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Pyros explode as WXW Beat Down kicks off.

PR: welcome, to this weeks beatdown!

JL: I have word that Nikos Karagounis has just arived!

PR: who cares! as we have JJ philips first match in WXW and it's against Blaze!

Wait & Bleed hits as Blaze gets a standing ovation from the crowd, he slides into the ring.

Land of hope and glory hits as JJ Philips walks out to boos.

JL: why are these good for nothing people booing JJ?!

PR: I have no idea

JL: are you being sarcastic!?

Philips gets int he ring, Blaze starts things off by throwing JJ to the ropes and drop-kicking him in the chin, Blaze rolls him up 1.....2......kickout! Philips complains to the ref that Blaze had his tights, blaze drop-kicks him from behind knocking JJ out the ring. Blaze then dives over the ropes onto JJ.

PR: Woah! Blaze the rick taker just nailed JJ Philips!!

JL: Big deal! Blaze is a show off!

Blaze then tuns to the crowd as they applaude him, JJ sneaks behind him and rams him over the steel steeps, then he DDT's Blaze onto the floor.

JJ then goes to piledrive Blaze on the floor but Blaze manages to back drop him, Balze gets in the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle, he then hits a corkscrew moonsault onot JJ who was on the outside!

PR: Oh my god! and again Blaze with the high-flying moves! his career could be over very shortly!

JL: and again, blaze shows off!

Blaze gets up and drags JJ into the ring, he then goes to cover 1....2....kickout, JJ then rolls him up quickly 1..2..kickout! Blaze then hits a sitdown jawbreaker and then a running headscissors, JJ has no idea where he is as Blaze goes for the Burning rush DDT. JJ counters into a northen lights suplex, 1....2.....kickout. JJ seems annoyed, he goes up top. JJ jumps off the top rope but Blaze drop-kicks JJ's stomach, both men go down.

PR: Both men are down after that rib-breaking shot from blaze!

Blaze and JJ get up, Blaze kicks JJ in the stomach and hits a Burning rush DDT. he covers 1....2.....3 it's all over Blaze defeated JJ philips!

PR: what a way to kick off BeatDown. up next folks a rematch from last week for the WXW hardKore title, this is how this one came about.

Footage shows NevermorE retaining the title last week as Jinx hits and the WXW fans go wild for the hardkore champ NevermorE.

Ministry hits as the crowd boo for Kryptkeeper coming down the ramp and into the ring.

NevermorE knocks him down quickly with a spinning heel kick, then a leg drop. Keeper gets up fast and grabs NevermorE and throws him to the corner where he hammers him down.

JL: hahaha! the strength of the keeper! just force!

PR: but don't forget about NevermorE! he's a 2 time hardkore champ.

NevermorE blocks a right hand and kicks keeper in the face, he then bulldogs him across the ring. NevermorE goes on the outside for soem "toys". He grabs a trash can and STOP sign, Keeper exits the ring and comes for NevermorE. NevermorE gets the STOP sign and smacks it across Keeper's head. Keeper crawls back into the ring, NevermorE throws two trash cans in the ring, he then gets back in. he gets a can and twats it over Keeper's head again and again. The can is mangled. NevermorE sets Keeper up for the Middway DDT onto the second can as Keeper's hand reaches up and gets NevermorE by the thoart.

JL: Chokeslam! chokeslam! on to the can!!! YEAH!

a man with a mask runs down into the ring with a 2x4 and takes Keeper's legs out. The masked man climbs to the second turnbuckle with Keeper, he delivers a neckbreaker. Then NevemorE goes for the middway DDT as he does it the masked man jumps from the second rope, turning into a Spike middway DDT!

PR: the impact! that has to be it now!

JL: that could break his neck!!

vars Lauder and Stardust kid run in the ring and nail coltheslines on NevermorE and the masked man, Vars takes the masked man up top and delivers the End credits as NevermorE is victim of a Stardust Slam. Keeper then staggers to his feet as he NevermorE slowy getting up, he grabs him and delivers the final destination powerbomb onto the trash can! he covers 1...2...3! vars and SDK grab Keeper and celebrate with him up the ramp with his new WXW hardkore title belt.

PR: Vars, SDK and now the Kryptkeeper!? what a force!

JL: HAHA yeah! and now Keeper is the Hardkore champion!

The masked man runs over to NevermorE to see if he is alright.

PR: Who is that man?!

JL: unless i can see through masks, which i don't, i don't know.

PR: well up next is Nikos Karagouins taking on Vars Lauder for the WXW Intercontinental championship.

Footage on the titantron shows Nikos giving the OAKA slam to Vars and SDK last week on BeatDown.

"Back in Black" hits and Nikos gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. "Hellitrope" hits and the crowd boo the Intercontinental champion Vars Lauder, he walks to the ring holding up both the IC and western titles.

PR: this will be one hell of a match!

JL: especially when Vars Lauder retains his title.

Vars enetrrs the ring and goes for Nikos taking him down and hammering away. Vars then elbow drops onto Nikos then a massive leg drop to the neck of Nikos. Vars climbs the top turnbuckle and shouts abuse to the crowd. Nikos comes form behind and school boys Vars from the top. Ref slides in 1....2....kickout.

PR: wow what height.

JL: how embarressing for Vars IF he would have been beaten.

Nikos whips Vars across the ring and comes back at him with a clothesline, Nikos then runs to the ropes and as Vars gets up, Nikos hits a neckbreaker. Nikos goes up top and goes for a diving elbow drop but Vars rolls out the way, Nikos crashes to the mat. Vars goes to cover 1...2...kickout. Vars then picks up Nikos and powerslams him, Nikos gets up and rakes te eyes of Vars then knees him in the face. Nikos then goes for the OAKA slam, Vars slides off and takes his legs down, Vars hooks in a figue 4 leg lock.

JL: The Lauder leg lock! This has to be it!!! Nikos has to tap.

Nikos tries to reach for the ropes but Vars manages to drag him back to the centre of the ring, Nikos then attempts to turn on t his stomach.

PR: Nikos using his smarts about him, turing over onto his stomach will reverse the move and Vars will feel the effects .


Nikos does so and Vars shouts in pain. Vars goes for the ropes but this time Nikos drags him back.

Stardust Kid and the KryptKeeper run out, SDK climbs onto the apron, the ref turns his back on Nikos and vars tring to get SDK of the apron. Keeper runs in the ring and breaks the hold, Nikos stands up and he gets a chokeslam of Keeper.

NevermorE comes through the crowd with a chair and with a ref. He slides into the ring as Keeper turns around he gets a steel chair to the head. NvermorE hits a quick Middway DDT onto the chair and covers 1......2......3! NevermorE then slides out the ring and back through the crowd. SDK his now trying to get the ref to turn around as Vas is covering Nikos. SDK jumps down from the apron and pulls Keeper out the ring. then ref sees the cover 1....2....kickout!

PR: he kicked out!!!

JL: no way!

Vars picks up Nikos and puts him onto the turnbuckle, he delivers the end credits and covers, 1.....2.....3. Vars grabs his belts and walks up the ramp with SDK and Kryptkeeper. Kryptkeeper seems pissed off.

PR: vars did it! After that chokeslam from Keeper!

JL: but he won and lost the hardkore title in one night! But Stardust Kid, Vars lauder and the Kryptkeeper have shown thier domanance here tonight!

PR: er...the night is not over! we have a huge match up next! MCJ and Blassie take on Stardust Kid and a mystery partner!

The fans scream as the steel cage is lowered...

"I disapear" hits as Stardust Kid walks down the ramp to boos and abuse, he climbs in the cage and waits for his partner.

PR: we just got word that SDK's partner is someone form his Union.

JL: but they've both had matches! vars and the Keeper!

Huge explosive pyros go off as "Oh fortuna" hits, Scorn walks slowly down to the ring and enters the cage, Stardust Kid smilies and goesto shake Scorns hand, Scorn looks at his hand through his mask and then shakes hands. As they pull their hands away the rng post ignite.

PR: Woah! Scorn is in their Union!?

JL: the Union is getting bigger and powerful, Scorn is 7ft over 300lbs and damm scary.

"The lemon song" hits as Classy Rob E Blassie walks out onto the stage, he gets a huge ovation from the crowd.

The countdown starts and "Break it Down" hits Chris Jones walks out onto the stage to join Blassie has the fans cheer wildly. They both run down the ramp and into the cage where they a met by SDK and Scorn.

Scorn lefts MCJ onto his shoulder and rams him head first into the side of the cage, as SDK drop-kicks Blassie to the side of the cage. MCJ comes back at Scorn with a huge clothesline knocking them both down. Blassie climbs up top and sees Scorn get up, he hits a missile drop kick. MCJ spears down SDK and hammers him down. Scorn then picks up Blassie and goes for the chokeslam, MCJ breaks it up and goes for the CJ-slam on Scorn. SDK breaks that up but recieves a Class-act kick to the face from Blassie.

JL:oooh thats gonna leave a burse.

PR: it's gonna do more than that..

Blassie covers 1....2....break up by Scorn. MCJ takes Scorn's leg out a locks in a half-bosten crab. SDK gets up and breaks up the hold, he attempts to Stardust slam MCJ but is countered into a DDT. Scorn comes behind MCJ and hits a huge powerbomb, he covers 1....2....break up by Blassie. He goes to give the class-act kick to Scorn, but Scorn catches Blassie and throws him to the mat. Both Scorn and SDK try to climb out the cage. MCJ staggers up and grabs SDK's legs then Chris hits a super spinebuster.

PR: OH MY GOD! what a spinebuster!

MCJ covers but Scorn jumps from the top of the cage, MCJ rolls put the way and Scorn nails SDK with a elbow drop.

JL: no!!!

Blassie then class-act kicks the back of Scorns head but he don't go down, Scorn turns around and grabs Blassie's thoart, MCJ turns and Scorn grabs his thoart to.

JL: oh yes!

Scorn double chokeslam both of them. Scorn then covers both of them. 1....2....3!

Cage gets lefted as Scorn picks up SDK and exits the ring. Vars and Keeper run down and batter on MCJ and Blassie. Then Crumb runs out and knocks down Scorn and SDK on the outside then slides in the ring. Crumb then takes down Vars, then Keeper. The nails a ride the lightning on Vars, MCJ gets up and cj-slams Keeper. Scorn comes back int he ring and chokeslam Crumb and SDK hits the Stardust Slam. Vars, SDK, Scorn and Keeper leave the ring leaving MCJ, Crumb and Blassie staring back at them.