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Picture Perfect
January 16, 2003


OOC NOTE: This layout was made by Nick, from the WME. Any questions go to him, and I thank him for letting me use it.

*The first Smackdown of 2003 was huge. Shane McMahon saying that he will face Vampiro for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble. Shane seems to be trying to make Vampiro's life a living hell. And tonights Smackdown proves that. Vampiro will take on Scott Hall and Steven Richards in a handi-cap match! With Shane McMahon the guest ref! But with the Rumble weeks away, another question that comes to mind, is who will win the rumble? Many will enter, but only one will win. There was no question on who won last week, when Los Guerreros finally beat Edge and Christian in a re-match from Holiday Inn. The two teams went at it, but it was Eddie Guerrero's chair shot to the head of Christian, and the Flog Splash on Edge as he was pinning Chavo, that got the Los Guerreros to become the WME World Tag-Team Champions. But Eddie and Chavo didn't get all the laughes, as later that night, Edge and Christian hit a Con-Chair-To on to both of the new champs backstage! This fued between these two teams have gone on since Survivor Series, and even though it looked like the end was near, the end is far from near now. As Los Guerreros team up with Chris Jericho, to take on Edge, Christian and The Rock on Smackdown! Who will come out on top tonight? Tune into Smackdown to find out!*

-+-| Scene One |-+-

*Scene opens up outside the Richmond Colisuem, where Edge and Christian are sitting at a table. The scene is froze as Edge is wearing his red Edge-Head shirt, as Christian wearing his green sunglasses, and an E&C yellow shirt. The words "Earlier Today" is written in blue on the left bottom corner, as the scene begins.*

-+-| "Posolutely Awesome" Christian |-+-
"Ha, dude this signing stuff is like totally easy! But not as easy as beating those Los Guerreros."

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"Yeah, so true man. Who's it for? Jessica, alright there you go Jess, still cool! But yeah bro, we are totally going to wipe the floor with those three chump-stainers here on Smackdown, isn't that right everyone!!"

*As Edge yells that, the fans in line cheer and yell. As the camera guy takes a shot at the fans, he goes back to where Edge and Christian are signing pictures.*

-+-| "Posolutely Awesome" Christian |-+-
"Yeah! And I mean, if we show that we can beat those guys, we'll so get a shot at our titles, that totally were taken wrongfully from us! Yeah, what's your name? Anthony, hey I remember that kid, what ever happened to him?"

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"More then likely telling little kids that Cupid isn't real, and that Valentines Day is rigged! Who totally cares, he's for the Los Guerreros, not the coolness team on Smackdown, E and C! So why bother, when we totally have this fans right here!"

-+-| Anthony |-+-
"Man, that's true. You guys just went through a ladder match, which was like off the charts, and then had to defend those same titles again. Edge, Christian, you guys were screwed, and I'm your biggest fan."

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"Hey, thanks bro. Your right, but what could we have done? If we didn't show, we would have lost our goldies anyways. But don't worry, Los Guerreros will get what is coming to them, and it isn't those tag-team titles again. It's going to be much, much worse!"

-+-| "Posolutely Awesome" Christian |-+-
"Posolutely right Edge-ster! And when we finish off those Guerrero's tonight, they will never, EVVVVEEEEEERRRR have the right to say they are the best tag-team on Smackdown, heck totally ever either! Fact is, that they cheated, something that is so totally not cool. But don't worry, cheaters like that, so never win! And this war, is totally far from over."

-+-| Anthony |-+-
"Well, thank you guys, and good luck tonight, I'll be watching."

-+-| "Best Tag-Team Ever" Edge and Christian |-+-
"Later dude!"

-+-| Fan #2 |-+-
"Oh my GOSH! I can't beleive I'm right here, with Edge and Christian! Kate, Kate, take our picture, now!"

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"Okay, clam down there cowgirl. Geez, come around here, so you can get into the picture."

*The girl goes around the table, as Edge and Christian stand up. Edge and Christian do their pose, as the girl is all smiles. Kate takes a picture. The girl then goes around, and starts jumping up and down near Kate, as Edge and Christian sit back down.*

-+-| "Posolutely Awesome" Christian |-+-
"Hey, you want us to sign this?"

-+-| Fan #2 |-+-
"No! No, sign my shirt, PLEASE! To Stacy!"

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"Ummm, Stacy, your wearing your shirt."

-+-| Stacy |-+-
"I know. {Huge grin on her face}

*Edge and Christian look at each other, and then shrug. Then both get up again, and sign the guys shirt. She walks away as the next person comes up.*

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"Hello there, what us to sign this?"

-+-| Fan #3 |-+-
"Yes, sign it to Paul, as in leader of the Triple Threat, Paul."

*Both Edge and Christian look up, and there is Paul Heyman, standing there. They both stand up, as Paul kinda leans back.*

-+-| "The Mastermind" Paul Heyman |-+-
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no you two, I'm not out here to state the truth out the EX-tag team champs. No, see I'm out here just to state some facts. Boys, if you would give me a moment of your time."

*Edge and Christian kinda look at each other, then walk away from the table, and around a corner with Heyman.*

-+-| "The Mastermind" Paul Heyman |-+-
"Listen here boys, it's as plain as day. The Rock isn't here. And let's face it, he isn't coming to tonights Smackdown. So since The Rock might not be able to be here, since I do own most of this show, well then I guess I could just make it a handi-cap tag match! Now of course, I'm sure you boys don't like that, but face it, The Rock is not only scared of Chris Jericho, but is even afraid to be on the same show as Chris Jericho! So like I said boys, face facts, The Rock isn't showing, and you two are going to be destoryed by Chris Jericho, and the new World Tag-Team champs, Los Guerreros!"

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"Ha, that's funny Paul. See, wheter The Rock makes it or not, that doesn't matter. Fact is Paul, that we are ten times better then your so called, living legend. Chris Jericho isn't a living legend, he's a living piece of crap! As for Los Guerreros are concerned, they aren't going to get lucky twice in two weeks. Christian and I will make sure of that, Heyman! So why don't you, go and talk with your buddies, because right now, we are busy."

-+-| "The Mastermind" Paul Heyman |-+-
"Okay, okay, fair enough. But just remember, I warned you two!"

*Paul Heyman leaves them alone, as both Edge and Christian watch him leave. Then, the Smackdown logo wipes right across the screen, as Michael Cole and The Cat are now on the screen.*

-+-| "Frosty-Haired Reekazoid" Michael Cole |-+-
"Well folks, that was early today, and right now I understand that our very own Josh Mattews is backstage with Edge and Christian. Josh, are you there?"

*Scene fades to Josh standing with a mic in his hand.*

-+-| "Toughy Announcer Josh Mattews |-+-
"Yes, yes Cole I'm here. And I am standing with both Edge and Christian, who are set to team up with The Rock, against Chris Jericho, and Los Guerreros. And my first question is guys, are you two ready for such a match?"

-+-| "Posolutely Awesome" Christian |-+-
"Dude, are we ready? Edge and I have totally been teaming up with each other since like high school. So we are like so ready to take out the trash! Y 'Tool' J along with Los'er Guerreros aren't going to win against us tonight. Heck, Los Guerreros aren't going to win against us ever! Sure, they totally got a cheap little win, so what right? Edge and I, along with our E and C fans, surely know that we are totally the best tag team Smackdown has to offer. And again, Edge-ster and I will totally prove it come Smackdown. 2003 isn't the best start of us, but that so doesn't mean that we should quit, right? Edge and I aren't quitters, and on Smackdown, Rocky or not, we are going to go out there, and kick some kesters!"

-+-| "Toughy Announcer Josh Mattews |-+-
"Well that is a very good point Christian, The Rock hasn't shown up yet. Are you two concerned about this, and can you two trust The Rock?"

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"I think that Christian and I can trust The Rock, as much as Jericho isn't a legend. Which is like what, 110 percent! Wheter or not The Rock shows up, isn't the problem. The Rock knows he has a match, and The Rock knows who he is going to face. It's up to The Rock to show, not us. As for if he doesn't show, that's fine. The Rock has millions, and millions of his fans to worry about, which is understandable. Heck, we have like 75,000,000 fans of our own! So Rocky knows where he has to be. As far as winning Josh, winning tonight is going to be easy as pie! Ha, get it, Rock, pie. Ah, never mind, but really, we totally have it in the bag. The People Champion, with the REAL tag-team champs, facing off against the cheating Tag-Team champs, and the I wanna be champ Jericho! I think we have the upper hand man, and it'll show when Smackdown starts. I mean come on, do the fans of Smackdown want a champion to look just like us?"

*Edge and Christian pose for a moment.*

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"Or, do they want their tag-team champs to look like this?"

*Both Edge and Christian hold their hair back, and frown with a mean look.*

-+-| "King Of Coolness" Edge |-+-
"I so rest my case. Because one way or another Josh, those tag titles are coming back home to where they belong. Around the waist of Edge and Christian! And for Heyman, that is fact!"

*Both Edge and Christian smile. They give each other a high five, as they walk away from Josh. The scene ends with Josh just standing there watching them leave.*