The picture above basicly summarizes this section nicely. I am a firm believer that there is only ONE God... it is how we view him/her/it that differs. Some people see this power as a man, or maybe a dual diety. How we see God doesn't matter, what is important is that we appreciate a power that is greater than us.
Wiccans do not believe that their Gods are the one and only true Gods. We will never tell you that what you believe is wrong. A belief is as personal to you as your DNA is. I live my life by the moto; "What works for you, doesn't necessarily work for me." What do I mean, you ask? Well, basicly I'll respect you, you should then respect me and we'll agree to disagree. There will no converting or attempting to change eachother. RESPECT is the key word... the world would be a much happier place if we would just remember that.
For those of you who are Non-Pagan, all I ask is that you view this website, and all website that detail a religion that is not yours, with an open mind, heart and the utmost respect. This site is not hear to change the way you think or feel about your God, it's only here to educate and perhaps bring a laugh or smile into your life.
I wish you all many blessings and if anyone wants to discuss this topic further with me, my e-mail address is below. All I ask is that no hate mail me sent my way. Remember what you mother once said; "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"
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