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Important Clause

  • The gimmicks of all wrestlers who sign up and are accepted become property of WWE (only within the confines of the fed's content). If you have joined up then i suggest you read through these rules carefully even before and during your existence in this E-Fed.

  • All matches are based on a percentage system. 30% of the match is based on angles, and storylines. 70% of the match is based on who Role Plays better. But at times matches may also be more story driven. If all parties involved agree on an outcome which will further their feud or angle, then these matches will have fixed results regardless of RPing. Please do not just IM the staff asking to win.

  • All angles, storylines, backstage segments, promos, etc. can include other wrestlers WITHOUT their permission. However, it is always the final decision of the staff whether or not to include them, depending on whether or not the character interaction is acceptable. For example, if you have you going around and just beating everyone down in the locker room, chances are, you're idea will get canned after we read the first sentence. So please send in good stuff.

  • Only 3 Roleplays will count per match. This means when you post your RP's, you must leave an RP number, e.g RP 1. If you want you can post more. But they will not be counted.

Roleplay Deadline
  • The RP deadline will be 10pm EST the day prior to the show.

Misc. Rules
  • Do not use other handlers wrestlers in your RP's without their expressed consent.

  • Do not hassle staff asking when results will be done, all this does is delay them longer as we have to answer numerous IM's saying the same thing. If the results are going to be really delayed then it will be posted on the site.
  • Do not begin running OOC battles in WWE, as an Roleplay fed the effectiveness of CWWE depends on the wrestlers mainly co-operating. If you do start a OOC Battle you may be released.
  • Don't expect to shoot into the main event just because you were a big wheel in some other promotion. So many people put that they have been World champions in various feds, if we do not know you, then this will mean very little to us.

Finally, success will come to those who persist. If you are going to join WWE and just quit if you lose once or twice, then do us a favor and don't apply. Not everyone can win all the time, it's impossible. Countless times do both wrestlers in a match think they out RPed the other, some of that is natural. If you lose, just get back in there and see what you can do to improve. If you constantly complain about losing to the staff, then this is unlikey to make them pick your wrestler as a winner, in fact it will more likely have the opposite effect.

Thank you for taking your time to read through these rules.