WXW Roster
WXW Applications
Wrestler's Name: Aussie Born Killer (ABK)
Wrestler's Hometown: Adelaide, SA
Wrestler's Height: 7"5'
Wrestler's Weight: 295
Wrestler's Theme Music: Guns n Roses - "Welcome to the Jungle"
Wrestler's Build: Athletic and strong
Finishing Maneuvre Name: Major Damage
Finishing Maneuvre Description: Tombstone Piledriver.
Description: Has meduim length black spiked hair, wears full army camo gear (eg the camo pants, a sleveless camo shirt) and black leather boots. Is a strong man uses mostly power moves but can also surprize oher wrestlers with some high flying arial moves.
Wrestler's Name: Thunder DownUnder
Wrestler's Sex: Male
Wrestler's Hometown: Adelaide, South Australia
Wrestler's Height: 6'5"
Wrestler's Weight: 240lbs
Wrestler's Theme Music: Metallica - "No Remorse"
Wrestler's Build: muscular
Finishing Maneuvre Name: TOVOS
Finishing Maneuvre Description: Jumps off the top rope into oppenents gut
Manager's Name: Tovomobobo
Description of Wrestler: A physically stong wrestler that is not afraid to take on ANYONE
Wrestler's Name: Stardust Kid
Wrestler's Hometown: Manchester, England
Wrestler's Height: 6'6
Wrestler's Weight: 250lbs
Wrestler's Theme Music: Alien Ant Farm - "Smooth Criminal"
Wrestler's Build: athletic
Finishing Maneuvre Name: Stardust Slam
Finishing Maneuvre Description: The opponent is draped over Stardust Kid's back as he holds them by the ankles, and then he jumps down driving their head into
the mat.
Manager's Name: Leah Morris
Description of Wrestler: Exits through the crowd. Often talks to the fans on his way to the ring. Very charismatic. Has an inovative high flying and technical style, was the first and only JFX UK Champion.
Wrestler's Name: Chris Jones (MCJ)
Wrestler's Sex:Male
Wrestler's Hometown: Essex, England
Wrestler's Height: 6'6"
Wrestler's Weight: 230lbs
Wrestler's Theme Music: a 3 second countdown followed by "Break It Down"
Wrestler's Build: Muscular
Finishing Maneuvre Name: CJ-Slam
Finishing Maneuvre Description: A Rock Bottom
Manager's Name: Tanya
Description of Wrestler: MCJ has had a good career in JFX and UCW. He hopes to carry on in WXW with his wife Tanya.
Wrestler's Name: Colin Crumb
Wrestler's Sex: Male
Wrestler's Hometown: Parts unknown
Wrestler's Height: 6'3"
Wrestler's Weight: 248lbs
Wrestler's Theme Music: MetallicA - "Ride the lightning"
Wrestler's Build: athletic
Finishing Maneuvre Name: Ride the lightning
Finishing Maneuvre Description: cradle tombstone(usually on a chair)
Description of Wrestler: He is a hardcore extremist with a taste for blood, will go to any lengths to please fans.
Wrestler's Name: Scorn
Wrestler's Sex: Male
Wrestler's Hometown: Parts Unknown
Wrestler's Height: 7'1"
Wrestler's Weight: 335lbs
Wrestler's Theme Music: Oh Fortuna
Wrestler's Build: Fat/ Muscular
Finishing Maneuvre Name:Chokeslam from Hell
Finishing Maneuvre Description: Top rope Chokeslam
Description of Wrestler: Dark shady character that has not been seen or heard from since he was servley injured in UCW at the hands of Stoner. also competed in JFX and become the second ever Hardcore champion. He wears a mask and hardly speaks to anyone.
Wrestler's Name:Vars Lauder
Wrestler's Sex:Male
Wrestler's Hometown:Dussledorf, Germany
Wrestler's Height: 6'3"
Wrestler's Weight:266lbs
Wrestler's Theme Music:Hellitope-"at the drive in"
Wrestler's Build: Muscular
Finishing Maneuvre Name:The End Credits
Finishing Maneuvre Description: get your opponent on the turnbuckle so and get
them in position for a reverse ddt, so they're facing into the ring. then life
their legs up with your free arm, jump off the turnbuckle an' smash the bitches head all over the mat
Description of Wrestler: vars lauder went to LA as a body-builder when a film
agent noticed what a great physique he had and landed him a part in a big movie.
soon, however, the dream soon turned sour...(dramatic music plays in
backgound)....lauder developed a smack habit which cost him vast sums of money.
his huge wage demands and unreasonable demands sent his career tumbling
downhill...this culminated when he was arrested for running over a small child
and possession of a lethal firearm. he has arrived in wxw to recapture his fame
and wealth.