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I see us as sinners that would have had no hope if it were not for God sending His only Son, Jesus. By bridging the great divide between heaven and helland giving up His own life, He died a dreadful, suffering death on a cross, so that we would have the chance to live forever in heaven. Jesus stood trial for crimes he didnt commit and was punished in ways that we would never have to go through, all because he loved us and didnt want us to perish in hell for eternity because of sin. There was no other way for our sin debts to be paid in full except for Jesus, spotless and pure, to pay the penalty in full for mankind. As the image at the beginning of this page shows, Jesus bridged the great divide and now waits in heaven to return again; In the meantime, christians are to tell others about this great gift that has been given to them to take freely, without costing anything except following Jesus and living their life for Him. Without Jesus, we would fall into the deep gulf into hopelessness. Which do you want? Life in heaven or death in hell? You decide; but dont wait too long; you are never promised tomorrow!

Do You know Jesus as your Savior? If not, or if you are not sure you are saved, I invite you to click on the link below....

"Ready For The Rapture?"

The Jesus artwork use on this page was done by Rick Berry; to see more of his work, click on the link below.....