Angus Mac Og: God of youth, love and beauty
Anann: Mother Earth, Goddess of plenty
Arawn: God of the Underworld, revenge, terror and war
Arianrhod: Goddess of reincarnation, Full Moon and Sky Goddess
Badb: Goddess of life, wisdom, enlightment, and inspritation
Bel: Sun and Fire God
Boann: Goddess of the river
Branwen: Goddess of love and beauty
Brigit: Goddess of fertility and the feminine arts
Cernunnos: the Horned God, God of Nature
Cerridwen: Moon Goddess, Great Mother
Creiddylad: Goddess of summer and flowers
Diancecht: Physican and magician
Don: Queen of the Heavens, Goddess of the sea and air
Druantia: Queen of the Druids
Dylan: God of the sea
Elaine: Maiden
Epona: Goddess of horses
Flidais: Goddess of the forest, woodlands, and wild things
Goibniu: God of weapons
Gwynn: King of the Faeries and the Underworld
Llyr: God of the sea and Water
Macha: Mother of life and death, war Goddess
Math Mathonwy: God of sorcery, magick and enchantment
Merlin: Magician and Druid
Morrigan: War Goddess
Rhiannon: Goddess of birds and horses
White Lady: Queen of the dead
Finished Here?