' it's time to play the game.. '

AWA Role-Play Number: 003
All-Star Wrestling Association Match: 'The Game' Triple H vs.Lance Storm; Chris Jericho; Vampiro; D'lo Brown
AWA Complete Career Record: 001 - 000 - 000
Played The Game And Lost:
Johnny Stamboli [1x]; ... ...
All-Star Wrestling Association Achievements: Roleplayer Of The Week [1x]; ... ...

THE EVOLUTION HAS BEGUN: Sunday July seventh two-thousand and three was a night that will live in wrestling history for many days to come. It was the night that the AWA began it's run for sports-entertainment dominance and it was the night that Triple H and the men of Evolution started their domination of the AWA. Triple H took on Johnny Stamboli and got the victory over him, making him the star of the night. What a way to start his AWA career. Also the plans for the World Heavyweight Championship were annouched. This Sunday Night.. Triple H has the opprotunity to go one step up in the quest for the World Title.. he has the opprotunity to become the AWA champion, provided he gets past the four men he's been booked against this Sunday Night. Those men being Vampiro, Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, and D'Lo Brown. Despite Triple H being as good as he is.. there is no disputing that this will be a bit of a challenge for The Game. The winner of this match will then go on to team with the winner of one of the other matches to face two other winners in a tag team match.. sound complicated? Don't worry.. it'll all unfold this Sunday Night. Triple H could be teaming with his fellow Evolution partner, Rob Van Dam next week.. and then having to face Rob for that very same title belt at the first ever Pay-Per-View.. Overload. Overload takes shape this Sunday Night, and if last week is any indication of what Triple H has in store for the rest of his stay in the AWA.. then we can look for Triple H to win this match this Sunday Night.. Evolution has begun in the AWA, who will stop the power of this fierce group? Apparently, The Rock has been dubbed to do this.. who knows what will happen when Triple H and The Rock are in the same place at the same time. The only way to find out what will happen is to tune into Downfall this Sunday Night..

"The Construction Of The Game Has Begun"

CONSTRUCTION: Well.. it's something you've probably seen alot of in your lifetime. A construction site.. whether they're building a new store down the street.. or a couple of new houses or even a mall or something.. you've had to have seen one. Have you ever stopped and wondered just how dangerous these places can be? A beam could fall.. you could trip over something.. hell, the whole facility could collapse on you. The thing about all of that is.. nobody really cares, especially Triple H. The All Star Wrestling Federation logo fades onto the screen followed by the copyright information.. and our scene fades up into an old construction site.. apparently they are building a new arcade for the kids to play around in. The time is around one AM so nobody is around.. however in the distance you can see a shadowy figure sitting down staring aimlessly into the night sky. This man is Triple H. The camera zooms in and Triple H stands up looking into it. Triple H then begins to speak.

' the game ' Triple H : It all seems so simple doesn't it? They'll build this building and everyone will be in it.. and everything will be simple, right?

Triple H turns around and gives the whole site another look and turns back to the camera

' the game ' Triple H : WRONG! Few things in life are ever simple.. nothing ever works out exactly the way you plan it, except for when it's thought of by ME, THE CEREBRAL ASSASSIN! See last week on Downfall.. next to everything worked out.. Rob won.. Orton lost.. and I won. You think I'd be happy, right? Wrong, again.. see because imperfection is something is not tolerated in Evolution... and last week we were imperfect. This week.. change of plans. I'm taking the bull by the horns and I'm going to lead this team the best way I know to.. by example! See because this week.. is the week that I go one step closer to becoming the World Champion.. I have to go through five other men to do it. Lance Storm.. Chris Jericho.. D'lo Brown, adnd Vampiro. These four men.. are the only thing standing in my way of one day becoming the World Champion. But see the thing is.. being who I am.. I ALWAYS get what I want.. ALWAYS! These four are stepping into something they have no idea how to get out of.. MY WORLD! Because as far as I'm concerned when you step into the ring with The Game.. all the rules change.. and they change in MY FAVOR! See because under my rules.. anything can happen.. and it normally does.

Triple H then turns around and bends over grabbing a sledgehammer that appraently he's had the whole time. He then turns back to the camera and begins to speak.

' the game ' Triple H : See the men in this match have no idea exactly what's going to happen under my set of rules.. Lance Storm is a prime example of being oblivious to the rest of the world. This man will sit here in the middle of that ring and claim what he does is entertaining. He'll sit there and claim that he has the ability to entertain the crowd based on his ability alone. My thing is this.. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF THE CROWD THINKS I'M ENTERTAINING! See because those fans out there are nothing but mindless sheep. They cheer what they're told to cheer for.. they boo who they're told to boo for. Storm, you need to realize what's really important.. not entertaining the fans.. but suriving.. SURVIVING THE GAME! See because Lance Storm this Sunday Night you're stepping into a world that you've never been in.. you're stepping into a problem you can't fix.. you're stepping into my world, Lance.. and the last thing you should be thinking about is being entertaining.. you should think about being alive first! See because these people may show sympathy for you Lance.. putting you in this match.. but I show no sympathy.. I show no remorse.. and anything I do to you.. I will not feel bad about.. so yeah.. bring all you have to the table this Sunday Night.. because if you don't.. I am going to RIP YOU APART!

Triple H then walks over to one of the beams that is upright.. and leans on it a little bit. Not too much, because it may fall on him.. but just enough to support his body weight.. he then begins to speak.

' the game ' Triple H : Then.. you have Chris Jericho.. a man who belives that in his mind.. he is the Undisputed King Of The World.. he thinks that he's the best thing to hit wrestling since the wrestling ring itself.. and I'm here to tell you, Chris.. that you aren't as good as you think you are, because if anyone is the King Of the World.. IT'S ME! If anyone is the best thing to ever hit wrestling.. IT'S ME! See because Chris what you fail to realize is.. talk is cheap! That's all you've done your whole career, Jericho.. talk.. talk.. talk.. because you can't get the job done! You can't win the big one when it comes time to.. Chris Jericho I'll go out on a limb and say you don't even stand a chance of winning this match.. because let's face it, Chris.. you just don't have what it takes.. you don't have the talent.. you work as if you're something special.. and you've worked this King Of the World crap like a nickel and dime prostitute, it's over Chris! It's time for you to do something that you've never done in your whole career.. SHUT UP AND GET THE JOB DONE! It's time for you to finally do what you've always said you were going to do Chris.. and that's become the World Heavyweight Champion.. see, you could possibly be the World Champ.. the only thing that stands in your way.. IS ME! And I don't move for anyone, Jericho.. I'm coming into this match to do exactly what I've been proclaiming for two weeks now, and that's become the World Champion.. all I have to do is get through you and these other four losers and that's going to be one easy task..

Triple H then lets the sledgehammer in his hands slide down his hand and he clutches onto the metal part of the hammer. Triple H then takes his other hand and puts it to the bottom of the hammer.. and speaks.

' the game ' Triple H : Oh.. and let's not forget about D'lo Brown. Hell, this is the same guy who used to claim that the wrestling business was racist. D'lo.. I hate to break this to you.. but it's not the wrestling business that's being racist.. it's the fact that you have NO TALENT! See.. I don't hate black people.. but what I hate about you, D'lo... is that you're making a damn excuse.. see instead of blaming the wrestling business.. you should blame yourself, Dlo... because you're the reason you're not a success.. but if you want somebody to blame so much.. just wait till this Sunday Night.. because this Sunday.. it's time for you D'lo.. to finally prove what you've been wanting to prove your whole career.. you can finally prove to yourself.. the owners.. the fans.. hell, even me that you're worth more than the cards you're getting dealt.. the only problem with that is.. you're stepping into the ring with the PREMIERE SUPERSTAR in the wrestling world.. you're stepping into the ring with THE BEST DAMN SUPERSTAR that the World of Wrestling has EVER seen.. you're stepping into the ring with Triple H! So D'lo.. a wise choice would be.. to stop all the complaining.. and start doing your damn job.. because if not.. then I'm just going to have to do my job.. which is KICKING PEOPLE'S ASS!

Triple H then takes the sledgehammer that he's holding and begins to move it around a little bit.. he then begins to talk again.

' the game ' Triple H : Then last but not least.. Vampiro. The Dark Knight.. the Macabre Jester.. do you really know what a Jester is, Vampiro? One who tells jokes.. and the reason that doesn't shock me.. is because your whole career has been nothing but a joke. You think people actually take you seriously when you hang around with ICP and paint your face like some clown. And hell, let's just say you do happen to pull of the impossible and win.. what kind of champion would you be, Vampiro? Let's face it, Vamp.. you're just not champion material.. you're one of those guys who just sit around wishing they could be as good as someone like me.. because Vampiro you don't have the talent.. the skill.. the intelligence to go up against me.. and if you think you do.. you'll just fall into the same catergory of all the others that though they could get the job done.. all the others that thought they had what it took to outsmart The Game.. see because Vampiro you might have had success in other lesser companies.. companies that didn't really have any talent.. but see this is the AWA.. this is the company that I will eventually dominate.. because there is nobody on the roster at this time.. that can play this Game.. especially YOU!

Triple H then takes his sledgehammer and looks as if he is about to swing it at the beam of this building. Before doing so, Triple H begins to speak.

' the game ' Triple H : See.. all this I've been talking about.. it's all apart of a plan.. kind of like this building is supposed to be built within the next couple of weeks.. but just to prove that few things in life are simple.. AND to prove that NOTHING can survive playing The Game.. I'm going to do to this building.. what eventually I'll do to the four men in this match.. and the rest of the AWA, because nothing is going to stop me from becoming the AWA World Champion.. NOTHING... because to be quite honest..

' the game ' Triple H : So.. all you four losers.. pay attention to this.. because THIS IS YOUR FATE!

Triple H then takes his sledgehammer and slams it right into the beam of the building.. the beam wobbles and Triple H begins walking away from the building.. the beam then begins to topple over.. and eventually THE WHOLE BUILDING COLLAPES! After everything settles you can hear Triple H, laughing sadistically as the scene fades.


E-MAIL: Chilly2Willie@prodigy.net  AIM: X DeSiRe 2 WiN X