WWF Survivor Series 1992 Review By Connor McGrath

This PPV came at a time when the WWF was at a crossroads, the New Generation was moving in but the some of the stars of the Hogan era were hanging around. Hulk was taking a one year break from Wrestlemania 8 to Wrestlemania 9, the first PPV without Hogan on it in any capacity was Summerslam 92 which was an astonishing success, the most successful card in WWF history drawing 80,000 fans for a double main event (Warrior-Savage and Hart-Bulldog). Could the WWF do two successful PPV’s without Hulk Hogan?

Reverend Slick opens the video…why?
Live from The nutty nutty, Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio

Your Hosts are Mr. McMahon and Bobby Heenan who hype the matches.

High Energy Vs. The Head Shrinkers

No storyline just meaningless tag action, probably meant to show case the new teams. High Energy comes out wearing their kick ass suspenders and parachute pants outfits. Owen Hart and Samu start, Samu takes an early advantage. Owen gets a shoulder block and cross body block on Samu. Tags out to Koko B. Ware who outsmarts the heels. Koko runs into the ropes but Afa hits him with a large stick. Headshrinkers beat up Koko and Koko is now the face in peril. McMahon starts talking about the main event (Ramon and Flair- Perfect and Savage) and Heenan tells him to stick to the action why couldn’t he do that to Tony Schivone? Samu tags out to Fatu, Fatu sits on Koko then gives him a superkick, STINK FACE GO FOR THE STINK FACE. Tag to Samu Koko tries to make a tag but gets yanked by the Parachute pants and gets pulled back. Samu misses a charge but misses and Koko gets the hot tag. Owen clears house and hits Samu with a cross body block for a two. Owen gets power slammed by Samu, Samu tags Fatu and Fatu gets on his shoulders and does a top rope splash, holy shit. I’ll give this ** for being an energetic opener, it followed your basic opening tag match formula well.

Big Bossman cuts a promo on Nailz. I believe in the Big Bossman and you should too!
Sean Mooney gives viewer discreation for the Night Stick match, I don’t know if I can handle this. He interviews Nailz who sounds constipated.
Big Bossman cuts basically the same promo he did ten minutes ago sigh\
Big Boss man Vs Nailz (Nightstick match)

This stems from Nailz calling Bossman a crooked cop, geez I guess Nailz was right after all who was the guy that stole Big Show’s daddy’s casket? Nailz starts by trying to climb the pole Boss man pulls him down but Nailz starts choking Boss man. Nailz misses a charge and Boss man decks him. Boss Man tries to get the nightstick but gets pulled down. Nailz with a chin lock, geez we’re only about three minutes and we already have a chinlock. Nailz goes for the pole but gets pulled down and gets crotched. Nailz takes contrl again, double clothesline. Boss Man gets to the pole, he grabs the nightstick and whacks Nailz with it but he drops it, idiot. Nailz grabs it and whacks him a few times but Boss Man ducks one of Nailz’s swings and grabs the night stick and pins Nailz. * only for having a hot crowd behind this match.

Nailz chokes Sean Mooney, now why can’t someone do that to Michael Cole.
Tatanka cuts an interview with Alfred Hayes and shrieks a lot
Razor Ramon and Ric Flair cut an interview with Mean Gene on Savage and Perfect. They’re wearing matching purple outfits, tee he he. They show the tape of Perfect turning face by pouring water on Heenan and accepting to be Savage’s partner.
Rick Martel Vs Tatanka

The story line for this match was Rick Martel stole Tatanka’s feathers and attached them to a stupid hat. The two lock up with Tatanka getting the advantage. Tatanka pounds on Martel some more and delivers a Baaaackk body drop. Martel stalls, but Tatanka hits him with an atomic drop that sends Martel out of the ring, Martel stalls some more. Martel with some kicks and stomps. Sgt. Slaughter is in the audience, according to Vince. Martel puts Tatanka in a sleeper, Tatanka reverses it into a suplex. It’s evil Doink, he makes balloon animals for some kids in the audience, evil Doink rules. Back in the ring Tatanka throws Martel out of the ring then back into the ring. Martel puts on a sleeper, as Doink makes a balloon snake. Tatanka escapes and Martel misses a charge as Tatanka hits some chops. Tatanka reverses a hiptoss into a backslide for a two. Doink makes some more balloon animals, ahh damn Dink for softening up Doink damn him to hell! Martel goes for an ax handle but Tatanka punches him the gut. Tatanka hits Martel with a weak top rope chop. Tatanka finishes Martel with a Samoan drop. ½* Was really dull and went way too long. Doink pops the balloons and runs away as Heenan laughs.

Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Perfect and Randy Savage.
Ric Flair and Razor Ramon Vs Mr. Perfect and Randy Savage

This match was supposed to be Savage and Warrior Vs Flair and Ramon but Warrior did his usual act and quit the WWF 10 days before the PPV. So they turned Mr. Perfect face and added him to the main event. Savage introduces Perfect and McMahon has an orgasm, not unlike JR during a Bradshaw-Albert match. Perfect and Ramon start, Ramon throws his toothpick in Perfect’s face and Perfect puts him in a waist lock. Perfect stalls then chops Ramon and Flair. Ramon tags out to Flair, Perfect decks Flair then hits him with a drop kick. Perfect throws him out then Savage decks him. Perfect tags out to Savage, Savage hits Flair with a double ax handle. Flair and Savage have a shoving match Savage does his impression of George Foreman and knocks out Ramon and Flair. Ramon gets tagged in, Ramon tries to get a figure four but Savage keeps kicking out. Tag out to Flair again, Flair throws Savage and hits him with some chops. Tag out to Ramon, He gets Savage in an abdominal strech. Ramon pounds on Savage some more, Flair throws Savage over the top. Tag out to Flair, Flair hits Savage with a knee drop. Another tag to Ramon, Ramon hits Savage with a half crab. Mr. Perfect starts to leave but comes back to a huge pop. Ramon and Flair double team Savage behind the ref’s back. Macho Man comes back briefly with a backslide. Tag out to Ramon as Ramon pounds on Savage. Ramon gives Savage a weird combination of the Rock Bottom and a chokeslam. Savage gives Ramon, a small package Ramon tags out to Flair. Flair gives Savage a clothesline. Flair climbs from the top but Savage grabs him and slams him off the top ahh…repetitive but loveable.Perfect and Ramon tag in, Perfect beats up Ramon and Flair. Mr. Perfectbumps into the ref as another official comes down Ramon goes for a Razor’s Edge but Perfect reverses. Schoolboy for a two, Perfect gets two Perfect plexes on Ramon but the ref throws the match out cause Flair isn’t the legal man. Perfect hits Ramon and Flair with chairs. Perfect and Savage win by DQ. **3/4, OK wrestling but great drama and a great crowd to boot. The match itself is what nowadays would be a good ten minute Raw main event extended.

Ramon and Flair yell at Mean Gene, aside from being a dirty old man what did Mean Gene do? They cut another promo on Savage and Perfect
Yokozuna(With Mr. Fuji) Vs Virgil

No story line here just a meaningless squash to build up Yokozuna. Lord Alfred Hayes gets kicked out of Yoko’s locker room, go Mr. Fuji! Geez poor Virgil after the feud with DiBiase all he was used for was cannon fodder for the new fat guys. Yokozuna throws Virgil around a few times. Virgil hits Yokozunawith a few drop kicks, weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. Virgil goes for a charge but gets a back kick to the face instead. Yokozuna hits Virgil with some more fat man moves but Virgil comes back with some punches which are no-sold. Yokozuna legdrops Virgil, Yokozuna misses a charge Virgil tries a schoolboy but Yoko just sits on him. BANZAI! It’s finished. DUD, but at least Virgil sold pretty well and his painful “fat man sitting on him” screams were priceless.

Sean Mooney interviews with Mr. Perfect and Randy Savage, Savage and Perfect celebrate with turkeys representing Flair and Ramon and a little chicken representing Heenan.
The Beverly Brothers and Money Inc(With Jimmy Hart and The Genius) Vs The Natural Disasters and Nasty Boys

The feud here was Jimmy Hart got rid of the Natural Disasters and the Nasty Boys and hired Money Inc, the Beverly’s are there just to make it an eight man tag. Once your partner is eliminated you must leave ringside. Typhoon and Blake Beverly start, Blake makes Typhoon look like a big oaf(Well he was) but Typhoon just ends up shoving him. Blake jumps on Typhoon but Typhoon rams Blake into the turnbuckle. Tag out to Earthquake who gives Blake a bear hug. The Natural Disasters sandwich the Beverly’s, ewww that sounded gross. Tag to former 3 time WCW Hardcore champ Brian Knobbs. Knobbs slugs it out with Blake and hits him with a lariat. Tag to Saggs but Blake punches Saggs in the balls and tags Beau, Saggs hits Beau with a wrestling manuever says McMahon. Tag to DiBiase who hits Saggs with some chops and a clothesline. Suplex by Saggs, tag out to IRS. Brian Knobbs tries to start a “Nasty” chant but goes nowhere until the fine folks at Coliseum video dub in a “Nasty” chant. Hiptoss by Saggs tag out Blake and he hits Saggs with a powerslam. Tag out to Beau who punches Saggs. Tag out to Blake and they hit him with an ax handle. We hit the chinlock, double knockout spot. Everybody runs in for some reason and the faces throw out the heels except Beau who gets sat on by Earthquake for the pin. The Beverly’s are eliminated, it’s four on two Money Inc Vs the Hogan-Dusty Lovers. Earthquake misses a charge and the Money Inc take advantage and give Earthquake a double back body drop. IRS rams Earthquake into the turnbuckle. Earthquake plays a 450 pound balding Ricky Morton that can’t sell properly in this match. IRS gives Earthquake a chinlock. DiBiase chops Earthquake but Earthquake won’t fall down. IRS kicks Earthquake in the back, IRS with a chokehold. Another double knock out spot Earthquake gets the tag out to Typhoon. Double knock out spot and everyone runs in. IRS pins Typhoon with a handful of tights, IRS celebrates but Knobbs school boys him for the win. Money Inc run away with the titles.*, the heels busted there ass off do make this match look half decent and the Nasty’s have enough charisma to make this match look good. This match would have been decent if you shaved off five or six minutes.

Lord Alfred interviews Virgil, Virgil warns Bret Hart about Yokozuna. SEE NOBODY LISTENS TO VIRGIL
Video package for Kamala-Undertaker
Undertaker and Paul Bearer cut a promo while making a coffin for Kamala.
Undertaker Vs Kamala(With Harvey Whippleman and Kimchee(Casket match)

There wasn’t really what I’d call a feud to set this up, just your random fat guy pisses off the Undertaker and Undertaker wants revenge. Undertaker beat Kamala by countout at Summerslam but Kamala attacked Taker after the match. Harvey Whippleman duped Kamala into signing this match which would lead to Kamala’s face turn.

Kamala tries running away but Kimchee stops him, Kamala starts hyperventilating. Kamala runs away and Undertaker gives chase. Kamala punches Undertaker but Taker no sells. Undertaker hits Kamala with a ropewalk, Taker chokes Kamala. Kamala hits Undertaker with a throat thrust and some punches but Taker no sells, Kamala and Taker go outside the ring. Kamala smashes Taker into the ring steps but Taker no-sells. Kamala hits Taker with a chair but Paul Bearer pulls up the urn. Kamala with a bodyslam but Taker sits up, he gives him another one but Taker sits up. He goes for another slam which works and gives him a big splash. He hits another big splash, Kimchee steals the urn and throws it to Kamala but Kamala drops it and Taker grabs him and whacks him with it. Taker pins him and throws Kamala in the casket, Paul Bearer puts some nails in the coffin while Taker hammers them in(Poorly might I add). I’ll slap a DUD on this one, this was basically a squash but Kamala’s awesome facial expressions saved this match from being a pure stinker.

Sean Mooney is with Shawn Michaels, who talks about his feud with Marty Jannetty and his match with Bret Hart.
Harvey Whippleman and Kim Chee open the casket and yell at Kamala.
Bret Hart Vs Shawn Michaels (WWF World title match)

This match doesn’t really have a storyline, HBK says he beat Bulldog who beat Bret Hart so he can win the WWF title. This is only for the WWF title not for HBK’s IC title. Mean Gene talks with Bret Hart while HBK makes his entrance. The Mountie was still around in November of 92? Earl Hebner is reffing and Vince McMahon’s at ringside. Bret and HBK lock up, Hebner breaks it up. HBK knees Bret Hart with a knee. Bret Hart takes HBK down. Bret Hart and HBK trade arm bars. HBK gives Bret Hart a drop toe hold but Bret Hart reverses it into a hammerlock. Bret Hart throws HBK out of the ring. Bret Hart with a cross body block. Bret Hart gets a school boy for a two, Bret Hart with an arm drag. HBK gets out of a arm bar by popping Bret Hart in the kisser. HBK throws Bret Hart into the ring post wedging Bret Hart’s shoulder between the ring posts and the steps. HBK works on the shoulder. HBK throws Bret Hart into the ring post really hard and Bret Hart just flops down immedietly. HBK applies a chin lock, Bret Hart runs right into the drop kick. HBK applies a chinlock, Bret Hart escapes with some blows and a swinging neckbreaker. HBK with some stomps, Bret Hart throws HBK into the turnbuckle. Bret Hart hits HBK with a bulldog and Bret Hart goes for the second rope elbow. HBK with an elbow for a two count. Bobby Heenan: (Referring to HBK) Ring the bell just give it to him. Bobby Heenan was responsible for the Montreal screw job, damn him damn that weasel to hell! Bret Hart with a small package for two, Bret Hart slingshots HBK and we have a double knock out spot. Bret Hart with a baaacck body drop say McMahon. Bret Hart with the second rope elbow for a two , that idiot doesn’t Bret Hart know he won’t win the second rope elbow, wacky Canuck. Bret Hart with a superplex for two. HBK and Bret Hart sandwich Hebner. HBK throws Hart out of the ring. HBK throws Bret Hart into the turn buckle for a two. HBK for another two count, he argues with Hebner which allows Hart to school boy him. Bret Hart bites HBK in the head. Bret Har hits HBK with a hangman but HBK moves out of the way, Hart bungeys himself as Heenan says. HBK misses an elbow drop but Bret reverses it into a sharpshooter. ****1/4, that was a hell of a technical wrestling match. As good if not better then there Iron Man match.

Bret Hart celebrates with Santa Claus, Santa does a heel turn on Bret and whacks him with his bag. Oh wait that was In your House V and he whacked Savio Vega my bad.


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