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* While some matches require a time limit, others do not, but time limits can be set for them. For example, an Ultimate Submissions Match requires a time limit, but a Hardcore Match does not, although a time limit can be set for the Hardcore contest. Matches like Last Man Standing cannot have a time limit, and this will be noted in their description.

* If a match exceeds a set time limit, the contest is ruled a draw. Any match whose victor is determined after the time limit runs out supercedes this rule.

* Standard Match Victory Conditions: 3-Count pinfall, a Submission fall, knock-out, or a Disqualification. (Disqualifications consist of rule breaking - using the ropes for leverage, striking an opponent with a foreign object, attacking the referee, etc. - outside interference, or a 10-Count ring out.) These winning conditions can take place only inside the ring.

* Unless otherwise noted, a referee can stop a match for the following reasons: winning fall, disqualification, excessive blood loss, neither man/woman can answer a 10-Count, end of set time limit, or victory condition met.

* For all the intents and purposes of this list, the standard ring is 16' x 16' (with FWA rings 20' x 20', old USCW rings 17' x 17', and OCW training rings 14' x 14'). The standard, close-fitting steel cage is also approximately 16' x 16' also.

* A match may take on one or more of the following gimmicks, as long as the stipulations do not conflict. (i.e. It cannot be an Arm Wrestling Match with Ambulance Match rules, because one is a wrestling match and the other is an? um? Arm Wrestling Match, but you can have an Arm Wrestling Match inside a Hell In A Cell, although that would be f*ckin' stupid.) An example of match gimmick evolution: It may just be a Tag Team Match, but it could also be a Tag Team Tables Match, or a Tag Team Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match, or a Tag Team Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, Barbed Wire Match. You get the picture.

Ambulance Match: Hardcore rules apply. The match continues until one man cannot continue and is taken away on a stretcher in an ambulance to the hospital.

Arm Wrestling Match: Two competitors only. Follows the American Arm-Wrestling Association Guidelines for Arm Wrestling.

Balcony Match: Hardcore Rules apply. The first contestant to throw their opponent off of a 25 foot balcony through a set of tables is declared the winner.

Bar Room Brawl: Boiler Room Brawl rules, except the match takes place inside a bar.

Barbed Wire Match, Standard: Hardcore Rules apply. In this type of match, ring ropes are removed and replaced with strands of barbed wire.

Barbed Wire Match, Two Sided Hell: Hardcore Rules apply. In this type of match, two opposite sides of the ring are regulation ropes, and the other set is strung up with barbed wire.

Bare Buckles: No holds barred. No disqualifications. Turnbuckle pads are removed for this type of match-up, exposing the steel tie-rods beneath.

Battlebowl: Two Ring World War Three, with only 40 competitors. See also World War Three.

Battle Royal: 4 or more participants required. All men start in the ring at the same time. A competitor is eliminated from the match when he/she is put over the top rope and both of their feet hit the floor. The last man in the ring wins. (Notables: 30 Person Royal Rumble, CWF Fade 2 Black, 2002)

Battle Royal, Timed Hardcore: Hardcore Rules apply. Prematch time limit specification required. Four or more competitors necessary. Stipulations for the winner(s) must be decided before the match can begin. (This provision will usually be a title belt.) One wrestler must be declared "It" for each different stipulation, and there can only be one "It" at a time for each stip, though the same person can hold multiple "It's" for different stipulations. (If a championship is being contested in this match, then that champion is automatically "It.") All participants start inside the ring, but are allowed to leave the ring and battle around the arena. Before the time limit has expired, any person designated "It" can be pinned or made to submit. If so, the person who pinned them or made them submit is then declared "It" for that stipulation and the pin or submit-ee loses that quality. The match continues this way until the time limit expires. The last person to be declared "It" for each provision then wins that stipulation (perhaps a title belt or a shot at a specific champion)

Bed Of Nails Match: Hardcore Rules apply. 4' x 3' boards of nails are propped up in the each of the corners of the ring. (Editor's Note: And yes, they ARE supposed to use them.)

Bed Of Nails Match, Sandwich: Hardcore Rules apply. 4' x 3' boards of nails are propped up in each of the corners of the ring. The first competitor to place their opponent between two of these boards for a 3-Count wins.

"Best Of" Series: Wrestlers/Teams agree to wrestle an odd number of matches, each held on consecutive cards. When a wrestler/team wins one of the separate matches, they receive a point. When a competitor/squad scores a majority of points in the series over his opponent, he/she/they is/are declared the winner(s).

Boiler Room Brawl: Hardcore rules apply. The match begins in a dingy "Boiler Room" and can only be won when one of the participants exits the room.

Boiler Room Brawl, Survive To The Ring: Hardcore rules apply. The match begins in a dark "Boiler Room" and can only be won when one of the participants exits the room and makes it to the ring.

Breakthrough Match: First one to put their opponent through the ring is declared the winner.

Buried Alive: Hardcore Rules apply. A 6' deep pit is dug and the first man to throw his opponent(s) into that pit and "bury them" with the dirt from the trench is declared the victor.

Cage Match, Combination: Hardcore rules apply. A 16' x 16' topless steel cage with a single door surrounds the ring. A winner can be declared one of two ways: The first competitor to exit the door and touch both feet to the ground; or the first wrestler to climb over the top of the cage and put both feet on the floor. (Notables: Fury v. Newton, INC; CWF Massacre, 2001)

Cage Match, Door: Hardcore rules apply. A 16' x 16' steel cage with a single door surrounds the ring. The first competitor to exit the door and put both feet on the ground is declared the victor.

Cage Match, Over The Top: Hardcore rules apply. A 16' x 16' topless steel cage surrounds the ring. The first man/woman to climb over the top of the cage and put both feet on the floor is declared the victor.

Cage Match, Shackles: Hardcore rules apply. A 16' x 16' steel cage with a single door surrounds the ring with many sets of handcuffs. The first competitor to handcuff their your opponent to the cage is declared the victor.

Career Match: Case by case regulations (Standard, Tag Team, Ladder, etc.). As the result of a prematch stipulation, the losers of the match-up must retire or give up their contract with their current promotion and never come back. (Editor's Note: This stipulation rarely sticks for longer than a few months, at the most.)

Casket Match: Hardcore Rules apply. The first contestant to put their opponent into a funeral casket and close the lid is declared the winner.

Casket Match, Flaming: Hardcore Rules apply. The first contestant to put their opponent into a funeral casket, close the lid and set it on fire is declared the winner. (Notebles: Justin Sane v. Enigma, Abyssal Horror, 2001)

Chain Match, Standard: Strap Match, Standard rules apply, but instead of a strap, competitors are bound together by a chain (whose weight and length varies with the organization and stipulations).

Chain Match, Four Corners: Strap Match, Four Corners rules apply, but instead of a strap, wrestlers are bound together by a chain (whose weight and length varies with the organization and stipulations)

Cast Match: Both wrestlers have to wear a cast on a part of their body.

Collegiate Rules Match: This is, for all intents and purposes, an amateur style match. For the exact rules and regulations, check out IOC (International Olympic Committee) Amateur Policies.

Cornered Rage: Hardcore Rules apply. Must be contested for one or more Championship titles. A 16' x 16' steel cage surrounds the ring and a variable number of bags are hung from the ceiling, 5' above the top of the cage. (The exact number of bags depends on the number of competitors in the match-up.) Participants battle inside the cage, climbing up and pulling objects out of bags until the title(s) are retrieved. Once (all) the title(s) have been recovered, the competition is declared over and those who retrieved the belt(s) are awarded the championship(s).

Crucifix Match: Hardcore Rules apply. A "cross" is placed on the entryway, with straps on three of the four corners, connected to a series of pulleys that when pulled raise the construct into the air. The first person to put his opponent onto the cross, strap his/her hands and feet onto it, and raise the cross into the air is declared the winner.

Death Match: Hardcore rules. If a participant scores a standard victory condition, that wrestler earns a point. The match is only over if a competitor scores two more points than his opposition (i.e. 7 pts. to 5, 3 pts. to 1, etc.).

Death Match, KroniK: Hardcore Rules apply. A scaffold raised 20 feet above the ring. The ring is then filled with hundreds of shards of glass all in the ring and there is flaming tables all along the outside of the ring. The winner is the man who is last standing.

Depths Of Hell: Hardcore Rules apply. A topless, triangular cage approximately 30' high surrounds the ring. Within the ring is a 20' ladder, a bag of thumbtacks, a bag of glass, and a bed of nails in one corner. In order to win the match-up, a participant must escape through the top of the cage.

Dog Collar Match: Special disqualification. (See below.) No holds barred. Competitors wear dog collars around their necks, connected by either chain or rope (of variable length and weight), and cannot remove the collars or they will be disqualified. (This is the only way a wrestler may be disqualified in this type of match.) Standard victory conditions apply.

Dog Kennel From Hell: Hardcore rules. A 16' x 16' cage is set up around the ring, inside a 24' x 24' Hell In A Cell. "Rabid" dogs are free to roam in between the two cages, and the first man to exit a door in the Cell is declared the winner.

Dress Match: Regular match. The loser has to wear a dress for a week.

Dumpster Match: Hardcore Rules apply. There is only one losing condition. The first competitor to be placed inside a dumpster and have the lid closed loses.

Falling From Grace Match: Hardcore rules apply. The only way to win this match is to be the only wrestler left standing on the steel scaffold. The scaffold is made of thick steel, so there will be blood! There is a steel railing surrounding the scaffold, just like ring ropes surround a ring. And the ladder is bolted down. About 20 feet under the scaffold there is a electrified net to "safe" the competitors..

Falls Count Anywhere: Standard rules apply, except pin falls, submissions, and disqualifications, etc., count anywhere. There is no Ring Out.

First Blood: Hardcore rules. The only way to win this match is to be the first competitor to make your opponent bleed. (Editor's Note: There have been instances when a wrestler in this type of match-up was bleeding, but the referee did not think there was enough blood, so the match continued there were bucketfuls.

First (Insert Move) Match: Hardcore rules. A specific maneuver is selected beforehand. The first wrestler to execute that maneuver is declared the winner.

Flaming Tables: Tables rules apply, except the table must be on fire for the victory condition to be met.

Elimination: Must contain at least 3 or more competitors or teams. Depending on the booking, an Elimination match may also have various other gimmicks, i.e. Triple Threat Inferno Elimination, Four Corners Tag Team Tables Elimination, etc. This match ends when all but one competitor/team has fell to a losing condition. The first competitor/team with no losing conditions wins. When a competitor/team suffers a losing condition, they are "eliminated" and must return to the locker room area.

Empty Arena: Case by case rules (Standard, Hardcore, Ladder Match, etc.). This match is contested inside a vacant venue.

Gauntlet: Hardcore Rules apply. A single wrestler faces any number of other wrestlers on a team, one at a time and in a designated order. If one of the team members loses to a pin or submission fall, they are eliminated and a second member comes in to take their place, then a third if the second falls, etc. If the single wrestler defeats every member of the team, he/she is declared the winner. If at any time the lone participant is pinned or submits, the match is awarded to the team.

Good Housekeeping Match: Hardcore Rules apply. Any daily household item is declared legal and able to be used in the match-up.

Graveyard Match: Hardcore Rules apply. This match must be fought within the boundaries of a grave yard. (Editor's Note: Presumably, if a competitor were to move beyond the graveyard boundaries, he would be disqualified, but the Catch 22 is that this is a Hardcore Rules match. They can't be DQ'ed.)

Hair Versus Hair: See Stipulation Versus Stipulation Match. The loser of this match must shave their head.

Handicap Match, Tagging: Case by case regulations (Standard, Hardcore, Ladder, etc.). 3 or more competitors required. This is a match where the odds are stacked against a particular side (i.e. 2 on 1, 3 on 2, 6 on 4, etc.). Each side, both greater and lesser odds, must pick an "active member" and are designated a corner of the ring. (If there is only one wrestler on a side, that man/woman is always "active.") Only the "active" wrestler may be in the ring at any given time. No other contestants may enter the ring until physically touched or "tagged in" by the "active" wrestler of their team and must stand on the apron in their designated corner. Once an "active" partner tags an "inactive" member, the "active" wrestler becomes "inactive" and vice versa. The match continues until a victory condition is met.

Handicap Match, Tornado: Handicap Match, Tagging rules apply, except there is no tag format. Every participant is in the ring at the same time.

Hardcore: No holds barred. No disqualifications. Victory conditions count anywhere.

Hell In A Cell: No holds barred. No disqualification. A 24' x 24' steel mesh cage (with a roof) surrounds the ring and competitors are locked inside. If the cage is broken through or somehow unlocked, it is permissible to wrestle on the outside, but the winning fall must occur inside the ring.

Hell In A Cell, Hardcore: No holds barred. No disqualification. A 24' x 24' steel mesh cage (with a roof) surrounds the ring and competitors are locked inside. The ring and cage have many different types of weapons (Tables, Ladders, Trash Cans, Crowbars and of course Steel Chairs) scattered all over. If the cage is broken through or somehow unlocked, it is permissible to wrestle on the outside, but the winning fall must occur inside the ring. (Notables: Grim Reaper v. 2 Gunnz, CWF Fade 2 Black, 2002)

Inferno Match: Hardcore Rules apply. The tops of the turnbuckles and the ring ropes are set ablaze. The first participant to catch their participant on fire is declared the winner.

(Insert City) Streetfight: See Hardcore Rules. Examples: Harlem Streetfight, Chicago City Streetfight, etc. This match is actually fought outside an arena in alleyways, on streets, in parks, in rivers, etc.

(Insert Weapon) Match, Standard: Standard Rules apply, except a specifically stipulated weapon becomes legal (such as Chairs, Nine Irons, Baseball Bats, etc.).

(Insert Weapon) Match, Gimmick: (Insert Weapon) Match rules apply, except in order for the random weapon to be legal, it must fulfill a stipulated gimmick (such as retrieved from the top of a ladder, Flaming Chairs, Barbed Wire Baseball Bats, etc.)

Iron Circle Match: Hardcore rules apply. A ring of cars with a radius of 30 feet is formed. Two or more wrestlers fight in the middle of the circle of cars. (Notables: No Limit v. 2 Gunnz, CWF Abyssal Horror, 2001)

Iron Man: Pre-match time limit required. Whenever a competitor/team successfully wins a victory condition, that competitor/team scores a point. The participant(s) with the most points when the time limit is up is/are declared the winner(s). In the event of a tied score, the match goes into Sudden Death Over Time.

Jail Cell: Hardcore rules apply. This type of match is fought inside a locked jail cell. A key is hidden inside the cell somewhere, and the first person to exit wins. Often times, handcuffs and nightsticks are also strewn about the cell. (Editor's Note: This is the 80's version of the Boiler Room Brawl.)

Japanese Xtreme Kendo Stick Match: Standard Rules apply. Only weapon that can be used is a Kendo Stick. That is wrapped in Barbwire.

Kiss My (Insert Body Part) Match: Standard Match rules apply. A body part is declared before the match-up, and the loser of the match-up has to kiss that body part of his/her opponent.

Ladder Match: Hardcore Rules apply. An object is suspended 20' above the middle of the ring. The first man to use a ladder to reach that object and pull it down is declared the winner. (Notables: No Limit v. Blade, CWF Massacre, 2001)

Ladder Match, Junkyard: Hardcore Rules apply. An object is suspended 20' above the middle of a junkyard. The first man to use a ladder to reach that object and pull it down is declared the winner.

Last Man Standing: Hardcore Rules apply. When a man is unable to answer a 10-Count from the referee, he is declared the loser.

Lion's Den: Submission and TKO Match rules apply. Competitors are enclosed within an 8' diameter octagon, and are unable to leave until a submission or knock-out has occurred. (Notables: No Limit v. Fury, CWF Dark Horizon, 2002)

Love Her Or Leave Her Match: See Stipulation Versus Stipulation Match. If one competitor wins, he is given permission to date/marry/have-sex-with a certain girl, usually aligned in some way with his competition, but if that wrestler's competition wins, he must leave the girl alone forever.

Lumberjack Match: Standard Rules apply, but there is no Count Outs. The ring is surrounded by other wrestlers (at least two, called Lumberjacks) and if a one of the participants is thrown or rolls outside the ring, it is the Lumberjacks' duty to put the contestant back in.

Mirror Death Match: Hardcore rules apply. Mirrors attached to corners, giant mirror covers mat. Win by pinfall.

Multiple Competitors Matches: Match consisting of three or more participants/teams. Three competitors/teams are commonly called Triple Threat or Three Way Dances. Four wrestlers/squads are known as Four Corners or Fatal Four-Ways. Five or more are referred to usually by unique names, such as Five-Man Brawls, Six-Pack Challenges, etc. Depending on the booking, this type of match can have another gimmick type, i.e. Standard Singles Triple Threat, First Blood Triple Threat, Ultimate Submissions Triple Threat Tag Match, etc. The first competitor to score a victory condition wins the entire match.

Multiple Falls Match: Case by case rules (Standard, Tag Team, Tables, etc.). A number of falls are stipulated before the match begins. The first contestant(s) to score that number of winning conditions is declared the winner.

Multiple Ladders Match: Ladder Match rules, but instead of a single object suspended above the ring, there are two or more, spaced far enough apart that separate attempts with a ladder must be used in order to retrieve them. The person that rescues one of the items then gains possession of that object, but if another competitor claims the other, it is that man's property. (Editor's Note: Say, the TV Title and the Intercontinental Title were both suspended above the ring. If one man got the TV championship, and the other man managed to get a hold of the IC belt, they both become title holders of the belts that each had retrieved, respectively.)

Nuts and Bolts Match: A big bag of industrial nuts, bolts, screws and pins over the center of the ring. To empty the bag you must use a ladder. There are also smaller bags hung over the turnbuckles which can be used as weapons. Win by pinfall.

Pin falls Match: No disqualifications. No holds barred. Only 3-Count pin falls reckon as the victory condition, and the pin must occur inside the ring.

Pole Match: Standard rules apply; excluding victory conditions other than disqualification. A 12' pole is erected in one of the corners of the ring and an object is suspended from that pole. The first participant to reach that object and pull it off the pole is declared the winner.

Pole Match, Weapons: Standard rules apply. A 12' pole is erected in one corner of the ring and a weapon is suspended from that pole. Once a competitor reaches that object and pulls it down, that object is declared legal and able to be used in the match-up.

Ring Out Match: No holds barred. No disqualification, except the 10-Count ring out stipulation. The only way to win this match is for a/the participant(s) to be inside the ring, and his/her/their opponent(s) outside, the moment the referee counts a 10. If a referee counts to 10 while both men/teams are outside, he merely restarts the ten count. (Editor's Note: Remember, the victory condition is "the moment the referee count a 10," so a wrestler/team cannot win any time other than that, even if the count is restarted.)

Standard Match: A wrestler may beat his opponent through 3-Count pin falls, Submission falls, TKOs, and Disqualifications. Winning falls must be made inside the ring. The "television" time limit is 20 minutes and ring out is set at 10-Counts.

Steel City Match: Hardcore rules apply. Everything is covered in steel: the padding is off the ropes and the turnbuckles have been removed, exposing the steel beneath, the mat is covered in a sheet of steel, and the usual padding on the outside floor is replaced with steel sheets. Win by pinfall.

Stipulation Versus Stipulation Match: Case by case rules (i.e. Standard, Iron Man, Ladder Match rules, etc.). Before the match-up, competitors each choose a stipulation (such as "I get to spend a night with Amber" or "You'll shave your head"), and the loser(s) each have to comply with the winner's stipulation.

Straight Jacket Match: One wrestler is forced to wrestle in a straight jacket.

Submissions Match: Standard Rules apply. Only Submission falls count as victory conditions.

Sumo Match: This match is wrestled according to Sumo rules. (Editor's Note: I'm sure there is a comprehensive listing of these rules somewhere, but I couldn't tell you where to get them.)

Survivor Series: Standard and Elimination rules apply. At least four teams of four individuals required. This type of match is set up with tournament style brackets in one team-on-one team situations. These two squads battle until all the members of one team are eliminated. Any remaining members of the winning team advance to the next bracket of the tournament. The other two teams do the same, and the residual members of the second winning team face the enduring partners of the first winning team. Then, these two teams wrestle until all the remaining members of the opposing team are eliminated. The team with "surviving" participants is declared the winner.

Tables: Hardcore (and perhaps Elimination) rules apply. The only way to win is to put your opponent(s) through a wooden table.

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs: Ladder Match rules apply. Tables, Ladders, and Chairs are strewn about the ringside area for easier access and usage.

Tag Team: Case by case regulations (Standard, Hardcore, Ladders, etc.) apply, and may also have one or more gimmicks (i.e. Iron Man Tag Match, Tandem Deathmatch, Double Towel Match, etc.). At least two teams of minimum two members required. Each team is designated a corner. An "active" member is chosen for each team. No other members may enter the ring until physically touched or "tagged in" by the legal member of their team and must stand on the apron in their designated corner. Once an "active" partner tags an "inactive" member, the "active" wrestler becomes "inactive" and vice versa. The match continues until a victory condition is met. (Editor's Note: A tag team may be disqualified for both the "active" and "inactive" members being in the ring at the same time, though a bit of leniency is usually exhibited by the referee. That is, if disqualifications are allowed.)

Thumb Tacks Match: Standard rules apply, but the use of the thumbtack foreign object(s) is considered legal.

TKO Match: No holds barred. No disqualification. The only way to win this type of match is to knock your opponent(s) unconscious.

Tornado Tag: Tag Team rules apply, except there is no tag format. All members of the teams are allowed into the ring at the same time.

Ultimate Submissions Match: Pre-Match Time Stipulation required. Submission falls count only, anywhere in the building, and the match continues until time runs out. The winner of each fall receives a point. The competitor with the most points when time runs out is declared the winner. In the case of a draw, the match goes into Sudden Death Over Time.

World War Three: Battle Royal rules apply. Exactly 60 men required to participate. Three rings are erected in a triangular formation, 20 men each ring. Wrestlers in each ring fight to eliminate each other until there is one man left. The remaining man is allowed to cross over to one of the other rings.

World War Three, Cage: Hardcore rules apply. Exactly 30 men required to participate. Three rings are erected in a triangular formation, 10 men each ring with a steel cage covering all rings. First man/women to escape the steel cage is declared the winner.