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Big Elm

other interesting factoids...

     During the 1995-96 school year, we had internet access in the library and the computer lab.  In March 1997, every classroom was wired to the Internet with the help of parent volunteers. Using Federal Title I funds, a new multi-media computer was provided for every room to use the Internet. Every teacher received Internet training and their own e-mail address.   

     A large cafeteria provides breakfast and lunch for students and staff. Big Elm serves approximately 300 students for breakfast and about 500 lunches daily.

     The school gym is busy during the day with our students and is rented to local groups in the evening. During basketball season, two leagues give all ages a chance to play on a team.

    During the fall and spring, the Y.M.C.A. and P.T.A. sponser a school soccer team.

     The school has many parent volunteers and an active P.T.A. The P.T.A. planned and helped pay for a large playground. The play area has the regular play equipment, a basketball court, and a soccer field.

     The school and P.T.A. provide funds for every grade to take field trips each year.

     With a combination of wonderful children, interested parents, and dedicated teachers, Big Elm is truly "A Great Place to Grow!!"

     To see where Big Elm is click the tree...



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