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I am so glad you have found my page about why Thanksgiving is such a blessing to me. On this page, I hope to show the many blessings that have been in my life. I hope you will leave here feeling more blessed than you came.

Here is a poem that was sent to me recently and I felt it described how I feel:

"I'm Too Blessed To Be Stressed & Too Anointed To Be Disappointed"

I refuse to be discouraged, to be sad or to cry.
I refuse to be downhearted and here's the reason why:

I have a God who is almighty, who is sovereign and supreme;
I have a God who loves me and I am on His team.

He is all wise and powerful, Jesus is His Name;
Though everything else is changeable, My God remains the same.

I refuse to be defeated, my eyes are on my GOD;
He has promised to be with me as through this life I trod.

I am looking past my circumstances to heaven's throne above;
My prayers have reached the heart of God, I am resting in His love.

I give thanks to Him in everything, my eyes are on His face;
The battle is His, the victory is mine, He will help me win the race.


For as far back as I can remember, Thanksgiving has been a holiday that my family came together to share what we had to be thankful for over the past year. As a small child, we didn't go to church, but we still had alot to be thankful for. I have alot of wonderful memories of my family as we sat around the table eating our favorite foods that we fixed, as our tradition. Also of the love and the talking together, then just sitting around in contentment. As I got older, I got saved and had a different reason to be thankful, this time and all through the year. I had Jesus as my Savior. I didn't know much about what being a Christian was about during that time but knew that something special had taken place that made me want to be a different person. I was thankful for finding out about Jesus.

When I became an adult, I had found that I had strayed away. I had been searching for the happiness I found as a youngster when my family was all together. I realized that something was missing and that it was Jesus being an important part of that closeness of family. After turning back to God, I had new reasons for being thankful; Jesus had heard my cry out to Him and had shown mercy to me; He gave me another chance even though I sure didn't deserve it! He had been with me all of my life and didn't deserve the way I had not lived for Him. But through all of the bad choices, mistakes, sin I had let into my life, I was thankful that Jesus took all of that away and replaced it with acceptance, love, joy that I had come back to Him.

Father in Heaven, I lift up Your Holy Name in Praise to You! I bow in humbleness before You and give thanks for all the blessings You have given me; there have been many times You saw me sin against You but loved me anyway. I know you looked down in sadness at my straying away from You but waited for the day I would return to You and Your unconditional love for me, a love that never breaks my heart, never leaves me, always comforts me and helps to dry my tears. But most of all, You loved me enough to make a way for my sins to never be held against me! You sent your son, Jesus Christ, to take my place, to die for me as the perfect lamb of sacrifice. I deserved to punished but Jesus took that on Himself. For this, I am more thankful for, more than anything in the whole world. There is nothing I could ever need that would be more valuable than this precious gift of Salvation. On Thanksgiving Day, and everyday, I will lift up my hands to You in Thanks for saving me and preparing a way for me to be in heaven with You someday.