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Christian Poet & Story Teller

Kathy's Poetry and Essays


Long ago upon a hill,
my Saviour went to die.
There alone on Calvary's tree
Now I know it should have been me!

When death had come,
they took HIM down.
Into a borrowed tomb to lie.
It should have been me they crucified.

An innocent man, the Son of God
for me the road of death HE trod.
For my sins, HE gave HIS blood.
My life to change beneath the flood.

"Life goes on" or so they say
but for me there is no way.
For me to be redeemed, to santify.
For you and me, HE came to die.

Now I reflect upon that cross
where HE died to save the lost!

I am thankful, I answered HIS plea.
After all, it should have been me,
who died on that tree!


Fierce, rageing
Cold, dark wind
Thou has touched my soul within.

Marching onward as with time,
Leaving no weakened one behind.

Death awaits us, it draws neigh.
There is no life that can pass it by.

Released from this mortal bound
Angels voices, sweet the sound.
Jesus stands to give me rest,
I slumber not, upon HIS breast.

Death thou frigid fingers be,
They can't hold us eternally.
Though I leave this world behind,
Pain, nor suffering are they mine!

Dry thy tears, my loved ones dear!
Do not weep for me.
For soon you will join me here,
Then together we will be
Praising God by the Crystal Sea!


Hands rough and calloused
from years of hard labor.
With tenderness he raises
his fiddle to his chest

Tightening the bow
Rosin for a smoother tone
He begins to play.
His first tune is ragged
Rough as the life that has preceded him.

With a twinkle in his eyes
Like the voices of angels in Heaven.
There comes a melody with the purity of gold.
Music that soothes the soul.
An old hymn he has known as a boy.

His feeble voice sings with clarity.
He sings the prayers of his heart
with the words of a saint on his lips.

His fingers are nimble,
bowing arm is free from pain.
His music today is played for
the LAMB that was slain!


Our paths have never
crossed, our eyes have never met.
You were gone when I came along,
My sons grieve for you yet.

You gave them life.
A few short years of hardship and strife.
Blended with laughter, love and tears.

Through your body you gave them life.
Your flesh, your bone
Together we have raised them, neither of us alone!

Thank you for these gifts I hold
These countless treasure yet untold
They called you Janice, they call me Mom.
Forever bound together,
We are the two faces of their Mother!


Clothes tattered and torn
shoes once new and shiny,
now are old, faded, and worn.

Dreams of youth and success
have gone the path where the winds blow
Hope for happiness takes flight to flee
as a chill fills the air
and rain gives way to snow.

Life was not always so bleak
Nor this body racked with pain.
Once strong and determined
now a mind confused with a body weak.

No one sees my tears
as I slumber in a doorway, or upon a grate.
No hand reaching out, no questions ask.
I guess you think I deserve my fate!

As I close my eyes once more
I see a home awaiting me.
With out stretched arms to gather me in,
JESUS has come to set me free!

All poetry,and essays found within these
pages are original works of Kathy Timmins.
As such are copyrighted soley to her.
Absolutely NO printing, copying, or other
use of these works will be allowed
without first obtaining written permission
from the author.

Graphics compliments of Wendy's Backgrounds