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Kathy's Poetry & Essays

Gentle Master

He is the potter,
I am the clay.
He is the carpenter,
I am the wood.

No need to lay up riches
or treasures here on Earth.
Compared to Heaven's mansions
our gold and silver have no worth.

When troubles creep around me
giving pain and great despair.
I cling to my Gentle Master,
for HE is always there.

HE lights my darkened pathway,
gives rest upon HIS breast.
Puts a song deep within my heart.

HE will never forsake me,
or from my side depart!

A Changed Life

How I love to remember
that evening long ago.
My heart so badly broken,
my tears freely flowed.

"Please forgive me God,
I'm a sinner!" was my honest plea.
"Your faith has brought you here;
my blood has set you free!"

I was forgiven, to go and sin no more
It took only a repenting heart,
my sinful life was over,
all of my shame HE bore.

My life changed that night
by the one who lives forever
They hung HIM on a cross so cruel

In a place called Calvary.
On that day long ago,
HE died to give eternal life to me!

Through My Grandma's Eyes

Her eyesight is dimmed
Still she looks at me.
Though she tries
She can not see.

She searches my face.
Tracing it's contour
With arthritic hand
Fighting back the tears,
I try to understand.

What does she see
Through those eyes of love?
Is it me,
The little girl of yesteryear?
Or is it Grandpa,
Whom she loved so dear?

Through eyes of faith to see
She always saw the best in me.

Now my prayer for all mankind,
Is to see the world
Through Grandma's eyes,
Eyes of faith, are never blind

Mary's Song

Oh tiny child of mine within,
Our unborn Savior who will come
to cleanse this world of sin.

What an honor!
What a thrill!
To be choosen to fulfill
this prophecy of old!

I have yet to see
your sweet face,
Or to touch your soft hand.

But when I hold you to my breast,
I'll be holding
GOD's salvation plan!

We have journeyed very far
to my husband's land.
My time has come to bear my son
in a stable near.

As you slumber we will rest.
You lay upon a cradle
a manger filled with hay.

Sleep well my child
my precious one.
For today the world
has received GOD's HOLY Son!

I Saw The Hand Of GOD

I saw the hand of GOD today
though flesh and blood were none
I saw HIS smile in the warmth
on the face of a child
felt HIS embrace in the warmth of the sun

I heard HIS laughter singing from the hills
saw HIS eyes twinkle in the stars of the skies.
I saw the hand of GOD today
though flesh and blood were none.

I saw the hand of GOD today
though others may not see
HIS loved expressed through human hands
that served a meal to me!

I saw the hand of GOD today
though there are those who don/t beleive. For GOD has taken human form
when with love, we serve another's need!

A Wedding Prayer

Marriage is a journey
of which we embark.
Two lives joined together,
their love sealed in their heart!

Love has no ending,
for we know where it began.
GOD created marriage,
giveing woman unto man.

"GOD is love. Those who love are
of GOD. Ye who do not know GOD,
does not love."
Seek always to follow this command.

Now as we journey through this life
Wives honor your husband.
Husbands, honor your wife.

Grace and Peace unto you.
for these things I pray!
May GOD richly bless you,
On this your wedding day!