Commentators: Vince McMahon, JR, & Mr. Perfect
The show kicks off with Mr. Perfect making a surprise return.
The first thing that needs to be covered is the 1-2-3 Kid. As a recap shows, last Monday on Raw, he turned his back on Razor Ramon as special referee in a match against Sid, and joined what was left of Ted DiBiase's Corporation. The Kid is replacing Jean Pierre Lafitte, presumably because DiBiase bought his way into the match to, I guess, "show-off" his newest purchase. As Kid gets into the ring, Razor Ramon storms out, but officials hold him back. During the match, we see Razor watching the match backstage along with Savio Vega, Henry Godwinn, & Fatu. Onto the match.
We start out with Jannetty and Pritchard. Jannetty starts off strong, taking it to Pritchard. He runs over and knocks all the heels off the apron. They all get together for a second, and they send in the late Rad Radford. Armbar sequence, and Jannetty tags Bob Holly into the match. Criss cross, and Holly hits a powerbomb for two. Holly slams him and works on the arm. He tags Hakushi in, who gets a spinebuster. 1-2-3 Kid is tagged in. Kid takes him down and goes up top to hit a splash for two. Skip tags in, and hits a suplex, but Hakushi is able to roll him up for two. Holly gets the tag again. Irish whip sequence, and Holly backdrops him. Skip tags Pritchard back in. Pritchard takes it to Holly, hitting a gutwrench powerbomb for two. He slams him, and goes to the top rope. He misses a moonsault, and Holly goes up, to hit a flying cross body, to eliminate Pritchard, at 5:37. Holly celebrates too long, so Skip runs in and rolls him up to eliminate him, at 5:42. Hakushi comes in and hits a leg sweep. He follows up with all the kicks. They're in the corner, and he goes for a slingshot splash off the second rope, but Skip gets the knees up. They go up top, and Skip hits a super hurricanrana! Skip gets up and holds his arms up, but falls to the mat. Tag to the Kid, as he prevents Hakushi from making a tag. Hakushi comes back with a handspring elbow, a diving clothesline, and a flying shoulderblock for two.Hakushi misses a splash, so the Kid tags Radford in. As Hakushi turns his attention toward Radford, the Kid superkicks him to the back of the head. Radford covers to eliminate Hakushi, at 8:30. Everyone's favorite jobber, Barry Horowitz comes in, but he easily goes down. The Kid comes in and takes it to him with chops and kicks. Supex gets two, and Kid tags in Radford again, who hits a gutwrench for two. Horowitz is seated on the mat, so Radford hits the flipping necksnap, and a northern lights suplex for two. Radford is a "Body Donna in Training", so he stops to do some push-ups, to the approval of Sunny & Skip. Suddenly, Horowitz comes and cradles him, to eliminate Radford, at 11:45. Skip comes in, but has his attention toward Radford. Sunny, who's on the outside, and Skip, who's inside, yell at Radford. Suddenly, Horowitz comes from behind, and goes nose-to-nose with Skip. This is after their epic feud and a match from Summerslam. Horowitz acts as a big bully and takes control. He hits a diving back elbow and running knee for two. The Kid & Skip double-team him. The Kid hits a legdrop to eliminate him, at 12:45. Jannetty comes in against Skip. Skip goes low, and goes for a powerbomb, but Jannetty goes over with a sunset flip for two. Rocker Dropper, and he goes upstairs. Sunny crotches him, and Skip also goes up top. Jannetty maintains control, as he hits a huge super-powerbomb off the top to eliminate Skip, at 15:22! Sweet move. We're down to only Jannetty & The Kid. The Kid hits a flying clothesline and spinkick for two. He goes up top and hits a flying legdrop for two. Kid slams him and goes up top again. He misses a somersault legdrop, and Jannetty gets to his feet. Slugfest, won by Jannetty. Dropkick gets two. Meanwhile, Sid wanders out and looks on with DiBiase. Jannetty hits a facebuster and Rocker dropper for two. DiBiase distracts the ref, so Sid launches Jannetty's throat across the top rope. The Kid covers to become sole-survivor, at 19: 04. Great opener and great match! ***3/4
Hard match to call, as I only really know who 3/8 of the women are. But, I'll do my best, based on JR's commentary. Lioness Asuka manhandles Asari with a big swing. Alundra comes in and German suplexes her, to eliminate Asuka, at 1:42. Watanabe takes control, but misses a moonsault. Sakie Hasegawa comes in with a butterfly suplex. Aja Kong gets the tag. Sakie hits a few backsuplexes, but she misses a move off the top. Kong T-Bone suplexes her, to send her walking off, at 4: 02. Asari comes in, but Kong slams her. Kong hits a second-rope splash to eliminate her, at 4:29. Alundra comes in and hits an enzuiguri for two. She tags in Kyoko Inoue, who goes for a sunset flip, but Kong hits a sit-down splash to eliminate her, at 5: 05. Alundra is all alone against three. Watanabe goes out after a piledriver, at 6:34. Bertha Faye comes in and pummels away. Alundra manages to hit her with a German suplex, at 7:14. One on one, now. Aja Kong superplexes Alundra for two. Alundra hits a hurricanrana for two. Alundra hits a dropkick and moonsault for two. She goes up top, but Kong slams her to the mat. Now, Kong goes up, and Alundra goes up top, too. Superplex attempt, but Kong pushes her off. Kong ends it with a big backhand to the face, at 10: 05. Despite not knowing who was who half the time, JR can guide you through it. Pretty good match, actually. **3/4
No real reason for the match, other than to put Goldust over, who just debuted a month earlier at October's In Your House. Goldust's entrance takes forever. It seems that Bigelow doesn't quite know what to make of him. Goldust starts out good, getting some shots in. Bigelow hits him, forcing Goldust out. Back inside, Bigelow pounds away, and sends him to the corner. He charges, but Goldust puts his boot up. They head outside, where Goldust misses a punch and hits the post. Bigelow rolls him back in. Goldust quickly comes back, clotheslining him outside. Inside, Bigelow hits a standing headbutt, but Goldust goes low. Once again, they're outside, and Goldust throws Bigelow into the steel steps. Back inside, Bigelow takes control with a suplex. He misses the headbutt, getting Goldust two. Bigelow makes a comeback, hitting a powerbomb. Slugfest, which Goldust wins. He follows up with a diving clothesline and drops the knee for two. Headlock, but Bigelow counters into a suplex. He hits a few clotheslines for two, and tosses Goldust to the corner. A charge misses, so Goldust hits the bulldog, to get the win, at 8:14. Bad match. 1/4*. It's amazing how much 1995 sucked for Bigelow. He main events WrestleMania, but also loses to a football player, so that all cancels out. Rumor has it that he was promised a big push for doing to job. And they wondered why 1995 sucked so much! As promised, Bigelow main evented King of the Ring '95, taking part in a tag match. Of course, KOTR '95 would go down as one of the worst PPVs of all time. It's actually my most hated. Apparently, the WWF came to their senses and stopped the Bigelow push before it was too late. If only they did the same for another certain wrestler who's really big and worthless... "cough-Mabel-cough".
Mabel gets carried out on the big throne by jobbers, I suppose. If you look at the jobbers, you can see them struggling. This is where Undertaker debuts the white facemask. We start out with Fatu & HHH. Fatu hits a backdrop and clothesline, followed by another backdrop. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but backs off when looking at Undertaker. That's weird to see, going by how things run today in the WWE. Tag to Henry Godwinn. HHH runs away, because he doesn't want a piece of his current arch-rival. Tag to Lawler. Lawler tags right out, though, to Yankem. Henry takes it to him, but Yankem comes back with a back suplex and tags in HHH, who's now more than willing to go in with Henry down. HHH hits the knee, but Henry press slams him to the heels corner, where he tags Lawler. Savio Vega gets the tag, and hammers away. Tag to Fatu. Jerry takes it to him, and tags in Mabel. Boring match, and by the looks of it, it's about to get even more boring. Mabel immediately charges at Fatu in the corner, but misses. Tag to Savio, who hammers away, only to get sidewalk slammed. Savio's in the heel corner, where everyone beats on him. Mabel hits a nice suplex, and tags in Yankem, who hits a dropkick. HHH comes in and hits the knee drop. Lawler gets the tag, and goes for the piledriver. He sits down, but Savio counters it by flipping to his feet, and he gets the hot tag to Undertaker! Finally! Lawler runs to his corner to try and tag out, but no one wants in. Taker Tombstones him to eliminate him, at 12:18. Yankem comes in for some shots. It's Undertaker vs. Kane! Criss cross, and Taker hits a flying clothesline. Tombstone finishes, at 12:48. HHH tries sneaking up from behind, but Taker sees him. HHH bails, but Henry threatens to slop him. HHH jumps back on the apron, so Taker chokeslams him back in, to sendHHH back, a 13:34. Mabel comes in and hits a belly-to-belly. Legdrop, and Mabel decides to do a little dance. Look at him go! He's quite the little dancer, isn't he? Taker sits up in Deadman fashion. Mabel stumbles backwards, just barely falling through the ropes. Mabel & HHH run away, as he gets counted out, at 14:23, giving The Darkside the win. Everyone survives! Meanwhile, Taker chokeslams Mo inside. Taker stands in the ring with Paul Bearer, as his loyal jobbers nod their heads in approval, thinking that they actually did something worthwhile. Match wasn't that good. *1/4
Alot of feuds here. Shawn & Ahmed are allies, and maybe Razor Ramon. Those three are the only faces. Yokozuna, Owen, & Bulldog are in Camp Cornette, and Dean Douglas & Sid are just random heels, both feuding with Razor. Meanwhile, Shawn Michaels is always feuding with a Hart. I believe this is Ahmed's wrestling debut, but I'm not sure. Of course, Gorilla Monsoon only made this match to mess with everyone's head. Here we go...
Shawn Michaels & Owen Hart start off. Irish whip sequence, and Owen dumps Shawn. Shawn skins the cat back in, and Owen charges, so Shawn grabs Owen's head with his legs and basically hurricanranas him outside. Outside, Shawn goes to take a shot at Cornette before heading back in. Owen slams him, and tags in Dean Douglas. Douglas gets some shots in, and he vertical suplexes him. Shawn hits a diving clothesline, but Douglas slams him. In the corner, Douglas misses a second-rope slingshot splash. Shawn hits a moonsault for two. Ahmed gets the tag, and he cleans house. Yokozuna comes in, and he tries to slam him like the idiot he is, but everyone stops him. Douglas rakes the eyes, but Ahmed powerslams him. Tag to Shawn again. Ahmed press slams Shawn into Douglas for two. Shawn misses the superkick. Douglas goes off the ropes and hits Razor. They get into an argument, and Razor nails him, allowing Shawn to roll him up and eliminate him, at 7:27. Owen comes in, but Shawn takes him out. Tag to Bulldog. They're reluctant to fight. Bulldog offers a handshake, as does Owen. As soon as they touch, they both throw a punch. Great heel segment. Owen gets a heel kick, and tags in Razor. Bulldog tags in Shawn. Criss cross, and Shawn throws him out. Razor immediately runs back in, only to get hit with an elbow. Shawn clotheslines, but Razor hits the Razor's Edge! It only gets two, as Ahmed saves. Cheap heel tactics... anyway, double KO. Shawn tags in Sid. Sid takes it to his rival in the corner. Double clothesline spot, and Sid goes up top. Razor slams him off for two. Sid makes a comeback and hits a chokeslam. He holds Razor and tells Shawn to come in and superkick him. Shawn comes in and kicks away, but Razor moves, so Sid gets hit! Shawn shrugs like, "Oh well."It's almost like he knew it wouldn't work from past experience. Oh yeah, the same thing happened with Razor at Survivor Series 1994, except it was Diesel in place of Sid. Back to the match, with Sid layed out from the superkick, Razor covers, but only gets two, as Bulldog saves. (Watch this, Bob) JR says, "What's he doing in there!?" Bulldog goes out. Razor recovers after a second and covers again, and he gets the 3-count anyway to eliminate Sid, at 16:15. Smart move, there, Davey. Bulldog comes in and stomps away at Razor. Bulldog tags Shawn. Sid is pissed off when he gets to his feet, so he Powerbombs Shawn, before leaving. Razor gets the one-armed cover for two. Razor tags in Owen. Backbreaker and a backdrop, before tagging in Yokozuna. Yoko throws Shawn around. Shawn Flair flips in the corner. Nerve hold. Tag to Owen again. Owen hits an overhead belly-to-belly. Owen goes up, but misses a flying headbutt! Hot tag to Ahmed. Ahmed hits Owen with the Pearl River Plunge, to eliminate him, at 21:45. Razor comes in and takes it to him. They screw up a second rope bulldog spot. Razor hits a regular bulldog. Ahmed hits a spinebuster, and shows off, so Razor hits the Edge. Bulldog saves. Bulldog tags in, as Sid, 1-2-3 Kid, & DiBiase wander out. Razor hits the fallaway slam for two. Razor hits the Kid off the apron, and walks into Bulldog's Running Powerslam to send him packing, at 24: 05. Yokozuna comes in with Shawn Michaels. Yoko beats the hell out of Shawn in the corner. Legdrop, and Yoko sets up for the Banzai Drop. Mr. Perfect reminds us of Syracuse. "Welcome back to Syracuse, Shawn!" Banzai misses, and Ahmed gets the tag. Ahmed manages to scoop slam Yoko, and he covers. Bulldog decides to save for his "friend" I guess, and therefore, as Bob Barron said, screwing his own team. The Bulldog is all comedy tonight, isn't he? Shawn & Ahmed question Bulldog before double-clotheslining him out. Shawn turns around and superkicks Yokozuna. Ahmed, being the legal man, goes off the ropes and hits a big splash to get the win, at 27:21. Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson, & British Bulldog survive! Bulldog comes in and ring to celebrate, now, as Jim Cornette jumps up and down! Funny stuff. Match was pretty good. ***1/4
The British Bulldog is scheduled to face the winner of the match for the Title at December's IYH. Both men decide to rip off a turnbuckle bad to add anticipation and excitement, and this is before the match starts. Bret immediately focuses on the legs. He dives right at them to start, but Diesel counters by dropping the knees on him. Diesel stomps away, forcing Bret outside. He follows and drops Bret across the steel railing. They head inside, but Bret runs out again, making Diesel chase him. Diesel is able to catch up, so he begins to choke him. Back inside, Diesel wins a slugfest, and yet again, they're outside. Diesel uses the steel steps on Bret, and then he tosses Bret to the post. Diesel grabs a chair and nails the Hitman. Back inside, Diesel whips Bret to the corner and follows up with a clothesline. Diesel attempts the Jackknife early on, but Bret is able to counter it. Bret gets a second wind and fights for his life with some punches. Bret locks him in a sleeper, but eventually lets go to go after the legs some more. Bret has him down, so he locks in the figure-four! Diesel manages to get to the ropes, but Bret refuses to release the hold because afterall, it is No DQ. Bret goes for the Sharpshooter, but Diesel rakes the eyes to get out. Bret goes for the Sharpshooter again, but Diesel kicks out of it, forcing Bret into the exposed turnbuckle! Diesel rams the knee into Bret in the corner. Finally, Bret catches it and rams his knee into the post! Bret grabs one of the cable wires from outside and ties one of Diesel's feet to the post. Bret continues to work the leg, dropping the elbow from the second rope.Bret grabs a chair and goes vicious on him, whacking the knee! Bret goes up top with the chair, but Diesel gets up and slams him off! Diesel finally unties himself, and he grabs the wire. He proceeds to choke Bret with the same wire! Sidewalk slam gets two. Diesel sends Bret right into one of the exposed turnbuckles! He starts to choke Bret on the ropes. He drops Bret's throat across the top rope. You can tell that all that work Bret did on the knee earlier has payed off, as Diesel limps around. Diesel charges to the corner, but Bret moves! Diesel ends up hitting the turnbuckle, so Bret follows up with a diving clothesline! Bret goes to the second rope and hits a bulldog for two. Russian legsweep gets two. Bret clotheslines him outside. He tries to dive out after him, but misses the champ. Diesel limps back into the ring, and Bret now struggles to make it back. He gets on the apron, and one of the most important things in WWF History takes place... the first Spanish commentary table bump! Diesel charges and rams Bret right off the apron and through the wooden Spanish table! Great bump, even after all this time! Bret sells it like crazy, just as the announcers do. Diesel heads outside, and he brings Bret back inside. He places Bret between his legs and signals for the Jackknife! But Bret just collapses to the ground. JR speculates that Bret is unconscious. The referee just yells for Diesel to pin him. Diesel stares before finally starting to pick him up. As he grabs him, Bret suddenly has a burst of energy, and he cradles him, to get the win and WWF Championship, at 24:51! Surprise ending, there. Diesel sits up and yells three very bad words that we can all tell by the magic art of lip-reading. Match was great. ****1/4, definitely one of Diesel's best.
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