When it comes to Deities; this is where my interest lies. I have always identified with Egyptian culture and mythology - more specifically with Isis. Enjoy! I hope this page brings you the joy it brought me.
Below is a short description of some of the more popular Egyptian Gods and Goddess. Click on the names to see a picture of them.
Amen: "The Hidden One"; Creation deity
Anubis: God of the Dead
Anuket: Goddess of cool water
Bast: Goddess of the Cat
Bes: Dwarf God believed to guard against evil spirits and misfortune
Chons: Moon God
Duamutef: Protector of the stomach of the deceased
Edjo: Serpent Goddess who protected Lower Egypt
Geb: God of the Earth
Hathor: Cow Goddess
Horus: Divine prototype of the Pharaoh
Imhotep: God of medicine
Imsety: Protector of the liver
Isis: Mother Goddess
Ka: Egyptian name for vital life force
Maat: Goddess of truth and justice
Mentu: War God
Min: Goddess of fertility
Mut: Wife of Amen
Neith: Goddess of war and wisdom
Nephthys: Goddess of the Dead
Nut: Goddess of the sky and heavens
Osiris: God of the underworld and of vegetation
Ptah: Creator of the Universe
Qetesh: Goddess of love and beauty
Ra: Sun God
Seker: God of Light
Selket: Scorpion Goddess; helper of women in childbirth
Set: God of Chaos
Shu: God of Air
Sobek: Crocodile God
Tefnut: God of moisture and clouds
Thoth: Moon God
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