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Hi there, glad you could visit my page about my family; on my main page, I mentioned a little about us and promised to tell you more about us and where we have lived during our childhoods and after quite a bit of time going by, I finally have gotten the time and my thoughts together! But first, let me tell you about the most important family of all! It is the Family of God that I am a member of; this is the family of people that are believers in Jesus as their Savior! When we all meet in heaven, we will have a great Family Reunion with our Heavenly Father! Now if if you think some of you have large families, you should just imagine just how large this reunion is going to be! I am really looking forward to seeing Jesus, my Savior, face to face and singing praises and worshipping Him with all the thanks that He deserves for sacrificing His life for mine and also yours. Have you accepted this gift He so unselfishly gave to you? Along with Jesus, there will be all the Bible Saints who have gone on ahead since the beginning of time. What a Family Tree we have!

I am the oldest child of a blended family of nine children; between my Mom and Dad, there are me and my sister; then my Mom had three brothers. During this time, my Dad fathered a girl in a relationship. Then, My Dad married someone else later on and became adopted father to the two daughters of his wife, who went on to have a son with him. That marriage ended. My Mom's marriages ended. My Dad has since fathered another daughter, who is 2 yrs. older than my son. So, we have a very large family! My husband, Lewis, is the oldest of three, all boys. They didn't have the blended family that I had. On this page, I will tell you bits and pieces of our lives, moments of interest. I do know that our lives have crossed paths several times in our childhood and we never new it until we met as adults and got married. You will find our more later.

One of the ways my husband and I have crossed childhood paths was at a place that had a large fireworks show for July 4th; It was the only place this was done and everyone in town went there. The kids would all run around playing with each other, not worrying about our safety cause it was during a time where everyone watched out for everyone elses kids! I found out that my husband's Dad and Mom was taking him there every year! My Dad was taking my sister and I there too! We could have been playing with each other and watching the fireworks together and not have even known!

Another time was at a place where everyone went to watch dirt bikes climb up a dirt bank and the one who got the furtherest without wrecking would get the trophy. Our families took us there too, so we probably ran around the field with the other kids there, playing tag, while the adults watched the dirt bike climbs!

When I turned nine years old, I had the opportunity to travel on a very large jet plane for the first time and go to a country I had never been to before! My step-dad was from Lapaz,Bolivia, South America; we went to visit his family and see his mom, who had been ill for quite a long time and was wanting to see her son. She was paralyzed on one side, in a wheelchair, and had the mental capacity of a mischievious five year old!! The family members that went on this adventure was my Mom, my Sister, and two brothers. The youngest brother was the son by my stepdad. We ended up staying about a year, and had many adventures while there. I can't say why we were there for that long when it was supposed to be a visit except to say what I remember and that was we had our passports and airline tickets stolen. It took quite awhile to get enough money to replace the tickets since they are not cheap!!

During this time of my living in South America and also spending time in Benton Harbor, Michigan; Richmond, Virginia; Baltimore,Maryland; Washington,DC; Dothan,Alabama; Miami, Florida, Lewis was living with his family here in our home town, going to the local elementary school. By the time I finally made it back to "old home" territory, his family was moving to Daytona, Florida! Talk about two ships that pass in the night! He went to the local elementary school and was in Florida while I was here in local Junior and Senior High. When he came back to go his Senior year at our local High School, I had went to Hickory, North Carolina to go my Senior year! Here we go again!! After I moved back to West Virginia, our home state, and was eventually in my first marriage, which later ended, Lewis was in Sevierville, Tennessee after his first marriage ended. We never crossed paths anymore since childhood until we met at a place of employment where I got a job and he had been there for almost three years! His best friend worked there and would come into my previous place of employment to eat on his dinner break and would always talk about me meeting his friend. I only lasted at this job for five weeks! It wasn't the kind of a job for a woman! By the time he got the nerve to ask me out, I was gone!! Here we go again! It sounds like so far, we were kept from meeting, doesn't it?

We ended up finally getting together when I went to a technical training college to further my education so I could get a job that would pay better than fast food places. I made friends with a girl who was the fiance' of Lewis's best friend, who was more like a brother since childhood. She mentioned me to her fiance' when Lewis was over visiting with them and he said I sounded familiar. He finally realized that it was the same lady that he had wanted to ask out and who had disappeared before he could talk to me! I had been thru a longterm relationship that had ended and I was getting over my broken heart so I had no interest in really seeing anyone seriously, much less even dating, so I told her to tell him I would go out on one condition: we had to double-date! And we would just be friends! Well, we went out to eat and then bowling and had fun; we had many more double-dates playing boardgames, renting good movies and getting pizza, etc. All along, I never saw him alone. During this time, I also was working somewhere else, going to school, and had recommitted my life to Jesus and was attending the church faithfully. I didn't want anything to interfere with this.

It was after having dinner together one evening that we were talking about different things and when I looked at him and saw him differently! I knew that I loved him and that God was telling me in my heart that HE had brought us together! I was kinda shocked, cause to be honest, he wasn't the "type" of guy that I would usually be interested in becoming friends with and getting to know better! He didn't fit the mold of what I was looking for in a future husband! So I know that God had his mighty hand in it! Now, after passing each other for most of our lives, we have been married since March 26, 1994. He has two daughters, which were mentioned on my first page and together,we have our son, Nathanial, who was born in May, 1995.

Our son, Nathanial, has been a blessing to me and will be my only child; I have always known that I wanted children but my first husband always came up with excuses why it wasn't the right time to start a family. God, in His perfect wisdom, new the whole picture and now I am glad that we never had children together. The kind of person he has become is someone who I wouldn't want as an influence to my children. So, I had Nathanial later than most people have their children. I will tell ya more about this adorable bundle of energy on a page I am going to make for him; he has already picked out his own graphics for me to put on his page! It is there that I will tell you some of his "cute stories" and "trying times to Mommy"! I hope I haven't lost you by now; if you are still here, please check out the rest of my pages! Also, please sign my guestbook to let me know you were here so I can return the favor.


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