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This is a touchy, but interesting subject for a lot of people. Everyone wants to know the answer to the burning question in all of our minds... "What happens to us when we die?"

I don't care what anyone thinks. There is no one on this planet who can tell us what happens to us when we die. The only way you can find out for sure is to die, and then guess what... you ain't coming back to tell me about it!

What I can tell you is what I believe. Take it or leave it, that's fine with me, it's what I believe. I've said it before and I'll say it again; What works for you, might not work for me. I have no proof or quotes to back this up, only hope...

I believe in reincarnation (could you tell by the ankh??) Many, but not all, Pagans and Wiccans do. It is the basic idea that while our physical body dies, our soul or inner body lives on. My beliefs more specifically also include a "heaven like" area. This may seem cooky, but I saw a movie once, that just seemed to make sense. There was this beautiful place which had many different names. Some people called it Heaven, others called it Summerland. It didn't matter the name, all that mattered was that you were there. In this place you looked your best, you were always happy and you were given a choice. If you wanted, you could live another life, but you would not remember your old lives while you lived this new one. Now, why would you choose this?? Although you have no specific memories, you retain all of the skills you mastered in your other lives. By living more lives, you get the chance to master more things. To me, this explains why some people just seem to be naturally talented at certain things. It's not natural... they just mastered it in a past life.

Seems like a nice idea right? Well, remember, that's all it is, an idea. No one really knows for sure. So, what happens to the bad people you ask?? Well as a firm believer in Karma, I think people get what they deserve while they are still alive. They don't need to by punished anymore after that. Maybe they don't get the choice,I don't know. I'll guess I'll have to wait and see...

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