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Andydrew's Life
Saturday, 25 October 2003
October 24th
Hey. I see you're back, or here for the first time, or really board. Ya. So anyways. I had a good day. Went to an Indy wrestling show and hungout and got fired by Vons cause I was going to the show. But I could care less cause I wasn't happy about working early in the morning and the manager stiffed me some money. Anyway, I'm in the mood to tell a story. It's about when me and a few friends got in deep shit with the cops over a stunt we where trying to do for our jackass thing we use to do.

Anyway, it was 8 at night and it was in summer around two years ago and me and my friends Kyle, Shaun, Daniel, and Brandon where hanging out wondering what to do. We had some fake blood and decided to go onto a street corner and put the fake blood all over our faces and lay on the ground acting as if we got hurt. SO me and Kyle put the stuff on and waited for about 10 minutes till someone came. It was a women and she saw us and run off. We thought it was pretty funny. We watched it on the camera and waited till someone else came. So then a group of middle aged people walked and saw us and ran toward us. Then stupid ass Kyle laughed and they knew we faked it. He took off and ran and I just ran with him to where the bushes where Shaun, Brandon and Daniel where hiding and we all took off. We went into a small alley and one of the dudes from the group ran after us and tried to hit me. I ducked and his fist went into a wall and I was totaly freaked out thinking this dude was gonna kill me. So we split up. I ran into my friend Tony's backyard and lay low there for a awhile. Then about 5 or so cop cars showed up and the police helicoptor flew over and I thought something bad was going down. So I figured the people left. I was wrong. I went back and they saw me. They said that some lady ran into the street looking for help and that it's my fault and that me and my friends where gonna be in trouble and he was gonna place us under arrest for attempted murder and disturbing the peace. I told him it's not my fault some lady ran into the street and then he just went off and handcuffed me. Then Kyle and Daniel came back and they got cuffed also. Then Brandon and Shaun showed up and we all where placed on a street corner and where read our rights. Then they looked at the video tape and I told the dude why wont he charge the other guy for attempted battery on a minor. The cop just told me to shut up then he took the tape and camera and said it's gonna be evidence. We where taken to the police station and where questioned. They eventualy let us go and our parents picked us up. Later that night we went to Carl's Jr. and sat and got our food and ate. We didn't say much to eachother and when we sat down we looked at eachother and started to laugh real hard. To this day we think it was the greatest prank we have ever pulled.

Did you like that story? How about another? Not as good as the last one. But anyway. I'm hangingout with my friends Andrew, Dro, Chris and Abas. We ditched the last class of the day and went around in Andrew's Mustang. We went to an arcade and then tried to get into a Chuck E Cheese and they told us we couldn't go in. We asked why and they said it was because we where under 18. I totaly went off on them. It was a huge argument between me and some dude with a hat that had mouse ears on them and I told him "Look man, this isn't a strip club. So why aren't we being allowed to go in? We just want some pizza and to play games. Don't be such a huge asshole man!" We got thrown out and went to a Mcdonalds down the street. We ate and played in the giant ball room and hungout for a while. As we where leaving we thought it'd be funny for us to get in the car and pretend to leave Abas there which was 15 minutes from where we lived if you drived. We circled the block and when we came back he got pissed and we just went. Then for some reason we went to a K-Mart and Chris made us stand in line for 10 minutes only cause he wanted change for a buck so he could get some fake snot from the things at the front of the stores that have stuff like mini football helmets and fake jewery. As we where in line I noticed that a mother was hitting her daughter because she wanted a candy bar. Me and Dro started laughing for no reason. Then as we went outside we saw a mother yelling at her kid cause he slammed the door and she hit him also. We found it really funny then the mom came and yelled at us and threatend us with one of those safety lock things for car steering wheels. Then we went home. It was an ok day.

I'll tell more interesting storys from school, backyard wrestling stuff, pranks, fights, and other stuff.

Song Of The Day: CKY-Flesh Into Gear

Posted by wrestling3/xtremeoverdose at 2:09 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 25 October 2003 2:31 AM PDT
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Friday, 24 October 2003
Wow. First Blog
So like, this is a blog? WTF? I thought it'd be more exciting? Instead it's some thing where you just type? Well, this is my first entry. And I guess this is where I introduce myself. My name is Andrew and I'm from Glendale, CA. I enjoy music and pro wrestling. Despite what anyone says, wrestling isn't fake.So anyway.I use to go to Hoover High School in Glendale,CA but decided not to go. I go to some place where you go twice a week and get work, do it, and turn it in. It's really cool. I don't have to be awake before noon.So I have some free time on my hands. Normaly I'd hangout with friends and shit and have a good time. And when I'm home I go online and chat with friends and shit. Lately I've haven't spent much time with people from my old high school cause I really didn't care much for them. I also play guitar. I'm not in a band but I just fuck around and have fun and shit. It kinda sucks cause your friends aren't around much and they got school and shit.But I do hangout with them. So like, there's nothing much left to say. Lately it's been boring and calm and nothing interesting has happend.

Song Of The Day: The Ataris-Boys Of Summer



Posted by wrestling3/xtremeoverdose at 3:38 AM PDT
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