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Witch Way

This is an area that I know little about. I am a solitary Pagan and therefore do not practice in a coven. Most traditions take place in a coven setting. It is not to say that Solitaries cannot practice a specific tradition, they can, I have chosen an eclectic path. Basicly, I practice what works best for me. Below I will give you a brief definition of the traditions that I know of. This list is by no means complete and much of the information I have obtained is from Silver RavenWolf's To Ride a Silver Broomstick. I'm planning on adding some links below so that you can research some specific traditions further.


Founded by Alex Sanders in England. They spawned from the Gardnerian tradition with variations in tools and rituals. Many of their rituals have been modified with Juedo-Christian and ceremonial magick elements. Their covens work skyclad and the God/Goddess are observed during ritual.

British Traditional

They are a combination of Celtic and Gardnerian beliefs. They are very structured in their practices and train their new members through a degree process. Their covens are coed and the most famous organization currently is the International Red Garters.


The Celtic tradition has many branches itself such as Druids, Celtic Shamans and Celtic Wicca. The Elements, Nature and the Ancient Ones are heavy stressed and worked with during ritual. It is one of the most popular traditions focusing on areas such as healing with stones and herbs, flowers, trees, plants, gnomes and faeries. The God and Goddess are worshipped as well as the 8 Sabbats. They are best known for their animism... that everything on Earth has a spirit.


Since the Dianic tradition works mostly with the Goddess, they have been labeled as the feminist tradition. Most covens who only worship the Goddess include only women. There are some Dianic covens who have male members, but these covens see the God as the Goddess consort. Within the tradition, their structure is quite eclectic and loose.


Those who are eclectic (like myself) do not follow any one tradition. Instead they incorporate many elements of Pagan or Earth-based religions. They use what works best and what has worked in the past.


This specific tradition was started by Gerald Gardner in England. It was one of the first denominations that made itself known publicly. Although they tend to emphasize the Goddess more, they view Her as equal to the God. Covens are coed and advancement is done through the degree system. Whenever possible, covens have an equal number of males and females to emphasize balance.


Many of the practices of this tradition focus on Animal Magick, Earth's cycles and Nature itself. They have the ability to communicate with Nature's animals on a higher level than the average indivdual. They also possess healing powers.


Basicly this is a person who practices alone regardless of tradition of belief. A solitary can be a person who once was a member of a coven and for one reason or another decided to leave, or they can be a person who chooses to learn on their own from books, Internet and/or networking.


This tradition was started by a women named Aradia in Italy during the year 1353. There are not a large number who practice this tradition which makes it difficult to find information about their practices.


The Teutons are a group who are recognized as a people to speak the Germanic languages. This tradition is also known as the Nordic Tradition and can include the English, Dutch, Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish people.

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