.::The scene opened at an undisclosed Mental Facility in New York City. Many of the patients walked around like mindless zombies, mumbling to themselves. The medical staff on duty paid close attention to every one of the patient’s moves, for any second, one could become a deadly foe. One in particular they never took their eyes off was a man who was transferred 6 months ago. He was one of the many unpredictable ones. Although locked up with all of these nutcases who couldn’t pull five words together, he seemed to be the only sane one in the bunch. To some of the patients, he was their leader. To the staff, he was a threat. Day in and day out, he lurked in the shadows, glaring out the window in hopes of freedom, a freedom he knew all too well, and a freedom he would soon get back. That man was Sean Graves::. .::On rare occasions, some of the patients were visited by family and friends, other by their psychiatrists. On one of these occasions, Sean got the visitor he’s been waiting half a year for. In the visitor’s room waited a powerful man. That man was Damo Chasez, Founder and Owner of World’s Ultimate Wrestling. Damo sat somewhat impatiently as a staff member escorted Sean into the room. Sean’s demeanor was unfamiliar to Damo. A man who took pride into the way he looked was now downgraded to looking like the local bum on the corner. His hair, long and stringy, covered most of his face. He had been growing a beard, although it looked like it had been trimmed weeks ago. The staff member guided Sean to the seat across from Damo. After Sean took his seat, the guard informed him he had ten minutes. Sean’s head rose to look Damo right in the eye. The only thing separating them was the glass window. Damo looked Sean in the eye and gave him that cocky grin of his::.
{Damo} .::Damo pulled out a folder and out of the folder, he pulled out a contract, a World’s Ultimate Wrestling contract and held it up for Sean to see. Sean didn’t seemed moved::.
{Damo} .::Sean just glared at Damo who still had that cocky grin glued to his face. Sean then looked down at the WuW contract. Damo was right. If Sean didn’t sign it, he would rot to death in that rubber room of his. Sean wanted freedom more than anything. On the other hand, it would mean that Sean would basically have to hand his life over to the man who has set out to ruin his career from the beginning. It was decision time for Sean and he knew what he had to do::. Present Day .::Sean arrived at the United Kingdom International Airport. He looked his normal self, with his hair cut and dressed in his usual flashy clothes. Sean looked for the nearest exit and once he found he, he made his way out of the airport. Just as he got outside, his cell phone rang. He took the phone out of his pocket and answered it::.
{Sean} .::Sean hung up his cell phone and hailed down a cab. He gave the driver the instructions he needed and within half an hour, Sean was at the Exchange. After giving the driver the fare, Sean went in and started his search for Locker #519. After a few moments, Sean reached the locker and pulled out the key Damo had given him. Once the locker was open, Sean was stunned to see a bag, cash, two sets of keys; one for a car, the other for an apartment. Also, there was a note from Damo to Sean that read ”Take this money as a starting gift to you accepting my offer. The keys there are for your new residence and your new car. Enjoy yourself and I’ll see you on the 31st” Sean gave his trademark grin and started feeling the bag with the money. He then headed out to the parking garage and started his search for his car. He continued to press the Lock/Unlock button in hopes of hearing it within earshot. Soon, he heard the click and turned to fine a brand-new 2004 Chyrsler 300 in his sight. Again, Sean gave that trademark grin and got inside his new ride. After admiring the interior, Sean started his car up and headed in the direction of the address Damo had given him. Already, this was looking too easy to Sean, but he was going to take advantage anyway::. .::After a few moments, Sean arrived at his new apartment building. Actually, it wasn’t that new to him. IT looked much like the same building Sean lived in his last time in WuW. Once inside, Sean realized that it was the very same building and just shook his head with a grin. He took the elevator up to the 4th floor and made his way to his apartment. Once inside, it looked as if it was never touched. Everything was the same and exactly where Sean had left it. Sean threw the bag on the couch and took a seat beside it. He opened the bag and just admired the cash that was inside ($25,000). Sean gave that trademark grin and just as he was about to touch it, the phone rang. Sean glared at the phone for a minute and hesitated to answer it. Finally, after the 5th ring, Sean got up and went to answer the phone. He already knew who it was::.
{Damo} .::The phone clicked in Sean ear and he just set it down. Sean knew Damo was up to something and was using mind games against Sean to get it. Sean knew when his mind was being played. Hell, he wrote the book on manipulation. Something about his return to WuW wasn’t right, but it didn’t matter. Damo was right. This was Sean’s last chance to redeem himself. Three years ago, Damo prevented Sean from becoming the World Champion and now, that very same man is in his corner. It was all or nothing for Sean::. .::Sean walked over to the table where Damo had left the files for him. Right on the very top was the Roster for WuW. A few of the names meant nothing such as The Watcher, Mike Stevens and Anarchy. He then noticed that Adrean, Hardcore Smitty and Stone were on the roster. That caused Sean to gives his trademark grin, but that soon faded when he saw the name “Halliwell”. Heather Halliwell, Sean ex-flame was part of WuW also. And not just Heather was in WuW, but another Halliwell by the name of Hallie. Things were starting to look very interesting for Sean’s stay in WuW. As Sean went over the list some more, there was a knock at the door. Sean turned behind him and had a suspicious look on his face. No one knew he was out and no one knew where he was. So who could be at his door. Sean asked who was at his door, but his answer was another knock. Again, Sean asked who it was and again, the person just knocked. Finally Sean reached the door and braced himself to answer it. Once he opened the door, he was greeted by a face who hoped he would never have to see again... |