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Hi there, I am so glad you could visit this page; I made it for a very special friend who means alot to me. Her name is Pat and we have been friends for more than 10 years now but it seems like a lifetime. We met at church; she was the first one to talk to me and introduce herself. We have been friends since that day. If you continue to visit here, I will tell you a little more about my Forever Friend, Pat.

Let me tell you more about Pat. She is a very sweet friend and I admire her so much. She is a strong, courageous, sensitive woman who has been through alot over the past ten years but never lets any of it break her spirit. She may get discouraged at times but don't we all? She is very strong in her faith in God. She has that assurance that one day, she will be with her loving heavenly Father and all that she has been through will have been worth it. I am so proud of her; she is a hero to me. So much so that I wrote a story about her that got published online in an Ezine called "Straight From The Heart"! I will tell you why Pat is my hero.....

Pat and I enjoy getting together and doing "friend" things like shopping, having lunch together,chatting on the computer with each other, sitting and talking but mostly we do alot of sitting. We still enjoy each other's company. We don't get to do very many physical activities because Pat has Multiple Sclerosis and I have arthritis and fibromyalgia so our activities consist of mostly quiet ones. But we just take our time when we go somewhere and rest alot. Our limitations have never kept us from doing things together. Over the years, there have been many ups and downs in both of our familys but we have never let it keep us from remembering to keep in touch. At least every other day, by phone.

Pat's MS has affected the movement of her right side; she can move but the range is limited. She has to wear a brace on her leg, which can be quite tireing when she is walking. The MS has affected the muscles in her leg and arm so there is weakness there that keeps her from doing all the things she used to enjoy doing. She used to be a very active woman. I feel that God really had His hand in this friendship, to have brought us together. We have alot more in common than our limitations. We have our interests and our faith in God. We also have our compassion and sensitivity to each other so we know when there is something wrong, even when there has not been a word spoken about it. We can always talk to each other about anything. She is never judgemental and always tells me what is on her mind. I really appreciate her honesty, which she always speaks in love. All of this and more makes us the special friends that we are.

Pat, I hope you like this page I made for you. You are a very special friend and you mean alot to me. I hope that God will continue to bless me with your friendship. All that I have learned in making webpages I owe to you, for putting up with all my questions, for being patient with me, for showing me new things. Most of all, I thank God for all the blessings he has given me since becoming your friend. As you have heard me say before, I think that our friendship started in heaven and it has taken most of our lifetime to find each other again.

Pat has a website that is really wonderful; it really shows her love for God and her family. She would really appreciate it if you would visit her website, called ALMOST HEAVEN; please sign her guestbook to let her know you visited there. She has many pages that are very touching, especially her Testimony Page and her page about Living With MS. Be sure to have some tissues handy! Thanks for letting me share my FOREVER FRIEND, PAT, with you. I hope you have a friend in your life as special as she is.Here is the link to Pat's website, Almost Heaven. Just click on it to visit her.