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What Is A Magick Circle?

So what the heck is a magick circle anyway? When followers of other religions perform or attend rites, they usually have a place of protection that they can go to. A church for example. Us solitary Witches do not have such luxury. Many times we perform rituals in our homes or outside (if we are lucky). A magick cicle serves as protection. Image a bubble which surrounds you on all sides. It glows with either a blue or white light (some people say flames, but I see it as a light) and feels comfortably warm inside. It is in this "bubble" that you can perform rituals and spells.

A Bit About Sacred Spaces

I touched on this subject a bit in the section about altars. The difference between a sacred space an a circle is that a circle is not a permanent space. Once you are done performing rituals and spells a circle is closed. A sacred space is a spot, either inside or outside, that you have chosen for a spiritual area. It is an area that is cleansed and consecrated with the positive powers of the God and Goddess. Most people choose to have a permanent altar or shrine in their sacred space. But this is a personal choice that you alone make.

How To Cast A Magick Circle

There is no one way to cast a circle. Every book I've read and every website I've visited has a different method. I can give you a suggested method, but it may not work for you. I had to try quite a few until I found one that I felt comfortable with.

Some of the variations that you will see will be what people say, when they say it, if they say anything at all, what order things are done in etc. I found that speaking was very distracting. I found myself trying to remember words instead of concentrating on the task at hand.

The first thing I do is "sweep" the area to get rid of any negative energies floating around. I am very fond of using Elements whenever I can, so I have a candle representing the four Elements. Red for Fire, blue for Water, yellow for Air and green for Earth. I place them at their appropriate directions, forming a circle around me. I light each of the candles, starting with Earth and moving in a clockwise direction. I move to my altar and light my balance candles and hold my athame in my hand. Sometimes I like to sit just for a moment and relax. I walk over to the Earth (green) candle. At this point you can vary from what I do. Since I don't like to use a lot of words I envision the energy from the candle (hence the energy from Earth) entering into my athame. I see it as a stream of green light that flows into the tip of the athame. I repeat this process for all the other Elements and then move to the centre of the circle. I then raise my arm to about shoulder length and move in a clockwise motion and envision the energy I gathered in my athame shooting out and as I move it forms a circle of light around me. It usually only takes two or three complete turns for me to see the pale blue globe around me.

Many people like to call the Elements out loud or in their head instead of visualizing. Whatever comes easier to you will work best.

How To Close A Magick Circle

Again this is the method that I use and just because it works for me, doesn't mean that it will work for you. I simply raise my hand above my head and turn counterclockwise and say "The circle is open, may it never be broken."

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