 man match.
by Hollywood Scorpion
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