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The Cheese Wizard

This is an interesting type of vendor. It injects the popular web- graphic wizard1.gif into your world. When pushed, either by you or a creature, it magically creates one of three randomaly chosen food items. The first is native to Albia, cheese. It's affects, in case you don't know, are as follows...

Chemical Amount

Hunger Decrease 250
NFP Decrease 10
Starch 150

The next item is a pear-ike fruit. Being such, it's very sweet. It's affects are as follows...

Chemical Amount

Hunger Decrease 200
NFP Decrease 50
Starch 50
Vitamin C 200

As you can see, it would be a fine treat, but isn't completely lacking nutrition. Moving on... This next one is intersting. It's a fruit. However, it has protective spikes that can be just a slight bit painful on your creature's pallet. It's affects are as follows...

Chemical Amount

Hunger Decrease 100
NFP Decrease 50
Starch 100
Pain 50

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