Now I bet that most of you have checked this link before and to your disappointment have found nothing. This page has been blank for over a year now... not because I don't practice spells or rituals, but because I was debating whether or not to put any spells on this page.
Ritual and spells are something that is very personal and private to a Witch. The danger with providing others with your spells and rituals is that 1) they are no longer "yours" anymore and 2) you may be providing information to people who are not yet ready to handle that kind of magick.
After much himing and hawing, I've decided to put some broad information on this page. I will be providing you with a ritual and spell worksheet (from To Ride a Silver Broomstick) and some links on Candle Magick etc. As time passes, more will be added, so thank you for your patience. Many blessings to all of you.
Here is a little section on one of the first forms of magick most Wiccans learn; including myself.
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