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FORWARD MESSAGE: nLw is back in business and already the Raw card has been set. A lot of new decisions have been made by owner Ric Flair including a general manager announced at Raw which is an unbelievable move for Ric seeing he said he doesn't need extra help. The Undertaker has a match set up one on one against Goldberg for the Intercontinental which is a good opportunity for The Undertaker to teach the new comer same respect.  

<{--Scene--}> The scene flicks over to the parking lot where The Undertaker is currently sitting on his beautiful black motorcycle looking out into the main street through the parking lot entrance awaiting the arrival of Goldberg. Suddenly Josh Mathews silently approaches the focused Undertaker with a microphone.

<{--Josh Mathews--}> Excuse me Undertaker sir........

The Undertaker continues to stay focused on the entrance to the parking lot for a few brief moments before turning his head to Josh Mathews.

<{--The Undertaker--}> You better have a damn good reason for interrupting me boy.

<{--Josh Mathews--}> I would just like to know.......why are you waiting on the arrival of Goldberg tonight, shouldn't you be focused for fighting him on Raw for your Intercontinental match

<{--The Undertaker--}> I actually don't think it is any of your business why I am waiting for Goldberg, but you know what kid, I will tell you see if Goldberg arrives here tonight and I do to him what I have planned then at Raw, Bill Goldberg will have no other choice but to forfeit he's match against me for the title he could have. The Intercontinental which belongs to the only man in the world that deserves it at this point...and that's The Undertaker.

The Undertaker then stares to the entrance of the parking garage again, he then turns to Josh who is still standing beside him.

<{--The Undertaker--}> You know what kid, I am going to go to the ring, so you wait here and look after my motorcycle and if Goldberg happens to pull into the arena in his limo, then I want you to tell Goldberg that the soon to be nLw Intercontitnental Champion is currently in the ring awaiting for him to join me. Can you do that Josh? or am i going to have to make you do that

<{--Josh Mathews--}> I'll do it sir.

<{--The Undertaker--}> Good, and if anything happens to my know what will happen don't you?

Josh nods his head and The Undertaker smiles

<{--The Undertaker--}> Good

The Undertaker then gets off his motorcycle and begins to walk into the arena.

<{--Scene--}> The scene flicks down to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at their announcing desk.

<{--The King--}> Well apparently The Undertaker is now on his way out here to the ring

<{--Jim Ross--}> If Goldberg does arrive and come down to the ring then all hell is going to break loose, and we are going to see a fight between them both before their match. Hopefully he doesn't arrive while The Undertaker is out there because they wouldn't want to ruin the anticipation for their match because it's going to be a slobber knocker.

<{--The King--}> Sure. but i hope that Taker doesn't come out here and say he's going to win the title because if he looses he's going to make a fool of himself.

<{--Scene--}> The scene flicks over to a camera shot of the entrance opening and soon enough The Undertaker's Theme Music entitled "You're Gonna Pay" begins to blast out through the stereo system as the fans rise to their feet and soon enough The Undertaker walks out onto the entrance way, he taps his closed fist over his chest a few times as he begins to walk down the rampway, the boo's are almost deafening as The Undertaker approaches the ring, he steps up onto the apron and then steps over the middle rope into the ring, he walks over to the other side and receives a microphone from Lillian Garcia, he then walks into the center of the ring and awaits for all noise to cease to silence. He then begins to talk.

<{--The Undertaker--}> You know there is an old expression that goes "A man is most dangerous when he has nothing to lose", well if you believe that expression to be true then you are all looking at the most dangerous man in the world at the moment, you see I have absolutely nothing to lose....yet everything to gain, mainly the nLw Intercontinental Championship. And if you do believe in that expression, then you all must think Goldberg is the most harmless man in the universe because he worked ever so hard to impress Flair and get into this company,  but Goldberg, you need to realize that I don't give a damn about how hard you worked to become in this company because quite frankly, I don't care about you, but that is fine because I know you don't care about me neither, but you see Goldberg, there is something in the equation that we both care about deeply and that is the respect from each other and of course the Intercontinental title and only one of us can leave Earls Court, Goldberg i will leave the victor just remember that i have been wrestling for a long time and that im not stupid. Your debutual match will be your first lost, and there's probally going to be a lot more after that.

The crowd begins to break out into a huge Goldberg chant, The Undertaker just smiles out at the crowd as he continues to speak.

<{--The Undertaker--}> Actually Goldberg, I do kind of feel sorry for you.......i know that you have achieved a lot of things in your life and one thing that you aint going to achieve is defeating The Undertaker  

Crowd boo's and then begins to chant asshole.

<{--The Undertaker--}> Listen, Goldberg all of these people as you can see love you, they always chant your name but let me get something straight to you at our match on Raw just remember your in my yard and let me tell you boy i am sick of your attitude you like to use this word with a lot of people.. Your Next! well listen here Goldberg Your Next! for getting some respect taught to you you can say your the Hype or whatever but you can let out all your Hype that you need to after your lying flat on the mat and Earl has finished the three count. I have a little footage from when you were in the Wcw which im going to show everyone.

<{--Old Nitro Footage--}> Goldberg is up... he nails a huge kick to Bret Harts head... Brets down!!

The titantron flicks back to The Undertaker live in the ring.

<{--The Undertaker--}> You see Goldberg back then that kick that you gave Bret Hart injured him a lot. so bad that he had a lot of surgery because of you. He went through a lot of therapy and you didn't give a damn, you just waited for your next opponent... Bret couldnt even talk properly that's how bad it was, he had to quit wrestling. I have a lot of respect for Bret Hart in many ways. The wrestling business wouldn't been the same if he wasn't around. What im saying is that you were careless you stupid son of a bitch you just went on and at Raw im going to do the same to you and put you out. Im a man that lives up to my word and trust me im going to put you out.

The fans then start the Goldberg chant once again.

<{--The Undertaker--}> Goldberg they can all chant your name, because its not going to help anything from what im going to do to you, the respect needs to be taught into you and if i dont make you retire... then hell im definitely going to make you famous. mark my words boy im serious, over the years and years i have fought wrestlers i have came across many believers like you that believe deep inside that they can defeat me. From Austin to The Rock to my own brother Kane, when i was back in The Ministry along time i use to kick more ass in one day then you did in your 178 winning streak, Goldberg if you really think your going to disrespect me in my yard then you better think again boy because this big dog isn't going to let you leave with that strap. You know if you ask a lot of wrestlers like Mankind.. Mick Foley who their toughest opponent ever was there answer would be me, you know why because i beat a lo of respect in him and made him famous for what he is. i made him the hardcore legend. You know Goldberg i know your style.. your just a clone of Stone Cold Steve Austin and let me tell you man to man. i dont play no games in the ring for you to fight me the first time your going to realize why a lot of people call me Big Evil.. or the baddest man alive. Roll the footage.

<{--Goldberg  Footage--}> The footage shows a little clip on Goldberg when he was beating people and getting that huge winning streak, in then shows Kevin Nash powerbombing him then pinning 1-2-3.


<{--The Undertaker--}> You see Goldberg that was your first lose ever, and i enjoyed that moment so much when Nash kicked your ass. that is how our match is going to be.. kinda you see instead of me beating your winning streak im sending you to the hospital. Just like im planning to do with Evolution, because they are just another cattle in the field that are a bunch of no good smart asses. That's why im not the one next you are.

The fans chant the Goldberg chant again for the third time.

<{--The Undertaker--}> Oi, Goldberg hasnt got the guts you come out, Goldberg isnt have the man he looks like you see he doesnt dare to come out here and stand face to face with me because he knows ill start the beating straight away so you my as well stop that.

The Undertaker lets out a sadistic laugh

<{--The Undertaker--}> You see Goldberg nothing is going to give the sadistic feeling better than opening you up. making you bleed.... make you lay in your own puddle of blood because just remember this you cant bring me down.. The Deadman keeps on walking, But if you really think your tough enough then bring your son of a bitch ass out here right now and let's settle this thing once and for all

The Undertaker leans against the ropes and looks towards the entrance way awaiting the arrival of Goldberg, he stands there for a few moments as another loud Goldberg chant breaks out in the crowd.

<{--The Undertaker--}> Goldberg, I know that you are afraid of me, but this is just getting pathetic......honestly, just take a great deep breath, and get your ass down here so Big Evil can keep your ass more before our match, because i sure these fans would love to see their hero get taught respect before Raw.

The Undertaker impatiently continues the wait for the arrival of Goldberg, he stands leaned up against the ropes for a few more moments before giving up.

<{--The Undertaker--}> The only reason I am here out here is to kick your ass, you see I was about to destroy you in the parking lot.  I do what I want when I want and right now I am saying that I want to kick Goldberg's ass, wait a minute, wait a minute, I think I got this figured out right about now......earlier today Ric Flair probably rang up Goldberg and told him not to come to the arena tonight in fear of losing the Goldberg/ Taker match at Raw......and Flair, if I find out you did do that today, then I will hunt you down and beat you down almost as bad as I will beat Goldberg down. and ill even kick your little Evo0lution boys asses as well. When i get my hands around your throat Goldberg you wont know what day it is, because your probaly in your hotel right now but just remember i could be lurking.

"You're Gonna Pay" begins to play throughout the arena again as The Undertaker drops the microphone to the canvas, he then makes his way up the aisle way and the cameras continue to follow him on his way into the parking garage, he then see's Josh Mathews again who is standing right where he was when The Undertaker left to go to the ring, right next to The Undertaker's motorcycle. The Undertaker walks right past Josh Mathews who was expecting a "thank you" from The Undertaker, he then sits on his motorcycle and then looks at Josh Mathews.

<{--The Undertaker--}> Thanks kid.

The Undertaker then rides the motorcycle out of the parking garage and heads back to his hotel room.