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I have been facinated by Noah,his Ark,and what I remember about it when I see it on any decor that is made in the present time. All about the animals that showed up to go on a most fantastic journey with Noah and his family. But that isn't the main reason that I have always been intrigued with this Biblical character.

The real reason is because of a Rainbow. After the great flood that completly covered the earth with water was over,God decided that the big, beautiful Rainbow in the sky would become a sign of commitment of His love for them and the generations to come. This was to be a reminder to God of his covenant with every living creature,that never again would he cut off life by covering the whole earth with water. (Reference is from Genesis 9:8-11)

So, everytime I see a rainbow in the sky after a rain, I remember this promise that God made to his people and am comforted that God really does love me and only wants the best for me. I also think about Noah, that God must have really thought alot of him and his family, since he chose him for this remarkable journey. Noah was very close to God and open to hearing God speak to him, so he made himself available to be used by God for whatever mission God felt he could do. Noah was so trusting in God's requests that he didn't think to question God about this unusual mission. God only gave Noah very few details at a time. In the world today, people, myself included, find it hard to do anything asked of them by any human without asking some questions for more details!! I would have wanted more details before starting something that I didn't know how it would end. How about you? Would you have been so trusting of someone that you wouldn't even question their reasonings behind their request?

That is what faith and trust in God means: believing in something that you can't see or explain. (Reference from Hebrews 11:1-3) Do you have just a little speck of faith that God, our creator, has a plan for you life that is only to benefit you and not harm you? (Hebrews 11:40) Think about how faithful Noah was to God's request; when I do, I see that I am not showing the faith that I should,that I am not worthy of the love of God, but we receive God's love and forgiveness by His grace, not by our actions. (Ephesians 2:8 & Hebrews 2:9) Whenever you see a beautiful Rainbow, be reminded of God's promise to us. Remember God's love.

Praise God for his mercy, grace and forgiveness, that we all would receive the precious gift of Salvation, if you only reach up and take it. Please don't wait another day if you haven't accepted this wonderful gift.With God's love your soul can be healed. I know because I have been there and still feel the hurt of living in this world. I will give my testimony and more about myself and my family,my beliefs in God, my Father in Heaven on future pages. Until then.............


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Thanks,Wendy, for the great graphics!