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Possible YCW Music Deal

As of late YCW's co-founder Ryan Lands has been talking to an up and coming band. There has been a report that YCW may get this band know as Laced to play at their first ever live show. with hit songs and original entrance themes to several superstars. More on this developement as it becomes available.

YCW - The Game!

Evax Hodginx, our producer has made a cool YCW game. It is YCW Friday Night Madness - The Game Just click to download! The game is played similar to tic tac toe and is made to emulate a match between Rush and Corey.

NEW shows coming soon!

This Friday, February 15th there will be no show! Sadly, after last weeks match both Tha Gargoyle and Corey were severly weakened, weakened enough to catch viruses. The Gargoyle has been throwing up constantly and Corey has a terrible cough and fever. The doctors say that these two should be able to compete by next week, however Corey may still be sick, so we'll just have to wait and see.

More hard shots and match types in the works!

The management of YCW has decided that the few types of matches in the YCW have grown stagnant. So they're screaming for more, and so are the wrestlers. Prepare for some great and exciting matches. These matches will include strap matches, submission matches and possibly a sumo competetion.

YCW is Recruiting!

If you live in the Newmarket/Aurora area and would like to be part of the YCW send and email with your name and age and address to Include any ring names and such things you would like to.

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Later all, Till next time.

page designers; Evax Hodginx and Ryan Lands.