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    This was the second race in the WVMBA series. I was ranked 8 because of the flat tire I had in the last race. This was a very large race with over 200 racers. The West Virginia University team was there, which surprised me because I thought they would be going to much bigger races. My start was very good, I was very close to the front of my class.

    At the beginning of the second lap I was still in the front of the pack but had some problems with my chain. It managed to get stuck somehow, which I have no idea how it could have happened in the spot it did. That only took a few minutes to fix and mainly the only people that passed me were experts. I was still in good shape.

    The rest of the race went very well and no one for the most part passed me. I managed to pass a few more people in my class who had gone out too fast and lost energy. I finished with a 4th place which pleased me very much. I was not worried that I was still ranked 6th in the standings because the season had just gotten underway.

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