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OH MY GOSH!!! Never in a million years did I think I would win this one. I am so very very proud of this. Thank you so much I.A.W.M.D.

The best thing about these two is that I didn't even apply for them. I just had an e-mail on day telling me that I won! Thank you so much... these were my first two awards and I treasure them dearly.

Awarded on July 11, 2001

Awarded on July 12, 2001! These came from Delphina at Thanks Delphina!!

Awarded July 12, 2001! This web award came from Emerald Cypress Dragon and they can be found at Emerald Cypress Dragon

I received both of these on July 14, 2001. Thank-you Rev. Crimson at

I was awarded this one on July 31, 2001! Thanks WWOTW!

I was awarded these two from the Sacred Circle Metaphysical Shoppe and Pagan Resource Center on August 6. Their website can be found at Sacred Circle. Thank you.

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