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Hi,again! I told you I loved to collect Strawberries!! I decided to put a beautiful poem about strawberries, that was written by one of our beautiful, older ladies from my church; I hope you will pull up a patch and read her poem.


I found them on a sunny hillside one summer day. Nourished and protected by leaves of summers gone. A field of wild strawberries, plump and red, Sweet as honey to the taste, What manna to feed upon!

God, in His wisdom, had hidden them away; Far from the hustle and bustle of city streets. A place of quiet serenity, a place to pray, A wealth of wild strawberries at my feet.

Upon leaving, I thought: how sweet a feast from God! And seeing yet while blossoms on display, I knew within my happy, hunger-fed heart, I would return for such a feast another day. Written By Mozelle Swatts

When I look at and taste strawberries, I see just one of the wonderful things God made for us to enjoy. How about you? Do you enjoy the wonder and beauty that God has created for us or do you take everything for granted that it will always be there? Take time to eat strawberries, enjoy the breezes, watch the clouds, smell flowers after they bloom. What a boring world this would be with out all the great beauty that is provided for us!

Thanks, Rosalie, for the great graphics!

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