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Rob Van Dam

Cool RVD info

This section of the website is dedicated to one of my favorite wrestlers, Rob Van Dam. The master of the Frog Splash, multiple-time Intercontinental Champion, and all around the most entertaining wrestler today, RVD is known world wide as the human highlight reel, and in 2003 he should be propelled to the top ranks of the WWE, but proably will not knowing Bischoff.


Links to Mr. PPV

RVD's website

Well, now RVD has the opportunity to be at the next level of the game if he can win a spot at WrestleMania by winning the Royal Rumble match. If he does, a unification match at WrestleMania 19 between RVD and current WWE champ Kurt Angle would make an awesome main event for the young star. For RVD, a sweet deal.

Wanna go back?

RVD's website